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The Sabian Symbol for Mars is Scorpio 9: A DENTIST IS HARD AT WORK

Steve Martin as The DentistWhat situations, things or relationships need work? How can you fix those things that need fixing? What needs healing? Can you come up with some novel or unusual, or, hopefully, less stressful or expensive way of getting the job done? Maybe you’re feeling like you’re in the dentists’ chair and having some painful extractions? Is it time to protect yourself from outside forces that want to cause you pain or don’t have your best interests at heart?

This Symbol shows the necessity, or the ability, to be able to fix or remedy situations that need help and to repair things, whether it’s teeth, bodies, minds or mechanical objects – anything that needs to be repaired. The “Dentist” has to find out what’s wrong in situations, to perform a diagnosis, in order to restore their function so they work smoothly and efficiently once again. We must nourish our bodies, minds and spirits, on all levels, but even with healthy habits and healthy minds regular maintenance and repairs are still in order; the “Dentist” needs to repair this sometimes unnecessary damage. e.g. finance, health, stress etc.

Drilling into things. Plugging up situations. Being the responsible one who always has to fix things. Therapists. Treatments. Pain relief. Improving one’s bite. Medical equipment.

The Caution: Getting further into a hole by using more and more social solutions. Causing pollution and damage. Severe pain. Always alert to problems. Not resting.