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In the end, everything is a gag. Charlie Chaplin

Sometimes when reading Goethe I have the paralyzing suspicion that he is trying to be funny. Guy Davenport

The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up. Mark Twain

To make mistakes is human; to stumble is commonplace; to be able to laugh at yourself is maturity. Proverb

The ultimate test of whether you possess a sense of humor is your reaction when someone tells you you don’t. Frank Tyger

Not one shred of evidence supports the notion that life is serious. Anon

A serious and good philosophical work could be written consisting entirely of jokes. Ludwig Wittgenstein

Different taste in jokes is a great strain on the affections. George Eliot

September’s full Moon occurs on September 24 in the U.S., and, on September 25 in Australia. It is a full on doozy of a full Moon, and, it could be a very challenging one, although, it could turn out to be very rewarding. Saturn, which has been stationary on the same degree for several weeks, is tightly squaring this full Moon, so, we could be feeling restricted, held back, or, feeling an almost extreme pull to do something to better one’s situation, all the while feeling rather too full of responsibilities and duties. Saturn could see us feeling like we want more ‘me time’, more love, more ease, more surety, but, we may feel be feeling enormous pressure to move just as much as we can feel stuck. Certainly, things from the past that no longer serve may get swept away, whether we want it to happen or not, and, this could lead to a clearing of the decks of the old and outworn (on any level).

Further on the Saturn theme, to lay it out: Saturn is squaring the Moon, squaring the Sun, squaring Chiron, and, squaring Mercury. It’s also quincunxing the north Node, and, semi-sextiling Mars and the south Node. That’s a lot of Saturn. Saturn is, also, trining Uranus. So, through concentrated effort, we can find ourselves pushing past the past, and, pushing past limitations and frustration, and, moving into a whole new realm of being. However, we have to be prepared to venture into the new in order to fully realise the promise of the Saturn/Uranus trine.

On the other hand, Uranus is also featured strongly at this full Moon. It has been squared by Mars for several days, indeed, several weeks as Mars has been retrograde (and, squaring Uranus). Mars is now moving forward, but, it is still moving rather slowly (at least for Mars), so, the tension, anger, upsets, urge to change, the urge to be freed, etc, can be incredibly strong, as it has been for many people these few last weeks, especially if people, events, situations, our own limitations, etc, get in the way. This is made stronger by Mars being conjunct the Moon’s south node. The Black Moon Lilith is also right there, on Aquarius 6: A MASKED FIGURE PERFORMS RITUALISTIC ACTS IN A MYSTERY PLAY conjunct the south Node and Mars. It seems the message there is that we really have to let go of issues, upsets, disappointments, anger, or themes from the past, it’s almost imperative. And, we may find ourselves severing some relationships, especially as Venus is in a grand cross with Mars, Uranus and the Nodes. It’s all happening, it seems. We could be feeling pushed this way and that, but, as I said above, this can be a very productive time.

Meanwhile, Jupiter, is in Scorpio, balancing on a cusp between two degrees – one talks about deserting one’s post, or, going AWOL, and, the other talks about ‘picking on those who are smaller, younger, less able to defend themselves’ – picking off things (people, animals, ideas, etc) one by one. Jupiter is almost back at the degree that it went retrograde on in early March of this year – Scorpio 24: CROWDS COMING DOWN THE MOUNTAIN TO LISTEN TO ONE INSPIRED MAN. It’s not there yet, but, it will be by the end of the first week in October , and, I often see that degree referring to offices like president and prime minister. It also refers to religious leaders, and, anyone who has a big audience. It will be very interesting to see who goes to the head of the pack and gets the most attention in the coming few weeks. As Jupiter moves out of its shadow, it will be moving over new territory, and, I’m hoping that war is not part of that equation. Inspiration = much better.

So, yes, this can be a productive time, especially if we put our shoulders into it and give life a good shove in the right direction. And, the best news, to my way of thinking, is that the Sun is transiting over the Super Galactic Center (the degrees of the SGC are Virgo 29 to Libra 6 – in my estimation), and, this means that we would do really well to concentrate on our self talk, scrub negative thinking, concentrate on where we’re going (not on where we’ve been), and, make our affirmations. Neville Goddard, my favourite teacher, says that we have to make an assumption that you already have what you want to have. You already own it. No second guessing. Go to sleep with that belief and don’t waver. We can always work miracles in our lives, but, especially when we have activity going on on the SGC.

