Things In Focus Or Just A Spectacle? October’s Ring Of Fire Annular Solar Eclipse In Libra

We must look at the lens through which we see the world, as well as the world we see, and understand that the lens itself shapes how we interpret the world. Stephen Covey
The mind is for seeing, the heart is for hearing. Saudi Arabian proverb
Every closed eye is not sleeping, and every open eye is not seeing. Anon
Question and answer is not a civilized form of conversation. Patrick O’Brian
A cynic is a man who looks at the world with a monocle in his mind’s eye. Carolyn Wells
I had some eyeglasses. I was walking down the street when suddenly the prescription ran out. Stephen Wright
A suppressed resolve will betray itself in the eyes. George Eliot
October’s new Moon, happening on the 2nd in the U.S. and the 3rd in Australia, is an annular solar eclipse. This type of eclipse is called a Ring of Fire eclipse. In a total eclipse, the moon is close enough to Earth that it completely blocks the sun, a ‘Ring of Fire’ is a nickname for an annular solar eclipse which is an eclipse in which the moon does not completely overlap the sun and therefore leaves a ring of visible sunlight around the moon’s shadow. More information about this eclipse can be found here.
Astrologically speaking, this is another rather big event, as we have (in zodiacal order), the Moon’s south node, the Sun, the Moon, the Black Moon Lilith and Mercury, all in a tight conjunction together. The theme of this solar eclipse is one of needing to, or being able to, see people, events, places, things, etc., as they really are and not through the lens that the media, the government, or others, or our preconceived ideas may have painted them. We are finding that many, many, in our lives, or those that we’re observing, are falling from grace and not at all what we may have painted them to be. This is especially true as we’ve seen Pisces 25: THE PURGING OF THE PRIESTHOOD highlighted so many times recently. Further to Pisces 25, Venus goes direct on the ‘Purging’ degree next year in April after going retrograde on Aries 11: THE PRESIDENT OF THE COUNTRY OR THE RULER OF ONE’S NATION in early March of 2025 (that should be a very interesting period to see who or what is being ‘purged’).
In amongst other things happening, we are seeing the revelations of abuse, scandal and illegal activities amongst celebrities in the music and entertainment industry and a lot of very famous people are likely to be disgraced or ‘demoted’ (to say the least) in the eyes of the public. Although there’s not a great deal on mainstream media about it, there’s an enormous amount emerging on social media about the arrest of Sean Combs (AKA Diddy). Reminiscent of the Jeffrey Epstein case, this one is going to cause the appalling abuse of power to become evident. And, there are scores of celebrities involved, including some that we might not have suspected.
Of course, many of us are not particularly interested in Diddy or his extreme antisocial behaviors, but this is going to be enormous if it’s allowed to unfold. I imagine that the facts of what went on will be made more public than in Epstein’s case where a lot of the people involved were top level politicians, etc., which has all been rather covered up. With Diddy’s case, it is celebrities that, until now and for a few decades past, have been protected and shielded from public scrutiny and prosecution. Things have changed now (for some reason), and, many people are looking at these celebrities with ‘new eyes’. It’s interesting to note (whether we’re interested in Diddy or not) that his Mars is on Capricorn 30 – where Pluto is right now – on A SECRET MEETING OF MEN RESPONSIBLE FOR WORLD AFFAIRS. Of course, these are huge movers and shakers that are going to have their misdeeds coming to light. The ‘Purging’ is going to be enormous, I imagine, and will extend for several months, possibly years.
On a more personal level, we are likely to be seeing some around us in a new light. We may have misjudged some while allowing others to move under the radar getting away with all kinds of mistreatment and abuses against us.
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The Sabian Symbol of October’s new Moon, along with the Black Moon Lilith is Libra 11: A PROFESSOR PEERING OVER HIS GLASSES AT HIS STUDENTS. The following is my full interpretation of this Sabian Symbol from my book The Sabian Oracle: 360 Degrees of Wisdom:-
Commentary: A ‘Professor’ is ‘Peering Over His Glasses at His Students’. His eyes have been strained over the years from doing close-up work with books and papers and now he needs ‘Glasses’ for reading and studying. The rational mind requires a different kind of “lens” to that of the emotion or intuition. When the ‘Professor’ moves his gaze or attention to ‘His Students’, he needs to use a different focus. He ‘Peers Over His Glasses’ to look at them and to see them as they truly are. If he observes them through the same intellectual “lenses” he uses for his study, he may neglect to see them as individuals with their own abilities and needs, and their human attributes will get lost in the process.
