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This Symbol implies the need to push ahead in difficult times, going alone and coping even in the most difficult circumstances. It also shows being self sufficient, or someone with a big journey to complete. You may find that your situation has been like an arduous journey, but there could still be further to go. Be confident that you have the reserves to survive and the endurance to succeed. Although you may like the company and assistance of others, in the end you can really rely only on yourself. Self sufficiency and mental self-control are necessary as is a commitment to get to the other side of your issue.
Completing the journey while protecting oneself from spiritual ‘sunstroke’. The tests of karma. Having to carry the load, often for others, over long distances. Stamina. Reserves.

Not preparing properly. Running out of reserves. Feeling weighed down and in danger of not finishing the objective. Big plans with no backup. Mirages.

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