This is made even stronger by Mercury being on the major ‘make your own reality’ degree of the SGC – Libra 6: A MAN WATCHES HIS IDEALS TAKING A CONCRETE FORM BEFORE HIS INNER VISION. As always, we would do well to have a clear idea (you don’t need lists, just see the larger picture, I reckon) of what we want.

Also, Venus in Scorpio is in it’s shadow period as it’s about to turn retrograde in a few weeks time (for forty days and forty nights, which can have us feeling like we’re somewhat in the ‘wilderness’), so, we have some time to do our homework, spruce up on our self-care, attend to things that need attending to (taxes, finances, relationships, intimacy issues, etc).

Time for some firm affirmations, most of all. And, this, like a lot of other times, but particularly now, is a good time to really be watching our reactions. We might learn something valuable about ourselves, others, life, the universe, everything.

There’s more to say about all of this, there always is. I included several of the Karmic and Quest Degrees in this newsletter as they are so incredibly telling. But, there’s always much more to say. Even if it feels rather confronting, I reckon we can enjoy this full Moon. There’s a lot going on that’s very positive and freeing, in amongst it all.

And, after all, the Sabian Symbol of this full Moon is about remembering to laugh, to see the humor in situations, people, life, the universe, everything. The ‘Comedian’ can drop pretenses and laugh at the human condition. I think that’s what will help see us through these rather trying times.

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The full Moon each month marks a time of heightened energies and events. It often marks the culmination of the energies released at the new Moon. Emotions can be supercharged as the Sun and Moon are on opposite sides of the zodiac and illumination is increased – it’s like we can see in the dark – and we can be hyper-aware as well as being hyper-awake. The effects of a full Moon can be major or minor, depending on how they interact with your own chart. Sometimes, realisations or events that are unleashed, or unlocked, can stretch their meaning months into the future. A lot can be learned at the time of the full Moon and whether it’s lunacy or illumination, or a combination of both, there’s magic unleashed with every full Moon.
Full Moon:   Sep 25, 2018   2:52 am GMT

 The full Moon is on Aries 2: A COMEDIAN ENTERTAINING A GROUP OF FRIENDS – the following interpretation is from my book: The Sabian Oracle: 360 Degrees Of Wisdom – 

Commentary: ‘A Comedian Entertaining a Group of Friends’ is seen. The function of the ‘Comedian’ is to show that there’s a need to have a lighter and more positive attitude to ourselves, others and life in general. He’s ‘Entertaining a Group of Friends’ which promotes a feeling of coming together or sharing through laughter and fun. The talk may center on people, things or situations with the more amusing aspects brought out. An objective awareness of life can bring enjoyment to concerns as we see things in a different or wider perspective.

Oracle: We often need to be reminded that we are essentially human and share the same imperfections, frailties and shortcomings as the next person. Look for the fun in what’s going on around you as light relief can often be found through seeing the humor and the funny side. In answer to your question this Symbol often shows that there’s a need to let go of seriousness. Try looking at things with a smile on your face. Simple changes in attitude or approach can often free your mind and bring about a much better outcome. However, this can show somebody not taking life seriously enough or perhaps putting on a show to get attention or to be liked. Look at what’s happening and evaluate it: Is there any truth in what’s being said or is it really just a joke? Although there is often pleasure in sharing fun, sometimes it is just masking the more serious aspects of the situation. The old saying “many a truth is told in jest” is often right. Things are often revealed by a slip of the tongue. Whatever, remember; it’s good to be lighthearted–and other people’s spirits will probably be raised at the same time.

Keywords: Seeing the funny side. Having insights. Always being on the ‘go’ mentally. Putting on a show for others. Having presence and charisma. Being the life of the party. Banter. Cracking up with laughter. Ragging each other. Humorous interplay. Saying what the group wants to hear. Jokes. The buffoon. Inside jokes. The jester.

The Caution: Being silly or trivial to avoid reality and gain acceptance. Feeling separate because of different views. Not seeing the light side. Being a bore with many irrelevant things said. Being flippant and insincere. Not being amused. Demanding the spotlight. Feeling responsible for how others feel. Not knowing when to stop. Not having good boundaries.

