Neptune’s Donning Uniforms

Neptune, that planet of illusion versus reality, dreams, nightmares and fantasies, is on Pisces 6 until March 22: A PARADE OF ARMY OFFICERS IN FULL DRESS
This Symbol shows the ability, or the need, to spring to attention and rally to show others their duty, honor and their protection of the community and the higher ideals. You may find that recognition needs to be given for service and dedication to the community. Dedication, discipline and duty bring their own rewards and it is often people with this Symbol that turn up first with whatever is needed in order to make people feel better, protected or recognized. Putting on your best face, and your uniform – and there are many ‘uniforms’ that can be worn – and joining with others will ensure success. There may be issues of showing one’s ‘authority’ in public, staking one’s claim as part of the broader community that works to protect and bring everyone together.
National pride displayed. Patriotism. Memories of war. Being committed to service. Being dressed up. Putting on a uniform. Medals. Stripes. Drills. Routines. Parades.
The Caution: ‘Stiff’ and unfeeling. Having special privileges that other’s don’t. Having to do what one must do. Drills and boring routines. ‘Drill sergeants’. Sloppy dressing.