Mercury On The Prima Donna Degree: Cancer 21
Mercury is on Cancer 21: A PRIMA DONNA SINGING
The ‘prima donna’ is someone who stands out front and makes statements and brings the myths of society together in a play that allows us to understand the cultural impetus – at least in the direction she is facing. Are you allowing your voice to be heard? Are you letting others drown you out? Do others have more say in your life than you? Are there things that you really want in your life but have not yet given voice to?
This Symbol speaks of talent and the ability to be able to use that talent and to bring it out into the open so that others may enjoy. The Prima Donna is number one at her art: she gets center stage and fills people with joy at the sound of her voice. You, too, may want to use your voice or your talents to sway your audience – those listening – although you could find that others may brand you as demanding attention. You could find that your talents will be tested to their extreme, but, if you can open your heart and let your inhibitions go, then you will please your audience and fulfill yourself. Where there’s a lot of voices, yours probably will be the one most listened to.
Powerful voice. Emotional dramatizations. Taking center stage. Messages that need to be heard for social reasons. Commanding attention. Having control and good timing.
The Caution: Overplaying one’s role. Displaying noisily. Driving people to distraction. Not keeping quiet. Wanting everyone to listen or do what you want. Passions shown off.