Oracle: You may need to interrupt your rational, linear, skeptical concentration to realize that people, together with your intuitive ideas, are all around you, and they are valuable assets of your life and development. Are you, or is someone else, really looking at things with the right ‘Glasses’? Do you have “old eyes” or “new eyes” to see? Is there a projection of something, a thought or an attitude, onto others in this situation that isn’t really appropriate or doesn’t really belong to them? Someone is, or needs to, notice what’s going on, or take a minute to observe people in their true light. There may be a need to remember that being “clever” or “intellectual” does not mean that someone is better or above everyone else. Although, of course, being in a position of some kind of authority can lend weight when there’s a need for giving kindly advice. There may be an issue of telling people what to do and how they should act. Are you the ‘Professor’ or are you a ‘Student’? Regardless of which one you are, keeping in mind that people are to be viewed kindly, seriously, and with respect, will help.
Keywords: Lenses of perception. Seeing that others get the message. Intellectual snobbery. Photography. Lenses as shields or barriers between people or things. Observing others. Examining one’s self. Understanding where you’re looking. Giving advice. Teachers. Professors. The ability to “read others”. Motivations or talents of others seen and appreciated.
The Caution: Assuming a superior position. Thinking others have a lesser position or intelligence. Reading endless self-help books and not noticing real life. Bossing others. Not seeing, or caring to notice, one’s own faults and limitations. Feeling separate from what’s being said or taught. Distortions of perception or observation. Condescending behavior. Seeing people as interruptions.
The Karmic Condition of this annular solar eclipse is Libra 10: A CANOE IS APPROACHING SAFETY THROUGH DANGEROUS WATERS
This Symbol speaks of getting through difficult times in life and coming out the other side. It also infers being able to bring calm reassurance that a time of calm is approaching. The difficulties in your life may have been arduous, but they’ve added to your experience to cope with any difficult times that are yet to come. The calm is a time to review what has past and how you’ve come through the most difficult straits. Realizing that you’re on safe ground brings a sense of relief, and it will give you time to catch your breath. You may be the kind to go white water rafting in order to stir up your life somewhat; if there’s nothing whipping up around you, you may go looking for it.
Keywords: The calm after the storm. Navigating difficult straits and coming out okay. White water rafting. Skydiving and other risky activities. Rough waters vs. plain sailing. Recovery. Remission. Light at the end of the tunnel. Personal initiations. Trials of test and defeat. Being stoic. Retaining dignity and graciousness. Exercising care and restraint. Avoiding over exaggerated enthusiasm. Deliverance on many levels. Salvation. Staying on track.
The Caution: Neglecting to take a time to rest. Taking foolhardy risks, believing that all will be okay. Pre-empting situations without completing things in the present. Thinking that “lightning never strikes in the same place twice”. Shooting more rapids. Freezing up and not moving.
The Quest Degree of this annular solar eclipse is Libra 12: MINERS ARE EMERGING FROM A DEEP COAL MINE. This is also the Sabian Symbol of Mercury. In Australia there’s a lot of talk of new coal mines being approved. I saw protests against this last weekend in my local area.
This Symbol shows the need to delve deep within your self or into a subject to find the answers. There is often a challenge in being able to go deeply enough to come up with what’s really sought after. But it is not enough to just find the message, you need to bring what you’ve learnt into the light of day so that you can benefit from this passage and breathe more freely. It’s time to stop operating in the dark, to come to the surface and stop working so hard. There are rewards, however, from the passage into the depths; you can bring up jewels that otherwise would have remained underground, or undiscovered, or not revealed to the light.
Keywords: Release from arduous labor. Stopping work. Coming into the light. Deep subconscious healing. Hypnotherapy. Going into dark places. Claustrophobia. Memories from the past or out of nowhere. Things dark and “gothic”. Lung and breathing problems. Persephone emerging. The labyrinth of the mind. The mind flooding. Tunnel vision. Caves. Mines. Digging for answers. Relief and time off. Ghost stories. Being the “canary” in the mine. Work.
The Caution: Gloomy outlooks. Not seeing potentials. Emerging with a “blackened face”. Difficulty breathing. Earning a living being a life and death situation. Working hard for small rewards. Emotional loops. Things hard to escape. Fear of confinement or capture.