The Karmic Degree for the full Moon is Aries 1: A WOMAN HAS RISEN OUT OF THE OCEAN, A SEAL IS EMBRACING HER

This degree is the beginning of the zodiac where the old gets left behind and a new understanding and awareness comes to light. Something new is

'The Mermaid' by Howard Pyle

emerging and it needs to be welcomed and nurtured. This is the beginning of a whole new impulse, creative and responsive. There’s an emergence of a whole new potentiality. Resist looking back to outgrown and unsatisfactory conditions in your life as they can pull you back to old and unrewarding ways of being. This is also about finding your voice and your feet.

Keywords: Cycles starting. Beginnings. Emergence into concrete manifestation. Embracing and honoring the shadow. Recognizing our animal side. Tropical islands or lands. Rocky shores. Seals. Oceans and water. Shedding skins. Transmutation. The Selkie myth. Grounding one’s energy. Stepping between the sea and the shore. Androgyny. Love and its embrace. Finding your feet and your voice. Mermaids.

The Caution: Using masculine power to overshadow emotions. Refusing to move on. Feeling held back by fears and old life patterns. Falling back into previous, unsatisfactory conditions. Dragging others backwards. Immobilizing fear of the unknown. Being just another “fish in the sea”.


This Symbol shows that there is a need for an objective awareness of how your life fits into the larger picture. How do you, and others, fit into this situation? Does your ‘Profile’ define you in a different way from what you’d like, or are you happy with your image? You may find you have a more important role than you previously thought. Imprint your mark on life by becoming a shining example of your country, tradition, beliefs or culture. However, try not to become too identified with externals or seeking recognition from the people around you.

Keywords: Observing one’s limitations. Living a life that is large. Atlases and maps. Standing by one’s self. Allegiances with creed, religion, race or country. Nationhood. Brotherhood. The land. People in uniforms of any kind. The face of fighters who fought ‘the good fight’. Borders and limitations to activity. Identification. Expatriates.

The Caution: Stereotyping one’s self or others. Blindly following the dogma of parents, government or officials. Not seeing the true essence of one’s self. Expecting to fit into some “shape” or model. Becoming identified with externals. Seeking recognition from others.

The Moon symbolizes: Emotions, moods, mother, family, clan, domestic issues, relationship to home and country. Feelings, sentiments, nourishment, emotional nurturing, monkey chatter mind, lunar and menstrual cycles, clarity of emotions or lunacy. Female energy – yours and others.

 The Sun is on Libra 2: THE LIGHT OF THE SIXTH RACE TRANSMUTED TO THE SEVENTH – this is the degree of the Super Galactic Center.

This wonderful Symbol shows a time of new beginnings with an implementation of a brand new order. Often, this shows people being interested in attaining spiritual transformation and attainment. As you change and grow there’s a need to respect the value of what is waning, and to take the best qualities with you into your future. This often shows being within reach of your ultimate potential. Some aspects of society are left behind for a higher, more evolved state. Ascension to a higher order is pictured, but there is a need to remain rooted in the reality of practicality, lest one loses one’s way.

Keywords: Younger or more vital elements taking over from the elders. The fruits of the new age. Theosophy-Blavatsky’s theories. Finding kindred spirits. Sharing visions. Ascension and evolution. Inheritances that move one forward. Growing older and wiser. UFO’s and aliens. Music that lifts one’s spirits. Gurus and avatars. Demarcations of evolution. Transmutations. Indigo children. Evolving.

The Caution: Losing touch with practical survival. Can be racial (or other) discrimination. Feeling that one is from a “higher” order (or more evolved) than other people. Leaving others behind.


This Symbol implies something vital and beautiful being “Preserved” so the passing of time doesn’t age, decay or destroy it. Beauty in shape or form has been frozen in one moment denying the natural process of decay. An archetypal death is symbolized; a perfection through sacrifice. As inspiring as this process can be, this can bring difficulties in moving on or changing situations. People can feel stuck, like they have no choice, can’t move forward are trapped or are being used for something that they don’t agree with. However, this does bring some wonderful rewards with longevity and a sense of something eternally good attached to it.

Keywords: Perfection and beauty made immortal. Holding onto things or events from the past. Unchanging realities. Moments frozen in time. Superficiality. External beauty that’s lacking animation. Pinning things up so they can be admired. The “handiwork” of creation on display. Transfiguration. Suspension in time. Posters.

The Caution: Impinging others’ growth for selfish needs. Surrender and immobilization. Pinned down and unable to move. The attempt to freeze things from growing naturally. Placing importance on preserving appearances at the expense of all else. Staying far too long. Seeing no future. Having no past. Not letting go.


