Opting Out Of The Storms Or Avoiding What’s Really Going On: August’s Leo New Moon 2024

Millions long for immortality but do not know what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon. Susan Ertz
Praise the sea; on shore remain. John Florio
Would you learn the secret of the sea? Only those who brave its dangers comprehend its mystery! Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Absence of occupation is not rest. A mind quite vacant is a mind distressed. William Cowper
I pant for retirement and leisure, but am doomed to inexpressible and almost unsupportable hurry. Sarah Siddons
Retirement at sixty-five is ridiculous. When I was sixty-five I still had pimples. George Burns
People are always asking me when I’m going to retire. Why should I? I’ve got it two ways—I’m still making movies, and I’m a senior citizen, so I can see myself at half price. George Burns
Alone, alone, all, all alone, alone on a wide, wide sea! Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Occurring on Sunday August 4th, the Leo new Moon can be seen as surprisingly introspective and calling for a quietening of the mind, at least through the messages that the Sabian Symbols bring. Adding to that, we have Mercury stationary retrograde, and, we have Saturn, Pluto, Neptune and Chiron retrograde as well, adding to the theme of pausing, taking things in or contemplating before making any major moves.
The themes through the lens of the Sabian Symbols are rather surprisingly contemplative, spiritual, intuitive, clairvoyant, clairsentient (any of the clairs :) ), and, this new Moon seems to imply the need to listen to our inner voice, our intuition, perhaps our subconscious urges and to be really paying attention to the messages we’re receiving. And not only the messages we’re receiving, but those that we are transmitting outwards and we may do well to analyse what is being ‘transmitted’ to us, or, what is attempting to be transmitted to us.
As mentioned in previous newsletters, Neptune is right on the last minutes of the last degree of Pisces, signaling a possible warning of ‘civil war’. Of course, it doesn’t have to imply an actual civil war: There are many ways a civil war may manifest in the energies around us. Certainly not contributing to feelings of anger, alienation and disturbance can help to equalise the energies (somewhat). Having said that, we are seeing frequent references to ‘civil war’ being spoken in several places in the world. Contemplating and listening in amongst all the unrest and unease can help enormously.
And, of course, it is not all calm and peace and quietude on offer with this new Moon. We are aware that enormous political movements and events (sometimes they’re personal events) are taking place on a daily basis, however, I see that the main message from this new Moon is to take some time before acting, responding or pushing, at the very least on a personal level. The world events will do what the world events will do.
Perhaps testing any resolve of finding the peace and quiet is Jupiter on Gemini 16: A WOMAN ACTIVIST ON A PLATFORM, IN AN EMOTIONAL SPEECH, DRAMATIZING HER CAUSE, and, Mars on Gemini 10: AN AIRPLANE DIVES TOWARD THE EARTH AS THOUGH FALLING, so, finding that balance between heeding the energies and rushing to confront or take on issues that might have a feeling of urgency around them, may be necessary. In other words, I think it helps to count to 10 (or 100).
The Sabian Symbol for the Leo new Moon is Leo 13: AN OLD SEA CAPTAIN ROCKING ON THE PORCH OF HIS COTTAGE. The following is my interpretation from my book The Sabian Oracle: 360 Degrees of Wisdom:-
Commentary: ‘An Old Sea Captain’ is ‘Rocking on the Porch of His Cottage’. This Symbol is an image of someone who has put a lot of time and energy into his life’s work. He has now reached the point where he can take time out, to rest and relax. However, being an ‘Old Sea Captain’, the love of the sea and adventure will be with him forever. He may or may not be retired; whatever, he is taking a break. He has a chance to get on with more domestic matters and to seek peace and quiet ‘On the Porch of His Cottage’.
