Removing The Mask And Stripping Away The Veil: September’s New Moon In Virgo 2024

Don’t compromise yourself. You’re all you’ve got. Janis Joplin
Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes. Henry David Thoreau
Grief walks upon the heels of pleasure; married in haste, we repent at leisure. William Congreve
When a husband is embraced without affection, there must be some reason for it. Hitopadesa
Personally, I hold that a man, who deliberately and intelligently takes a pledge and then breaks it, forfeits his manhood. Mahatma Gandhi
No one worth possessing can be quite possessed. Sara Teasdale
There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true. Soren Kierkegaard
The honeymoon is over, baby, it’s never gonna be that way again. The Cruel Sea
September’s new Moon in Virgo occurs on the 2nd in the U.S. and the 3rd in Australia. It plays right into the Jupiter/Saturn square in that the Moon and the Sun first oppose Saturn and then square Jupiter in the hours and days following this new Moon. It seems that many can be faced with the restrictions and lack of fulfillment or rewards from the opposition to Saturn, along with the need to break out of those restrictions and find more happiness and fulfillment with the square to Jupiter (that is putting things very simply, there’s always more to say). Said simply, with this new Moon, Saturn is aspected first followed by Jupiter. This is somewhat fortunate (in amongst it) as we may first feel a strong sense of those things, emotions, people or realities, that are holding us back but then we may see a way forward and make a break for more freedom, growth and/or rewards.
This is made stronger in that within days shortly after the new Moon, Mercury, the ruler of this new Moon in Virgo, squares Uranus. This can definitely bring conclusions to things we’ve been concerned or hampered by, especially as Mercury is now direct after it’s retrograde period during which we may have had a good opportunity to look at the past. Perhaps we’ve had no choice but to analyse (or be confronted by) issues that need to be rectified, or, let go of entirely. Uranus and Mercury together (square) in this way can tend to be rather black and white.
Venus has been in the last week or so, and the Moon’s south node will be in the next few weeks, travelling over the Super Galactic Center. This is said to be an area of the zodiac where we connect with God – where we can create our own reality. Having said that, I see that the entire zodiac, the entirety of our existence perhaps, can be where we create our own reality, however, the SGC is a powerhouse of this energy. It seems that this period is very much about changing the script of how or what we have created that doesn’t fulfill or satisfy us into something more aligned with our true objectives and ideals. Certainly we can be faced with the things that we will no longer put up with.
The major theme as shown by the Sabian Symbols for this new Moon is one of removing the mask, removing the veils, revealing one’s true self perhaps, in order to be more authentic and to have more authentic relationships. This may mean that we have to stand up and not just be a screen for others’ projections of how they think we should be, act or respond. Of course, we may be seeing (sometimes finally!) behind the veils that others are wearing. This can be helpful in that it can clarify the who, where and why some situations have grown to where they are now and it can also reveal who we’re dealing with. Coming face to face with our own shadow side can be a big part of this. What do or did we put up with? What are our true objectives? This is not especially restricted to the issue of relationships. This veil or mask lifting can effect us across the board.
What limitations or expectations have been placed (forced in some cases) on us? What issues have been going on behind one’s back perhaps, propagated by those who would prefer that we are someone that we are not.
In amongst all of the more challenging sides of the Symbols for Virgo 11, 12 and 13, are the very real spiritual dimensions of Virgo 12. One has to ‘remove the veil’ in order to commune with God (that’s the shorthand version of it).
Elsie Wheeler’s Sun is Virgo 12: She was born on September 3 1887. She was the spiritualist medium that brought through the Sabian Symbols in San Diego in 1925. Elsie was confined to a wheelchair from a very young age due to rheumatoid arthritis and she was orphaned, also, at a very early age. She lost so many of her family members early on and was in the Bethesda Hospital and Home For The Incurables in St Louis, Missouri, where she was no doubt surrounded by many people that passed away. She was in that home for some thirty years from the age of around three (more investigation needs to be done around this). One can only begin to imagine the privations she suffered. Her story is tremendous in that she survived those early years with all the losses and, indeed, severe betrayals that she suffered at the hands of those she trusted. I will be telling more of Elsie’s story at some point.
Happy solar return Elsie Wheeler! The removal of your veil no doubt gave you the immense ability to see and read into other dimensions. Thank you for the gift that you gave to the world in the Sabian Symbols.