This Symbol pictures sudden, new beginnings happening in one’s life. Things can change so quickly that it’s hard to believe at first, but eventually it dawns on you that things are different in the light of a “New Day”. Take heart, realize that the darkness is abating, gradually let go of what went before and embrace the new opportunities that beckon. This can show someone who moves around a lot or goes through several big transformations in their lives or have to weather big changes that often come up. However, there’s a need to guard against being fickle and wanting to move on too readily when one should perhaps stay with a situation and work on it.

Keywords: New perspectives and realizations. Waking up to a whole new consciousness or sense of reality. Emerging from depression. Huge changes that erase things that mattered before. Radical shifts. Major life experiences. Being reborn. Events out of nowhere. Changes of fortune. Revitalized perspectives. Coming out of a sleep.

The Caution: Holding on despite all evidence and reason to move on. Refusing to believe that things are getting better. Waking up and not knowing where one is. Fickleness. Change for the sake of change. Sticking with the old. Having to adjust continually to changing circumstances. Unstable behavior.

The Sun symbolizes: One’s core center, spirit, heart, issues to do with father, men, self, ego, your male side. How you radiate your sense of being. What others see, how you are recognized or remembered, sense of identity and connection with male energy – yours and others.


This Symbol is one of the few Sabian Symbols that speak directly of the idea of the ‘law of attraction’; as a person imagines, so does their outer reality take shape and bring to them what they were imagining. In your life you’ll find vivid examples of thoughts manifesting as things – other times they may happen without you really realizing it. Ideals are not only bought into the light of reality but they are put to the test. This shows the ability to be able to visualize your thoughts and feelings and it possible to project your creative ideas out into the real world. What you think will happen can happen.

Keywords: Vivid confrontations with one’s objectives. Creative visualizations. Imagining things. Meditations and affirmations. Ideas crystallized. Putting things out into the universe. Making things happen. Seeing things take shape and form. Clairvoyance. Film making. Writing and getting published. The power of manifestation. Solidification. Builders. Sculptures. Dreams.

The Caution: Being dissatisfied with what was thought to be the true ideal. Feeling that things are “written in stone” and can’t be changed. Calcified situations or emotions. Neurosis. Focusing on the negative thereby bringing the negative.


This Symbol implies the gaining of wisdom and the passing on of knowledge to others who are receptive to the teachings. It can also show ‘channeling’ of pure instinctual knowledge. Whether you are a “Student” or a “Teacher”, information is available to you and others and there’s much to be learnt. The “True Inner Knowledge” may be conventional teachings or wisdom, although it’s more likely to be more modern concepts that are being passed on as this is about “The New World”. Insight, knowledge, and, experience are present. Conventional certifications of knowledge, such as diplomas, are probably not important; it’s what’s being brought through that’s important.

Keywords: Guidance and protection on the path. Being a guiding light for others. Imparting knowledge. Wisdom. Looking for truth. Seeking answers to complicated questions. Listening and learning. Turning to others to receive guidance. Speaking one’s truth. Instinctual knowledge. Pioneers on the path. Teachers and students. Secrets of the new age.

The Caution: Dogmatism. Believing that one has the only answers. Arrogance. Evangelism. The blind leading the blind. Feeling above everybody. Gurus and cult dogma.


This Symbol shows someone who nourishes and protects and feels a sense of being in charge and being responsible for those who can’t look after themselves. There is probably the need to look after those in your care, whether persons, things or ideas. There could be dangers that no-one else seems to be taking seriously, however your efforts to protect and nourish will be rewarded in the future. Feeding, nourishing and protecting those around you will pay off sometimes in unexpected ways. There’s a need to be careful not to favor some far more than others or to take too much on, or feel responsible for everything and everyone as this can exhaust and limit what you’re trying to accomplish.

Keywords: Nurturance, protection and guardianship. Being on the lookout for changes in the atmosphere. Spotting problems that nobody else notices. Shielding innocents from “bad-guys”. Motherhood and the stress of it. Predators. Being firm with outsiders. Asylum. Places of residence

The Caution: Over-protection. Not coping with problems. Not allowing others to grow up. Being picked on. Seeing the world as a big scary place. Attacking others. Favoritism.

Mercury symbolizes: Mind, thought, communication, memory, expression, intelligence. News, exchanges, chatting, conversations, short journeys, connections with others, telephones, emails, siblings, neighbors, the reasoning mind. Day-to-day activities. Cars, keys, small animals.