Oracle: There is a need for quiet reflection, to look back at past experiences, especially those times that may have seemed threatening. Take some time for a little solitude and to contemplate the overall picture before you. When you are back into the business of life, you will be more relaxed and have a better idea of how you fit into the big picture. Feeling tired and reluctant to get on with work can lead to feelings of failure and missed opportunities. You may need to take time out to contemplate your home and environment and how you fit in. Perhaps jotting down your memoirs can bring the missed and more dramatic moments back into you mind. Even if things seem quiet now, it is probably only you holding yourself back from more exciting adventures. The minute you feel like getting back to it, do it. You’ll be surprised by how easy it can be to get back into the swing of things. For now, enjoying the ‘Porch’ or the garden of your home can lead to inner calm and quiet after many years of work, struggles or difficulty.
Keywords: Retreating into one’s self. Reflecting. Quiet confidence. Knowing that one can conquer life’s storms and come out wiser. Observing life from afar. Wanting to opt out. Retirement, pensions and pension plans. Being dismissed from one’s job. Redundancy. The story of one’s life. Memoirs. Rocking chairs and verandahs. Contemplation. Gardening. Longing for calmer days. Letters, diaries, photographs. Houses, cottages. Taking a break from society.
The Caution: Ignoring what is happening in favor of memories. Inability to get going. Disconnecting from reality. Feeling lazy. The world owing you a living. Feeling jaded and worn out. Envying those that are ‘”out there’” in the world. Wanting others to look after you. Complacency. Giving in and giving up. Hangovers. Forgetfulness. Feeling impotent. Being uninvolved. Opting out before one’s time.
The Karmic Condition of this new Moon is Leo 12: AN EVENING LAWN PARTY OF ADULTS
This Symbol shows having fun, relaxing and socializing with people, usually in an informal setting, although this could sometimes imply formal ones. Give the rigors of the work routine a rest. Having a drink, eating some food, sharing a chat and gossip, meeting new people, networking and catching up with friends is good for the soul. Relaxation is great, especially where there is no need for pretense. Of course, you may be the host of the party and you may have to provide a venue, food, drinks and entertainment. Still, you should get to enjoy the moment and mix with people.
Keywords: Rising above superficiality into receptivity and peace with others. People mixing in a social setting. Sedate and conservative celebrations. Formal events vs. impromptu gatherings. Gossip. Leisure time. Political correctness. Enjoying socializing. Being a good conversationalist. Drinks and food on platters. Knowing who to invite.
The Caution: A sense of superficiality where things are known but not said out loud. Appearance and social standing taking on too much importance. Ignoring real and immediate issues. Not knowing how to act with the “adults”. Malicious gossip. Having to face those you don’t want to see. Getting drunk and “out of bounds”. False fronts.
This Symbol implies that at times in your life there will be deep realizations that may transform your life. Listening to one’s inner voice and heeding its messages can lead you on to the next level of life. Spirit is descending, wishing to make itself known – spiritual messages are wanting to come through into conscious expression. The trick is being able to hear what’s being whispered and translating it into useful information as one can be misled by ‘voices in their head’ which can be confusing rather than enlightening. The thing is to discern what is useful and what is not.
Keywords: New realizations and impulses. Seeking to have one’s voice heard. Messages from the other side. Reincarnation. Channeling information. Spirit descending, wishing to make itself known. Whispering. Passing on news and messages. Seeking embodiment. Transpersonal urges. Cherubs and spirits. Ears and hearing. The urge to accomplish something. Compassion. Manifesting intention.
The Caution: Confusing voices. Signs of instability or madness. Feeling that if one isn’t heard, they will miss out. A need to be noticed and acknowledged. Not feeling like one can speak up. Shouting and making a spectacle. Trying to convince others of something. Misleading statements.
This Symbol implies strong feelings of another level of awareness around you. Your rational mind is, at times, being overshadowed by intuitive thoughts and feelings. The imagination is showing a clearer path to understanding and knowledge. Equipped to see the invisible, you penetrate into the mystical levels of life. There may be messages to bring back into your waking consciousness. This can show a creative, attuned mind that can perceive subtle phenomena in the environment. Tap into your clairvoyance, but don’t be thrown off track by it
Keywords: Creative fantasies. Attuned minds perceiving subtle phenomena. Fairy tales. Seeing things or imagining them. Fantasizing. Seeing entities. Mental institutions. Halloween. Fairies, nature spirits. Seeing the normally unseen.