There’s way more to say about Elsie and her journey and I will write more on it all soon. But meanwhile, you might enjoy this article that I wrote many years ago about my research into Elsie. I called my research “Looking For Elsie”. Click here.
The Sabian Symbol for the new Moon in Virgo 12: A BRIDE WITH HER VEIL SNATCHED AWAY. The following is my interpretation from my book The Sabian Oracle: 360 Degrees of Wisdom
Commentary: A ‘Bride With Her Veil Snatched Away’ is an image of revelation, unveiling and discovery. Traditionally, ‘Brides’ have been thought to be particularly vulnerable to evil spirits and the ‘Veil’ was thought to be able to outwit malevolent spirits. In some countries the groom is not allowed to see the ‘Bride’s’ face until after the ceremony. No matter what her situation, the ‘Bride’ is now faced with the moment of moving into a new life and a new sense of identity.
Oracle: This speaks of “taking the plunge” and making a commitment to someone or something. It pictures a situation where the past and the future collide. One cannot continue to exist in limbo; the future has a stronger call than the past. This Symbol can also indicate that you must show your true face or you will be forced to reveal it. There may be a feeling that somebody is not quite ready to give them self completely to the situation. However, as they’ve made some form of commitment to what they are doing, they don’t really have much choice. Being unable to hide behind ‘Veils’, illusions, or pretense any longer means that something will happen to break any resistance that may remain. If one doesn’t go willingly, they may be pushed forward. Having to act, or relate, regardless of excuses or hesitation, puts the pressure on to move forward and to accept or reject the situation they find themselves in, regardless of reservations. Those who ‘Snatch the Veil Away’ may not be acting in order to dominate or overpower, but just trying to remove barriers in the way of relating. It may be hesitation that is creating problems. Look to your motives and those of others around you; be sure of why they are doing what they do. Letting down your guard can open up whole new worlds.
Keywords: Secret motives being revealed. Unveiling or changing identity. Proving oneself with no excuses and no pretense. Breaking down walls. Relating on a deep level. “Honeymoon periods”. Being true to one’s self and others. Marriage rituals. Dropping pretense. Divorce. Veils. Vows. The veil between the conscious and unconscious. Masks.
The Caution: Stubbornly refusing to accept new directions. Failing to commit. Not coming up with what one promised. Feelings of violation. Not ready to give up fantasies or illusions. Being used or exposed. Harsh realities. Mysteries that may be best left that way. Withdrawal.
The Karmic Condition of this new Moon is Virgo 11: A BOY MOLDED IN HIS MOTHER’S ASPIRATIONS FOR HIM. Of course, as with all of the Sabian Symbols, this can be read differently. It can be a girl molded in her parent’s aspirations, parents molded in their children’s aspirations, etc.
There’s a sense of having to live up to the expectations of others. Sometimes it’s fine to be molded by our parents, or by others, but often this is not a true reflection of our own creative potential. The ‘mother’ or ‘father’ often misses the point of the true potential of their offspring and may be projecting their own unlived life. Working hard at living up to the expectations of others can leave us drained and unfulfilled. I often helps to see through the screen of projection that people hold up about others.
Some years ago, I saw this from rearranging the letters in the word parents – I saw the words spill out; patterns, parents, partners.
Keywords: Being directed on the journey or shaped against one’s free will. Plastic or cosmetic surgery. Building one’s physical or emotional shape. Finding one’s way or destiny. Predetermined destinies. Looking like one’s mother or father (or not). The challenge of individuality. DNA. Parents as patterns. Allowing others to dictate who you are. Inherited values. Following in the family’s footsteps.
The Caution: Remaining tied to the apron strings of mother or others. Conforming to social expectations. Not having a clear sense of what one wants to be. Being a reflection of what somebody else wants. Being a “mummy’s boy”. Not having the free will of one’s own. Living the unlived life of the parents. Squashed individuality. Letting down the side. Being a screen for others projections.
You may find that your situation is getting out of control as those around you get carried away with the energy of the situation. It is through the power of your personality that you can resolve the situation and bring back a state of equilibrium to all involved. There is a need to get the upper hand to bring about a stabilized outcome—to ‘Overcome’ the ‘Hysteria’. It is through the ‘Power’ of the personality, being the ‘Powerful Statesman’, that things can be resolved and brought to a state of equilibrium. Regaining control of one’s thoughts, psyche and emotions can ease tensions and bring the situation back to normal. Changing one’s mind about an issue that may have been overpowering can enable a whole new view of your position in life to crystallize. Employing discipline and control helps on a physical, mental or spiritual level.