 Venus is on Scorpio 9: A DENTIST IS HARD AT WORK

This Symbol shows the necessity, or the ability, to be able to fix, remedy or repair things, whether it’s teeth, bodies, minds or mechanical objects – anything that needs maintenance or to be repaired. The “Dentist” has to find out what’s wrong in situations, to perform a diagnosis in order to restore the function so they work smoothly and efficiently once again. We must nourish our bodies, minds and spirits, on all levels, but even with healthy habits and healthy minds regular maintenance and repairs are still in order; the “Dentist” needs to repair this sometimes unnecessary damage. e.g. finance, health, stress etc.

Keywords: Repairing damage. Drilling at something. Plugging up situations. Being the responsible one who always has to fix things. Not being able to relax. Causing pain to erase pain. Tooth decay and bad breath. Medical equipment. Therapists. Treatments. Social comment to invoke a cure. Flossing and oral care. Attention to detail.

The Caution: Getting further into a hole by using more and more social solutions. Causing more pollution and damage when one should be honoring and fixing things. The fear of pain. Making wrong judgments and causing harm. Big dentist bills because of neglect. Always having to come up with solutions to problems. Always being “on duty”. Nagging away at things..

The Quest Degree for Venus is Scorpio 10: A FELLOWSHIP SUPPER REUNITES OLD COMRADES

This Symbol shows getting together with people with shared visions and histories which can be very rewarding and renewing. A “Fellowship Supper” can help connect with old friends, or provide a place for meeting new ones. Often with this degree, issues around food come up, whether it’s providing food and drink or sharing it with others. It’s important to find time to socialize with like-minded people as true friendships can come from simple gatherings. Also, there can often be the sense that one’s known people before, on a karmic level, or, stretching back into a past life. True fellowship and fraternity can bring a sweet sense of nostalgia and uplift to each individual’s life.

Keywords: Renewing bonds with those you’ve shared struggles with. Past life connections. Feeling like you’ve known someone for lifetimes. Reaching out to others. Having a million and one things to talk about. Reunions and memories. Talking about the past. Sharing meals. Drinking wine. The Last Supper. Partaking in the gifts of special relationships. Fated meetings.

The Caution: Only feeling comfortable with your past. Not changing with the cycles. Not joining in. Feeling excluded. Feeling uneasy about having to face people from the past.

Venus symbolizes: Relatedness, cooperation, what attracts you. The experience of sweetness, beauty or delight. Social interactions, love, friends, how you reach out to people. Feminine persona, relationship with mother and females. Money, possessions, sense of values.


This Symbol shows a “Healing”, to be able to tune into a sense of radiant health and show the path for others to follow in life. The “Hindu Healer” is often someone who practices forms of healing, often alternative; they channel the power of God to affect a healing process. Often, you’ll find that solving problems logically and rationally doesn’t work as well as employing more creative or spiritual solutions. There may be a need to heal wounds, illness, trauma or some other affected part of the body or mind. Look to your spiritual center for healing power. This requires focus, practice and determination. The healing can lead to profound results.

Keywords: Divine healing potency. Natural healing methods. Going on faith. Humility in the face of greatness. Yogis and fakirs. Finding one’s center. Healers of all kinds. Glowing health. Radiating love, spirit and calm. Tapping vast reservoirs of healing forces. Reverence for simple methods. Auras that radiate. Urine therapy. Pranic energy. Yogis. Reiki healing

The Caution: Reliance on conservatism. Obsolete boards of authority. Not being able to move with the times. Needing the nod of approval from others to validate what one’s doing. Not being free to do what one wants. Having to please the elders in some way. Bound by family or past-life karma. Nagging negativity. Old fashioned views that limit expansion.


This Symbol shows listening to one’s conscience, to know when to do one’s duty, step up to the mark, or, when it’s time to leave, say “enough is enough” and “I’m not doing this anymore.” You, or someone else, may find that rigorous restraints and rules are no longer bearable. A decision to opt out may be a moral one or to maintain a free spirit. One shouldn’t have to “Compromise” them selves in order to be safe, secure, employed, or have a purpose in life. However, there are consequences for ‘Deserting’ – not playing the game. Are you prepared for them? It can also show being taken away from home and family for reasons not of your own choosing.