The Caution: Confusion. Lack of true perspective. Time wasted in escapes from reality. Imagining things. Losing the plot. Dreaming to the point of insanity. Making up things in order to be noticed or feel somehow special. Delusions. Dreaming of possibilities that disappear upon waking. Schizophrenia.
This Symbol shows that there is a message you hold inside that you may wish to spread and you will be able to do it if you put the message into reality either by writing it down or speaking it. There can, at times, be a desire to reveal one’s inner feelings, however the opposite can also be true: You may feel very confronted by the thought of wearing your heart on your sleeve. However you transmit this ‘Vital and Confidential Information’, it needs to be done from the heart and with integrity. When this is done the right people can see it and benefit from it. Be wary of sharing information that isn’t yours to share or that breaks confidentiality with someone who trusts you.
Keywords: Wearing your heart on your sleeve. Shared thoughts and feelings. Declaring what needs to be said. “Dear John” letters. Laying one’s self on the line through writing things down. Diaries. Letters. Penmanship. Messages of intent. Things said out loud. Confidences.
The Caution: Playing games with information. Pretending to conceal for the purposes of deceit. Blurting things out. Not giving any true indication of what’s thought. Being upset about having things out in the open. Passing on the secrets of others. Revealing things that shouldn’t be revealed.
This situation implies an ability to be able to play with and defy gravity while maintaining a sense of being in control and able to pull out of difficult situations. Your situation may seem to be heading for disaster, but perhaps you can still be in control, and, at the right moment, you’ll be able to pull out of the nosedive and save the day. The question is: do you really always have an adequate grip on the controls? Are you, or is someone else, actively working against people’s best interests? Imagine yourself regaining control, physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually and pull yourself out of the nose dive and you’ll become stronger and will probably enjoy the experience at the same time.
Keywords: Plunging into situations without considering the ramifications. Becoming conscious of what’s happening. Being protected (and saved) at the last moment. Defying gravity. Facing consequences. Dangerous displays. Hitting the ground running. The art of smooth sailing. Daredevil stunts.
The Caution: Refusing to help yourself even when disaster is imminent. Free falls and denying or defying the consequences. Shakeups. Things getting completely out of control. Overshooting the mark by aiming too high. Turbulence. Reckless behavior. Neglect of physical realities. Freaking out at crucial moments.
This Symbol shows the periodic need to be able to voice one’s needs, frustrations or demands without fear of being reprimanded. Sometimes, you may feel misunderstood and disadvantaged simply because of who you are or the position you hold. Even when you stand up for what you feel, you may strike resistance, partly due to others’ ignorance. You must press your case or the status quo will remain. If the cause is just and your communications are clear, you will be heard by those who understand or resonate with what you are saying and your influence will spread.
Keywords: Stating one’s case. Revealing social passions. Being a mouthpiece for the emotions of the collective. The desire to be heard. Having a platform or stage. The need for rational emotional points to be made. Being the “underdog”. Many things running through the mind. The battle between the masculine and the feminine. Taking it to the streets. Announcements. Fighting for a cause. Having to shoulder too many things.
The Caution: Pressing opinions on the unwilling or disinterested. Feeling that no one listens or cares. Rational or political structures overriding one’s life. Going over the top trying to get a message across. Feeling like the “woman” who is never listened to. Controlling the agenda. Hormonal swings. Male chauvinism blocking female progress. Justifying ones self. Silly ideas.
The Sabian Symbol of retrograde Saturn is Pisces 19: A MASTER INSTRUCTING THEIR DISCIPLE
This Symbol shows the ability, or the need, to be able to be a student, a “Disciple”, or a teacher, a “Master”. At times in your life you’ll find yourself being either one or the other. You may be the teacher or the pupil, but remember that it is often the teacher that learns and the pupil that teaches. This shows taking time for the transfer of higher knowledge and wisdom. It’s also a sign to listen to your own higher wisdom. Someone with something worthwhile to say will usually find someone eager to listen. When you have a need to learn something, usually the “Master” will appear.