Keywords: The power to sway the mob. Having the charisma and talent to turn situations around. Elements of personality that get out of control and take over. Pulling the rope tight. Mind control. Political savvy. Knowing what to say and when to say it. Keeping your mouth shut and ears open. Rhetoric. Putting out spot fires. Being motivated. Issues of success.
The Caution: Conscious emotional manipulation and bullying. Misusing energy. Swaying others to personal advantage. Being aggressive, demanding and overbearing. Hypnotic persuasion. Propaganda. Misinformation. Using “political speak” to control. Emotional repression. Narcissistic abuse.
This Symbol shows a ‘Hindu Yogi’ sitting in contemplation, totally concentrating on inner spiritual attainment. It implies a desire to contact spirit and to be in touch with one’s body, often through the practice of meditation or yoga. This is a wonderful degree of spiritual striving, however there could be a feeling of imbalance; it is as if some aspects of your life are put on hold in favor of some central issue. This can lead to a loss of holistic balance if you’re ‘totally concentrated upon inner spiritual attainment’. Being too committed to spiritual or emotional concerns can lead one to lose touch with more immediate, physical matters. However, a sense of focus on something that is very important can bring enormous rewards.
Keywords: Issues of how we view and value our bodies. Fixation on exercise and nutrition at the expense of more spiritual or emotional issues. Eating disorders. Gymnasiums and physical fitness issues. Spiritual gurus. Yoga and yogis. Living for the future. Extreme states of meditation. Total concentration. Breatharians.
The Caution: Not enough attention to the body or physical needs. A lack of focus on more immediate issues such as food and exercise OR forgetting spiritual, emotional or mental concerns through a focus on the body or physical aspects. Too many things on one’s mind. Obsessions leading to imbalance. Forgetting to eat or take nourishment.
This Symbol is one of the few Sabian Symbols that speak directly of the idea of the ‘law of attraction’; as a person imagines, so does their outer reality take shape and bring to them what they were imagining. In your life you’ll find vivid examples of thoughts manifesting as things – other times they may happen without you really realizing it. Ideals are not only bought into the light of reality but they are put to the test. This shows the ability to be able to visualize your thoughts and feelings and the possibility of projecting your creative ideas out into the real world. What you think will happen can happen.
Keywords: Vivid confrontations with one’s objectives. Creative visualizations. Imagining things. Meditations and affirmations. Ideas crystallized. Putting things out into the universe. Seeing things take shape and form. Clairvoyance. Film making. Writing and getting published. The power of manifestation. Solidification. Builders. Sculptures. Dreams.
The Caution: Being dissatisfied with what was thought to be the true ideal. Feeling that things are “written in stone” and can’t be changed. Calcified situations or emotions. Neurosis. Focusing on the negative thereby bringing the negative.
This Symbol implies that you can take the best of what is available and make something even better. The ‘Mockingbird’ is often seen as copying others and therefore not particularly original, however, the ‘Mockingbird’ is very creative; it uses the sounds of other birds to make a very unique call of its own. There is a great deal of skill involved in this and getting ones thoughts heard can be quite important. There are often people who respond jealously. A key question is: are the words or thoughts original and unique or are they borrowed from others without a sense or filter of personal authenticity?
Keywords: Enormous creative potential and talent. Integrating sounds to find a new melody. Being the first to see potential. Music and musicians. Interpretation. Pleasing others. Getting the story out first. Seeing and telling things ahead of their time. Being an innovator. Passing on messages. Tunes, songs. Positive vibrations. Plagiarism.
The Caution: Taking from others and claiming the credit. Being noisy. Announcing new possibilities or just sounding off? Mimicking others. Not coming up with one’s own ideas. Having to always get in first. Making a noise and expecting others to respond. Stretching the truth. Revving up a story to get an effect.
This Symbol shows the wide range of nourishment, opportunity and the ability to have things in our modern world. There are so many choices but each choice has its price, so be careful what you choose. Each will nourish you, but some things are far more nourishing and sustaining than others. However, there is so much on display and available that if you don’t like your first choice you can get something else – that is if you can afford it. Take what you need, enjoy it and realize the abundance that’s happening in your life. Make sure that what you get is good quality as many things on display are not.