Keywords: Rebellion. Leaving, although allegiance had been pledged. Opting out because of pressure, harassment or bullying. Taking risks to get out of a dangerous/destructive/alienating situation. Being left behind by someone who’s “jumped ship”. Going AWOL. Standing by personal truths. Refusing compromise.

The Caution: Not playing by the rules of socially structured games. Self-ruin. Refusal to face social consequences. Not turning up. Withdrawing support in a physical, emotional or spiritual way. Blowing security. Rats deserting the sinking ship.


This Symbol shows having faith in those who went before; to have trust, protection and hope in the “Guidance” of the elders. You may be strengthened by the wisdom of those who have gone before you, whether they are your physical or spiritual “Ancestors”. There is so much understanding available through the experienced elders, or ancestors, and this can be tapped by you. Feel the strength of having valuable and knowledge people on your side or traveling with you on your journey. You may experience messages from the other side or feel that you’re on a journey that’s karmic, fated and guided and directed.

Keywords: Inner knowledge. Instruction. Direct tap roots to deep sources of energy. Karmic connections with the past. The place one comes from. Ancient wisdom versus “old fogies”. Parents and grandparents. Families and family lineage. Proving bloodlines. Committees, boards and councils. Memories of those who’ve gone before. The Akashic records.

The Caution: Reliance on conservatism. Obsolete boards of authority. Not being able to move with the times. Needing the nod of approval from others to validate what one’s doing. Not being free to do what one wants. Having to please the elders in some way. Bound by family or past-life karma. Nagging negativity. Old fashioned views that limit expansion.

Mars symbolizes: Drive, determination or agenda, how you get to your goals. How you express and handle anger, ambition, assertion of self and ability to step forward. The male principle, sexuality, the ability to step up to the plate when one needs to. Fight or flight.


This Symbol implies the need for protection of those innocent or younger, smaller, or not able to protect themselves. Being an advocate for others, you can shield them from the more harmful elements of society. You may, at times, feel that you are the one that needs to be protected or given shelter or in need of people declaring a ceasefire and amnesty so people can come out into the open and not be afraid to show their true selves. Of course, there is a need for an outlet for aggressive emotions every now and then. Doing so in groups gives this outlet, such as “Shooting Wild Ducks” some sense of acceptability. However, picking on the undefended or smaller is not right, no matter what the terms.

Keywords: Satiating one’s aggressive desires. Being able to hit the mark. Putting up with violence in one’s life, whether physical, mental, spiritual or emotional. Road, and other, types of rage. The armed services and their responsibilities. War. Terrorism in its many forms. Camouflage. Being an armed force. Armaments.

The Caution: Exploitation of those who are more vulnerable. Taking unfair advantage of the innocent or the less experienced. Feeling like a sitting duck. Nowhere to run or hide. Hormones running rampant. Mindless violence. War crimes tribunals. Gang warfare. Indiscriminate actions.


This Symbol shows someone whose “Conscience” stops them from following a certain course of action, staying with a project or relationship when they’d rather leave, or, someone not prepared to compromise their values to do something that society says they must do. You may find yourself in situations where what you are expected to do is against your inner values, your conscience or how you see your future unfolding. You may have to make the difficult choice between allegiance to duty or your own inner truth. True freedom can only be found when one faces situations with a sense of integrity and preparedness to face the consequences, be they positive or negative.

Keywords: Personal morality. Doing what one’s conscience dictates. Going against the status quo. Doing the unexpected. Going by the promptings of the inner voice. The consequences of having a conscience. Not coming home. People clinging to each other. Love that restrains.

The Caution: Displaying cowardice or a lack of courage to act. Not doing what one is expected to do. ‘Going over the top’ in a wild and crazy way. Going AWOL. Being the one who lets everyone down. Court Martials. Antisocial behavior. Anarchists. Being “uncommitted” or “unavailable”. Choosing play instead of duty. Goofing off.

Jupiter symbolizes: The big picture, expansion, exploration, aspirations, religious and philosophical ideals, issues to do with traveling, foreign lands, people and traditions, culture, education, generosity, luck, abundance, support, optimism. Insight through knowledge and wisdom.


This Symbol shows being open and receptive to the messages of the world around you, as there is an expansion into a new understanding and a new way of life. Writing is an excellent way for the “Soul” to “Seek Embodiment”. Also there can be issues to do with one’s body. There can be many times of quiet; of inner contemplation and outer observance. Regardless of your more immediate, physical circumstances, there is an evolution of understanding going on. Unbounded enthusiasm is likely to be around. It may be useful to keep a diary or to write things down. Extraordinary events can happen with this degree.