Keywords: To give and to receive. Lessons that need to be well learnt. The transfer of knowledge. Taking time to instruct others. Being willing to both teach and learn. Step-by-step lessons. Passing on information. Instructions and directions. Laying down the law with someone. Manuscripts and lessons. Masters. Gurus. Guiding lights. Reinforcement of knowledge, wisdom and spirituality. Listening and learning. Knowing what questions to ask. Doing homework. Being or setting a good example.
The Caution: Dogmatic instruction by rote. Talking down to others, thinking they know less. Someone having a “know it all” attitude. Manipulating people for one’s personal agenda. Using knowledge as power over people. Feeling above everyone else. Co-dependent behaviour. One-eyed attitudes. Losing oneself in another.
This Symbol indicates having talents and skills and crafts that reflect one’s culture or abilities. Don’t underestimate yourself and do only what you think others believe you are capable of. These very limitations are telling you of hidden talents and skills that you probably just take for granted. There is something very worthwhile on offer here, don’t wait for passersby to stop and pay attention. Others may think you’re more talented and special than you realize. Get out and show your talents and abilities. Older, wiser elements of society making offerings to the younger, less integrated.
Keywords: Small, but worthy products. Adapting to changing conditions, particularly monetary or financial. Working hard for small returns and rewards. Battling against the odds. Selling the products of one’s culture. Artifacts. Jewelry. Handicrafts. Retailing. Supplying the populace with beautiful things. Markets and stalls. Patience. Bartering and bargaining.
The Caution: Looking down on those that seem less fortunate. Loss of culture and traditional duties. Menial jobs. Devaluing things or overvaluing junk. Feeling that you have nothing to offer. Waiting for others to validate your worth. Bickering over money. Feeling ‘cursed’ with one’s lot in life. Lack of the respect for the arts. Being stuck in the marketplace. Sweat shops.
This Symbol shows the ability, or the need, to be able to envision or decide what you want to be and as you grow and develop, becoming that vision. The “Boy” of this Symbol lived in childhood under a hill figure of an esteemed person and when he grew up he wanted to become like that himself. At times in your life, you may find that you are growing into the image that you have imagined and it gives you a sense of pride – assuming you have chosen a positive image. What or who do you “Idealize”? What is it that you’d like to become? What image would you like to project? Meditating on a goal or the projection of an ideal can lead to actuality. Just be clear about what you really desire in the situation – you just might get it.
Keywords: Concrete manifestation of one’s ideals. Enduring truths. Culmination of efforts. Projections of ideal images. Wanting to be “big” and successful. Tutankhamen’s mask. Wanting a sense of immortality. Defining one’s fate through conscious manifestation. Morphing reality to suit an objective. Ambition. The ability to see life in inanimate objects.
The Caution: Not being at all clear about who one is or what one can be. Becoming a screen for the projection of other’s ideals. Stony faces that show the hardships of life. Hardening of one’s personality. Ideals set in stone. Idealizing others therefore losing one’s own identity.
Pluto is retrograde on Aquarius 1: AN OLD ADOBE MISSION IN CALIFORNIA
This Symbol shows the ability, or the need, to have a place that’s safe and comfortable to live, work, pray and practice our spiritual lives. The “Old Adobe Missions in California” were built with a great deal of effort, sacrifice, commitment, and a sense of community with one eye on the path and the other on the very real, everyday needs of the people it serves. Sometimes we assume our beliefs are right and that others need to be shown the truth. Efforts should be turned to creating infrastructures to pursue these beliefs. Relating is not about control, but acceptance and reverence of each person’s divinity. There should be no pretensions, but a forging of links to new worlds.