Keywords: Overwhelming alternatives in modern society. Satiation. Everything provided for. Self-service. Issues of indulgence and one’s needs satisfied. Salivating over what’s on display. The incredible number of “choices” in a technological society. Too many choices (food, lovers, jobs, opportunities) – so little time. Instant gratification. Takeaway food. Buffet-style meals. Obesity. Chef’s surprises. The need to be discerning. Mechanized systems that don’t require much thought.
The Caution: Taking everything you can simply because it is available, regardless of needs. The inability to make life’s decisions. Things so near, yet so far. The inability to satisfy no matter how much one has. Feeling that one has to eat because it’s there. Indulgence beyond reason. Indigestion. Waste. Obsession with food. Using up people one by one.
Saturn is retrograde on Pisces 17: AN EASTER PROMENADE
This Symbol shows the ability, or the need, to be able to regularly join with others in order to celebrate your community’s religious, spiritual or cultural ideas. To “Promenade” is to take a leisurely walk. That it’s done at “Easter” reveals that at times in your life there will be a need to resurrect some of your hopes and dreams and visions and missions in order to bring them back into your life and to give them shape and form. There is regularly a need to share with others to celebrate your community’s religious or spiritual aspirations and ideals. No matter how structured or organized this celebration is, if it’s done with joy and warmth of feeling, it will inspirit the group, infusing them with a sense of emotional unity.
Keywords: Renewed faith in one’s life circumstances. Rising up from doubt, fear and loss. Public holidays and their celebrations. Dressing up. Easter bonnets. Easter eggs, chickens and the fertility rites of spring. Rebirth. Forgiveness. Joy. Spiritual unity. Religious holidays. Worship. Renewal. Parades. Transformation.
The Caution: Superficial shows of unity. Craving for attention. Always needing an excuse to get together and unite. Empty displays of faith or joy. Doing things only because everyone else is doing them. Feeling lost, alone and forsaken in the crowd. Guilt trips. Exclusion of other faiths. Religious domination.
This is a wonderful Symbol of second chances of romance, love, passion and starting over in life. Even when it feels like all chance of wonderful things have passed by, something comes back into your life and it can be inspiring, delicious and revivifying. However, it’s best not to be swept off your feet and misguided by overreaction. Nor is it a good idea to just take whatever you can get, thinking nothing better will ever come along. Analyzing your options in a mature fashion, you’ll have a deep understanding of what is possible and you can choose to be involved for the right reasons.
Keywords: Finding a renewal of love, knowledge, and interest when it looked like all opportunities had passed. Second chances. Starting over. Menopause. Romance renewed. Awakening to life’s promises. Flowering of love, life and joy. Sudden realizations.
The Caution: Believing love and romance long gone. Denying emotional expression because of social expectation. Losing heart and feeling unloved. Having no time for romance due to responsibilities. Being skeptical of love, thinking it not possible or realistic. Resenting the aged finding love. Fickleness.
This Symbol shows the ability, or the need, to be able to envision or decide what you want to be and as you grow and develop, becoming that vision. The “Boy” of this Symbol lived in childhood under a hill figure of an esteemed person and when he grew up he wanted to become like that himself. At times in your life, you may find that you are growing into the image that you have imagined and it gives you a sense of pride – assuming you have chosen a positive image. What or who do you “Idealize”? What is it that you’d like to become? What image would you like to project? Meditating on a goal or the projection of an ideal can lead to actuality. Just be clear about what you really desire in the situation – you just might get it.
Keywords: Concrete manifestation of one’s ideals. Enduring truths. Culmination of efforts. Projections of ideal images. Wanting to be “big” and successful. Tutankhamen’s mask. Wanting a sense of immortality. Defining one’s fate through conscious manifestation. Morphing reality to suit an objective. Ambition. The ability to see life in inanimate objects.
The Caution: Not being at all clear about who one is or what one can be. Becoming a screen for the projection of other’s ideals. Stony faces that show the hardships of life. Hardening of one’s personality. Ideals set in stone. Idealizing others therefore losing one’s own identity.
The Sabian Symbol of stationary retrograde Pluto is Capricorn 30: A SECRET MEETING OF MEN RESPONSIBLE FOR WORLD AFFAIRS. Pluto goes direct on this degree on October 12. It is worth noting that Pluto sits on this degree right through the U.S. election.