Keywords: Inner motivation leading to expansion. Jesus and his disciples. Being “born” quickly. Manifesting one’s desires without concern for consequences. Being “born again”. Feeling like a changed person. The need to drop into the body. Religious and spiritual rebirth. Reincarnation. The urge to create. Writers and writing.

The Caution: Denying the growth that’s beckoning in favor of social responsibility. Not leaving when perhaps one should. Having to seek permission to come through any “new gateway”. A loss of faith. Being obsessed about an ideal or idea. Feeling cast adrift from one’s reality.

Saturn symbolizes: Authority, rules, discipline and obligation The heavy stuff. What we fear, loss, karma, aging, the establishment, orthodoxy, tradition, status, the concept of time, walls, boundaries, limits, older people, restrictions, patience, conquering difficulties.


This Symbol implies storms, electrical flashes and brilliance. Storms unleash all kinds of energy; there is tension and a breaking point imminent, but the cleansing deluge is held back while the power of the situation seems to take control. You may feel like you have no influence over what is being unleashed. If you can keep a cool head, the energy will dissipate and you will regain control. Brilliant flashes of insight and intuition can come with this energy and things can happen suddenly and sometimes unpredictably.

Keywords: Reverence for the forces of nature. Loud cracks, flashes, and bangs that clear the air. Flashes of insight. Tension and its release. Electrical conductors. The sense that all hell is going to break loose. Short circuits of mind or emotions. Electricity failures. Crackling emotions. Flashes in quick succession. Bursts of energy. Light changing. Psychic clearing. Hot flushes. Surges.

The Caution: Being frozen in fear just when one needs to spur to action. Losing control. Being distracted by surroundings. Not being completely aware of all the potential dangers. Worry that overtakes and engulfs. Chaos in the brain. Nervous reactions. Things changing quickly. Brilliance that is quickly or easily lost. Power blackouts.

Uranus symbolizes: The unexpected, things that are individual or ‘different’. Charged, energetic dynamics, electricity, light, lightning bolts, sudden changes, those who live on the fringe of society. Sudden turns and twists of fate. Rebellion, surprises, liberation, freedom.

 Neptune is retrograde on Pisces 15: AN OFFICER DRILLING HIS MEN IN A SIMULATED ATTACK

This shows being well rehearsed, prepared and ready for anything that life throws at you. When you’re well rehearsed, you are able to spring to attention when situations warrant it. You may feel that you need to rehearse or prepare for difficult situations. There is wisdom in practicing to reduce the chance of error or failure. However, are you going over and over possible positive or negative outcomes thereby losing the joy that can be found in relaxing and letting down your guard? Sometimes the things we think are going to happen don’t happen at all. Choosing where, when and how to be ready and willing to go for objectives is half the battle.

Keywords: Taking orders to better respond to situations. The higher self training the lower self. Exercises. Marching and going through the motions. The need for defense. Seeing ahead. Planning strategies. Fire drills. Smoke alarms. Being prepared. Issuing orders and expecting them to be followed through. Discipline. Martial arts of all kinds. Going over and over possible outcomes. Safeguards put in place. Gas masks and bomb shelters.

The Caution: Rigid routine for no real or valuable purpose. Feeling that one has always to be on the defensive. Being under attack, whether real or imagined. Overreacting to things. Feelings of unworthiness in the face of battle or confrontation. Victim consciousness. Fearful responses. Getting others to respond through spreading fear. Scare tactics.

Neptune symbolizes: Mystical, “out there,” spirituality and con artists. Dreams, mysteries, mystics and religious issues. Intuition, clairvoyance, seeing into the invisible. Addictive, chaotic, charming, deceptive, illusory, co dependent, sensory awareness.


This Symbol shows having to “Carry” heavy loads, to shoulder responsibilities, do chores and jobs and help others, sometimes because there’s no one else who can or will do it. Often, the “Child” gets these responsibilities because they are the one who others know is going to take it seriously, completing the task, taking care of details. You may feel that you have been burdened with responsibilities beyond normal expectations and possibly beyond your capability. Despite being keen and enthusiastic, you must be careful not to try to take on too much, or do too much, or too quickly. Like a child, you need to play, be creative and rest.