Keywords: Spiritual retreats in natural surroundings. Finding new areas to work with spirit. Creating civilization out of natural elements. Hard work to create places of sanctuary and learning. Places once revered now tourist attractions. Missions and missionaries. Bringing faith to the “new world”. Brotherhoods. Places that house and protect. The homeless. Soup kitchens.
The Caution: Dogmatism. Pushing beliefs and ideas on others. Believing one’s spiritual and religious beliefs contain all the answers. Taking over others’ lives. Moving in and taking control. Monuments to the past sagging and fading. People moving in on others. Cults. Indoctrination.
The Sabian Symbol for the Moon’s north node is Aries 9: A SEER GAZES INTENTLY INTO A CRYSTAL BALL IN FRONT OF THEM
This Symbol shows the ability to focus, take insights in, analyze meaning and to draw conclusions from available information. The whole picture is there in front of you, but you often need to interpret its meaning. With a little concentrated effort, you will be able to see things very clearly. There is the ability to observe things that others may miss. Try really tuning in and looking within for answers as you have the ability to see them with just a bit of focus.
Keywords: Flashes of inspiration. Tuning in and looking within for answers. Creative visualizations. Aura readings. Cutting through irrelevant messages. Looking carefully at structure. Seeking perfection. Clairvoyance. Illumination and deep insights. Looking ahead to see the signs.
The Caution: Confused by literal meanings. Not seeing the symbolic message. Always looking this way and that, not at the center. Getting lost in the big picture. Daydreaming and ignoring what’s really going on. Obsessing over what may happen. Needing to know what’s coming up. Being impatient.
This Symbol speaks of beauty, art and wisdom. An ‘Art Gallery’ brings treasures from our culture, our world and the world around us. Time often doesn’t seem to exist in this realm – all is timeless. This Symbol can show speaking to others about abstract concepts, art and culture, often on a higher level. Quiet contemplation of art, especially if people aren’t around to distract, can bring rewards on many levels. Everyday chatter that doesn’t go deep or explore life’s beauties can be useless and mundane but communicating on a deeper, more creative and spiritual level brings interesting insights and answers.
Keywords: Truth in the image. Intuitive vision. Reverence for art, form and tradition. Images bringing messages. Art collections and collecting art. Photographs. Capturing life in a work of art. Furniture of a period. The art of placement. Beautiful images. Wisdom speaking. Crowded galleries or empty rooms. Images that speak volumes. The Sabian Symbols as images. Minds that don’t shut down. Animations.
The Caution: Undue reliance on conservative values. Too much importance placed on appearance instead of substance. Snobbery caused by elevated feelings of importance. Art’s rarefied atmosphere that excludes others as unworthy or uneducated. Serious faces.
The Sabian Symbol of retrograde Chiron is Aries 24: AN OPEN WINDOW AND A NET CURTAIN BLOWING INTO THE SHAPE OF A CORNUCOPIA. As I’ve long said, I see Chiron as being, amongst other things, The Stories We Tell Ourselves (about our deficiencies, our ‘wounds’). Chiron’s message appears to be to belief in the goodness of life, to open up the windows and the doors, literally or figuratively, and let the sunshine and air in.
This Symbol shows that your mind is, or should be, open to possibilities that are being ‘blown’ in from the realm of spirit. There is an abundance coming, shown by the cornucopia, that will be self-sustaining. This degree suggests that with the slightest change in direction your fortunes could change as well. Look for out-of-the-ordinary opportunities and possibilities. Realizing that in one’s everyday life, one has it all.
Keywords: Imagination. Keeping your options open. The promise of fruition. The breath of life filled with inspiration. Realizing that in everyday life, one has it all. Windows of opportunity. Gain, abundance, riches. Spiritual energies pouring in. Concentrated energy. Seeing desires taking shape. Curtains and windows.
The Caution: Relying on spiritual ideas to provide material sustenance. Dreaming of things dropping into one’s lap. Hoping that good luck will just ‘blow in’. Shutting windows, keeping light and life out. Drawing curtains and withdrawing. Promises, promises.