The Quest Degree of Mercury is Libra 12: CHILDREN BLOWING SOAP BUBBLES. I include this Quest Degree of Mercury as, when we are ‘Emerging From a Coal Mine’, we may need to ‘clean things up’, to wash out our hands and our eyes, to see things or people as they really are. We can do well to identify when things that we are either saying or hearing can be like ‘soap bubbles’, like captions in a cartoon, for instance. We also can feel a need to find our ‘voice’, especially as we emerge into the clear light of day and reality. We are seeing many people in a different light, people we thought were ‘heroes’ can be seen in a new light as ‘villains’, or those that are now showing their ‘true face’. There’s also a message for many to remember to have fun, to play.
This Symbol shows issues to do with play, make believe, and fantasy. It is through simplicity and imagination that “Children” come together and enjoy play that is sometimes meaningless and yet very important to development. There is often a sense of being on the surface, not delving very deeply into life, however, there needs to be a lighthearted attitude and not to always be into the deep and meaningful, for it will be in fleeting moments of pleasurable wonder that you will find pleasure, joy and companionship. There can be a feeling, however, of a lack of depth in relating – like things that are said are like cartoon captions with little substance behind them.
Keywords: Spending time being creative with children. Drama. Being carefree or superficial. Finding joy in pure abstractions. Captions in cartoons. Pollyanna attitudes that can lead to fun or nowhere. Not caring about the future, only the moment. Rediscovering the simple joys of life. Toys and playing. Soap and bubbles. Comic book heroes. Being easily amused. Fun. Playing with friends. Dislike of chitchat.
The Caution: Never growing up. Frivolousness. Daydreaming. Resenting people who don’t have serious work. Upset over the loss of things that don’t have lasting substance. Not meaning what’s said. Making light of the serious. Moving on without completing anything of lasting value. Gullibility. Impractical behavior. Not knowing when to stop talking.
The Sabian Symbol of Venus (the ruler of this solar eclipse) is Scorpio 12: A BRILLIANT ASSEMBLY OF OFFICIALS AT AN OFFICIAL EMBASSY BALL
This Symbol implies the ability to be able to mix with people from all over the world, to talk in different kinds of languages or travel in the circles of the elite. You are likely to find, at times, that you’re invited to the ‘right’ functions (or that you want to be) or that you’re sure of being on the list of those who gather together to make decisions or call the shots. Enjoying social situations can be rewarding on many levels, however, the conditions may sometimes be caged in rather strict protocol and rules of behavior that you and others have to adhere to. Look at yourself and observe whether you are being your natural self or putting on a show for others. This Symbol can imply social climbing and political strategies.
Keywords: Political game playing. Manners and protocol. Dressing and looking right. Who knows who and what it’s worth. Social and political standing. The Cinderella story. Sparkling occasions. Knowing etiquette. Looking for social connections and outcomes that are not necessarily immediate. International relations. The “My Fair Lady” story. Social engineering. Speaking the right language.
The Caution: Cinderella mindsets. The habit of role-playing. Not being taught how to behave in “polite society”. Having to learn how to fit in without having instruction. Dining, drinking and enjoying life whilst others can “eat cake”. Diplomatic standoffs. Gate crashing. Feeling out of one’s depth. Political point scoring that ignores the human dimension.
This Symbol shows being able to make sense out of complex systems and to be able to apply them in everyday life. However, you may still be puzzled by the deeper meanings of your situation. The key is often found in old knowledge and wisdom or systems of understanding like architecture and astrology. Perhaps you feel ‘boxed in’ by situations and need to be able to strategize your way out. You must seek what is already known in order to understand. Knowledge is available to you. Studying ‘the secret mysteries’ can reveal answers to life’s questions.
Keywords: Concentration. Overcoming obstacles by gaining control of one’s inner and outer life. Architecture and strategic planning. Lessons to be learnt from history. Astrology, numerology, tarot. Systems of thought that are laid out. Maps. The rules of warfare—anything with a strategy. Drawing strength and inspiration from squares and circles. Inward attention. Mandalas.
The Caution: Ignoring the old wisdom for modern rational systems. Lack of imagination. Going into a situation unorganized and unplanned. Trying to gain the better of others by out strategizing them. Not wanting to put in the work.
The Sabian Symbol of Jupiter which is stationary and going retrograde in two week’s time is Gemini 22: DANCING COUPLES CROWD THE BARN IN A HARVEST FESTIVAL. With this coming retrograde Jupiter period, I keep hearing the words ‘food security’. There’s all kinds of issues coming to the surface regarding food and it’s supply and safety.