Keywords: Being the one everyone counts on to do the job. Feeling weighed down. Having to carry the “bag”. Lifting heavy weights and bearing the consequences. Taking on things above and beyond what one should. Acting the grownup. Maturing quickly. Looking after paperwork. Running errands. Providing food and sustenance for everyone.

The Caution: Overloading the innocent and the inexperienced without thought of the consequences. Never being ‘off duty’. Dropping the bundle. Carrying the family.

Pluto symbolizes: Unconscious motivations, depth psychology, history. Sex, procreation at a deep level, intensity, profound emotions, taking hold of one’s power. Being king or queen of one’s underworld. Strength, survival mode instincts. Big money. Big power. The Plutocracy. Power vs power struggles.


'The Mermaid' by Howard Pyle
“The Mermaid” by Howard Pyle, painted in 1910.

This degree is the beginning of the zodiac where the old gets left behind and a new understanding and awareness comes to light. Something new is emerging and it needs to be welcomed and nurtured. This is the beginning of a whole new impulse, creative and responsive. There’s an emergence of a whole new potentiality. Resist looking back to outgrown and unsatisfactory conditions in your life as they can pull you back to old and unrewarding ways of being. This is also about finding your voice and your feet.

Keywords: Cycles starting. Beginnings. Emergence into concrete manifestation. Embracing and honoring the shadow. Recognizing our animal side. Tropical islands or lands. Rocky shores. Seals. Oceans and water. Shedding skins. Transmutation. The Selkie myth. Grounding one’s energy. Stepping between the sea and the shore. Androgyny. Love and its embrace. Finding your feet and your voice. Mermaids.

The Caution: Using the masculine drive to overshadow the emotions. Refusing to move into a new state of being because one is held back by previous life conditions.

Chiron symbolizes: Our wounds, Chiron is known as The Wounded Healer. The wounds are The Stories That We Tell Ourselves, it is where we have to focus on healing, it can show things that are out of shape or misplaced or in need of repair.


This Symbol shows situations that tend to be rock solid, steady and established. You may find that the natural structure of your situation is, on the one hand, carefully developed over time (there is a history here), but it’s right on the edge of a deep chasm. There seems to be no going back; forward is the only way out and the solution may be to ‘jump into the void’. It may be a lonely journey, but you could find new depths of experience that others could only imagine. Still, situations may look unchanging with your back against the wall, but time may tell a different story. The choice: taking chances or standing still.

Keywords: Old structures and deep hazards. The choice: taking chances or standing still. Walking very close to the edge. Extreme sports. Risk taking. New takes on old situations. Additions to things long established. Masada. Mountains. Valleys and gorges. Fortifications. Isolation. The grandeur of nature. The forces of evolution. Rock. Geology. Layers of permanence. Landscapes. Canyons. Vertigo. No going back. Stability behind-the unknown in front. Great heights. Monuments.

The Caution: Painting your self into a corner. Not being able to retrace one’s steps. Erosion. Cracks appearing. Feeling like life is impossibly hard. No safety nets.

The Moon’s North Node symbolizes: This is known as quite a ‘karmic point’ (although all planets and points in a chart can be ‘karmic’). One’s destiny in this life. The things you are meant to integrate, move towards, become. Destined relationships and relationship issues can show up here.


This Symbol shows having faith in those who went before; to have trust, protection and hope in the “Guidance” of the elders. You may be strengthened by the wisdom of those who have gone before you, whether they are your physical or spiritual “Ancestors”. There is so much understanding available through the experienced elders, or ancestors, and this can be tapped by you. Feel the strength of having valuable and knowledge people on your side or traveling with you on your journey. You may experience messages from the other side or feel that you’re on a journey that’s karmic, fated and guided and directed.

Keywords: Inner knowledge. Instruction. Direct tap roots to deep sources of energy. Karmic connections with the past. The place one comes from. Ancient wisdom versus “old fogies”. Parents and grandparents. Families and family lineage. Proving bloodlines. Committees, boards and councils. Memories of those who’ve gone before. The Akashic records.

The Caution: Reliance on conservatism. Not with the times. Needing the nod of approval from others for validation. Bound by family or past-life karma. Old fashioned attitudes.

The Moon’s South Node symbolizes: Past karmic patterns to be overcome, can be habits that are good, but can describe things, relationships, issues that you need to let go of, or, hold you back from manifesting your true destiny. Relationships that feel karmic and difficult, memories from the past.