This Symbol shows the ability to, or the need for, being able to meet with others in order to lay out plans; to have “Secret” meetings of people, people that are often VIP’s in some way or, at least, in charge of decisions or governments or empires. The “Directors” meet, they conference or just conference call, they exchange views, ideas, gossip. There may be decisions to be made or plans to be laid out. Do you make all your decisions on your own, or do you need help? You can often call on the relevant knowledgeable friends or authorities, as you’re bound to know them or how to meet them, and you’ll iron out the details. Sometimes, however, you may feel shut out by those “in charge”.
Keywords: Sharing innermost secrets. Confidential information. Masterly control. Big guys calling the shots. Being too busy to see people of “lesser” importance. Rationing time. Governments and secrets. Spies. Privy Councils. Planning and plotting. Having a say in things. Doors. Whispers. Records of meetings. Important meetings. Boards of directors and secretaries. Conspiracies.
The Caution: Excluding some. Exploiting people or situations. Elitism. Being controlled by those above. Decisions made behind closed doors. Dark rooms and huddled people talking. Concealing the truth from others. Cliques and committees. Suspicions of motives.
The Sabian Symbol for the Moon’s north node is Aries 7: A MAN SUCCESSFULLY EXPRESSING HIMSELF IN TWO REALMS AT ONCE
Areas of your life may seem divided, but you can be fully expressive in each aspect of your life if you give each aspect value and look for each parts individual importance. There’s the ability to shift your focus from one thing to another when it is needed or useful. Be careful not to scatter your energies, but, of course, indulge in the various areas of life or projects that interest you – for example straight jobs versus weird hobbies or vice versa.
Keywords: Integrating the spiritual with the material. Balancing things. Doing juggling acts. Moving through people’s lives and social strata. Translations of words and thoughts from one area of life to another. Having separated family situations. Living a dual life. Being adaptable. Moonlighting. Alternate realities. Shifting focus when necessary. Versatility. Looking elsewhere.
The Caution: Fooling yourself that you can be all things to different people, but eventually failing in one or both. Exhaustion through trying to achieve too much. Deception, if allegiances are not clear. Infidelity and fickleness. Scattering of interests with little being achieved. Bigamy. Being two-faced. Lies and masquerades. Feeling like one doesn’t truly fit in anywhere. Not being able to stop.
The Sabian Symbol for the Moon’s south node is Libra 7: A WOMAN FEEDING CHICKENS AND PROTECTING THEM FROM THE HAWKS
This Symbol shows someone who nourishes and protects and feels a sense of being in charge and being responsible for those who can’t look after themselves. In your life, there is probably the need to look after those in your care, whether persons, things or ideas. There could be dangers that no-one else seems to be taking seriously, however your efforts to protect and nourish will be rewarded in the future. Feeding, nourishing and protecting those around you will pay off sometimes in unexpected ways. There’s a need to be careful not to favor some far more than others or to take too much on, or feel responsible for everything and everyone as this can exhaust and limit what you’re trying to accomplish.
Keywords: Nurturance, protection and guardianship. Being on the lookout for changes in the atmosphere. Spotting problems that nobody else notices. Shielding innocents from “bad-guys”. Motherhood and parenthood and the stress of it. Predators. Being firm with outsiders. Asylum. Places of residence
The Caution: Overprotection. Unable to cope with everyday problems. Taking over with the pretense of the need for protection. Not allowing others to grow up. Always being on the lookout for problems. Neurotic worrying about what may happen. Seeing the world as a big, scary place. Being picked on. Taking advantage of the innocent. Protection money. Attacking others.
This Symbol shows issues of going to a great deal of effort to conceal from others things that are very important. This could be heavy responsibilities that have been placed on you. You may feel that you have succeeded in shouldering these burdens without others knowing, but in fact it may be apparent to others in the way the burden of your secret is affecting your behavior. It may be necessary to share the load. Are you truly participating in life? Do you always put on a happy face regardless of what’s going on? Are you feeling weighed down?
Keywords: Privacy. Quiet determination to get on with the job. Mild manners. Carrying more than one’s share, gratefully or grudgingly. Shouldering problems. Bad backs. Victim status – poor me! Pregnancies – can be secret. Doing overtime. Heavy loads. Smiling against the odds. Pastel colors. Codes of silence.
The Caution: Covering something up. Trying to conceal distrust. Keeping one’s thoughts and emotions locked-in creating ill health and disease. Fading into the background. Not being noticed or recognized. Feeling weighed down with shame, loss or humiliation. Wearing dark clothes. Dressing in order to cover up. Being the family scapegoat. Heavy karma.