This Symbol shows the need to regularly celebrate life and its bounty and harvest. When the work’s been done, achievements have been made and there is a sense of security and ‘Harvest’ in the air, it is time to celebrate with one another. Gathering people together, there is a need to get back to a simple, conservative level of enjoyment. There’s a sense of being in tune with seasonal rhythms and taking some time out to enjoy and de-stress. The feeling of a healthy heart and a healthy mind, while taking a break from the struggles of providing, can bring joy to everyone. See if you can take time out to celebrate and to enjoy your environment.
Keywords: Celebrating the warmth and providence of the earth. The joy of nature’s harvest. Joining with others to celebrate. The reality of rhythmical or seasonal adjustments. Agriculture. Good old time values. Issues of pride in one’s place. Going out, having fun, listening and dancing to music. Square dancing, ballroom dancing etc. Barns and dance halls.
The Caution: Being the wallflower and not participating. Waiting for a special invitation rather than responding to the possibilities available. Resentment. Isolation. Going alone. False displays of community. Shallowness. Attention paid to only those who are important.
The Karmic Condition of Jupiter is Gemini 21: A TUMULTUOUS LABOR DEMONSTRATION. Around the 21st October, Jupiter will retrograde back onto this degree. I’m hearing word of big protests not only going on now but being planned for the near future with loads of protest activity particularly around ports.
This Symbol shows a need to periodically stand up when things aren’t going well or when there’s a feeling of being taken advantage of. There are probably many others who are involved in or sympathetic to your situation. However, there may be a feeling of being alone and powerless, so it is important to find out what level of support you have. There are injustices around that need righting and a spontaneous group reaction may be what has to be done to wake up those in charge. Be wary that your emotions don’t take the better of you and that you don’t get into the habit of going off the rails in order to get what you want.
Keywords: Pushing for change to the status quo. Feeling hard done by or taken advantage of. Seeking a better share of the profits. Protest about having too much to do. Standing up for yourself. Issues being trivialized. Overreaction. Melodramatic approaches to serious issues. Voting for change. Periodic blowing up. The rights of democracy. People in the street. Peace rallies.
The Caution: Using the group to accomplish a personal agenda. Asking for more than one’s share, or not being able to ask for one’s share. Protests that can lead to riots. Resisting change. Feeling that one’s vote or voice doesn’t count. Emotions that get completely out of hand. Refusing to cooperate or to be productive. Brutality and violence.
It is hard to fight an enemy who has outposts in your head. Sally Kempton
We are not ready for an unforeseen event that may or may not occur. Dan Quayle
This Symbol shows the ability, or the need, to be well rehearsed, prepared and ready for anything that life throws at you. When you’re well rehearsed, you are able to spring to attention when situations warrant it. At many times in your life, you may feel that you need to rehearse or prepare for difficult situations. There is wisdom in practicing to reduce the chance of error or failure. However, are you going over and over possible negative outcomes thereby losing the joy that can be found in relaxing and letting down your guard? Sometimes the things we think are going to happen don’t happen at all. Choosing where, when and how to be ready and willing to go for objectives is half the battle.
Keywords: Taking orders to better respond to situations. The higher self training the lower self. Exercises. Marching and going through the motions. The need for defense. Seeing ahead. Planning strategies. Fire drills. Smoke alarms. Being prepared. Issuing orders and expecting them to be followed through. Discipline. Martial arts of all kinds. Going over and over possible outcomes. Safeguards put in place. Gas masks and bomb shelters.
The Caution: Rigid routine for no real or valuable purpose. Feeling that one has always to be on the defensive. Being under attack, whether real or imagined. Overreacting to things. Feelings of unworthiness in the face of battle or confrontation. Victim consciousness. Fearful responses. Getting others to respond through spreading fear. Scare tactics.
This Symbol indicates having talents and skills and crafts that reflect one’s culture or abilities. Don’t underestimate yourself and do only what you think others believe you are capable of. These very limitations are telling you of hidden talents and skills that you probably just take for granted. There is something very worthwhile on offer here, don’t wait for passersby to stop and pay attention. Others may think you’re more talented and special than you realize. Get out and show your talents and abilities.
Keywords: Older, wiser elements of society making offerings to the younger, less integrated. Small, but worthy products. Adapting to changing conditions, particularly monetary or financial. Working hard for small returns and rewards. Battling against the odds. Selling the products of one’s culture. Artifacts. Jewelry. Handicrafts. Retailing. Supplying the populace with beautiful things. Markets and stalls. Patience. Bartering and bargaining.
The Caution: Looking down on those that seem less fortunate. Loss of culture and traditional duties. Menial jobs. Devaluing things or overvaluing junk. Feeling that you have nothing to offer. Waiting for others to validate your worth. Bickering over money. Feeling ‘cursed’ with one’s lot in life. Lack of the respect for the arts. Being stuck in the marketplace. Sweat shops.
This Symbol shows the ability, or the need, to be able to analyze things, to consider and draw conclusions from available data, to be perceptive of colors, light refraction or reflection, auras and light. You probably have the ability to break situations down into the simplest components in order to see the full picture. This can and often does lead to a greater understanding of the relationship between the whole and the many parts. Just be careful not to overanalyze, thereby losing the joy that’s inherent in the simplicities of life. Taking a single vision and turning it into many individual streams can be rewarding, but it can also confuse and distract.
Keywords: Spectrum analysis. Color and crystal healing. Rainbows. Light refraction. Side effects. Considering many facets of a situation. Endless opportunities. Optics. Sight. Seeing. Copying and sharing ideas or things. Disseminating information. Auras and aura photography. Triangles. Polarization of light. Reflection. Laboratory tests. Diffracted personality.
The Caution: Locked in to a set of parameters. Over analyzing things. Being blinded by ambition. Daunted by the task ahead. Mirages. Microscopes and binoculars but not seeing things as they really are.
Pluto is stationary and soon to go direct on Capricorn 30: A SECRET MEETING OF MEN RESPONSIBLE FOR WORLD AFFAIRS. Pluto will be on this degree through the US election and up to approx. November 20.
You people are telling me what you think I want to know. I want to know what is actually happening. Creighton Abrams
This Symbol shows the ability to, or the need for, being able to meet with others in order to lay out plans; to have “Secret” meetings of people, people that are often VIP’s in some way or, at least, in charge of decisions or governments or empires. The “Directors” meet, they conference or just conference call, they exchange views, ideas, gossip. There may be decisions to be made or plans to be laid out. Do you make all your decisions on your own, or do you need help? You can often call on the relevant knowledgeable friends or authorities, as you’re bound to know them or how to meet them, and you’ll iron out the details. Sometimes, however, you may feel shut out by those “in charge”.
Keywords: Sharing innermost secrets. Confidential information. Masterly control. Big guys calling the shots. Being too busy to see people of “lesser” importance in your life. Rationing time. Governments and secrets. Spies. Privy Councils. Planning and plotting. Having a say in things. Doors. Whispers. Records of meetings. Important meetings. Boards of directors and secretaries. Conspiracies.
The Caution: Excluding some. Exploiting people or situations. Elitism. Being controlled by those above. Decisions made behind closed doors. Dark rooms and huddled people talking. Concealing the truth from others. Cliques and committees. Suspicions of motives.
The Sabian Symbol for retrograde Chiron is Aries 22: THE GATE OPENS TO THE GARDEN OF ALL FULFILLED DESIRES
This Symbol brings up fabulous opportunities, such as being in beautiful places with your desires met. There can be the promise of happiness, stability and feeling like you’ve arrived where you want. At times, though, you may be right at the point of what you want, but need to make the deliberate action of opening the gate, admitting even to your self what you want. Perhaps you need to knock, showing your intention of wanting in. Maybe you have everything you need – look around.
Keywords: Craving happiness. Gardens and their treasures. Trellises and flowing plants. Pathways to bliss. Gates and doors. Unlocking and opening gates and doors. Analyzing your heart’s desires. The grass being greener on the other side. Rewards and treasures waiting. The allure of somewhere else. Initiations. Passages to a better life. Acquiring property. Sexual fulfillment. Opening up to life’s possibilities and rewards.
The Caution: Feeling or being shut out. Denying yourself the right to just rewards. Wild ‘goose-chases’. Being afraid of losing everything. Having everything, but wanting more. Things not being as real as you imagined. Feeling unhinged. Not having the materials to make dreams come true. Issues of possession that separate. Your cup being half-empty or half-full.
The Sabian Symbol for the Moon’s north node is Aries 7: A MAN SUCCESSFULLY EXPRESSING THEMSELF IN TWO REALMS AT ONCE
Areas of your life may seem divided, but you can be fully expressive in each aspect of your life if you give each aspect value and look for each parts individual importance. There’s the ability to shift your focus from one thing to another when it is needed or useful. Be careful not to scatter your energies, but, of course, indulge in the various areas of life or projects that interest you. E.g. straight jobs versus weird hobbies or vice versa.
Keywords: Integrating the spiritual with the material. Balancing things. Doing juggling acts. Moving through people’s lives and social strata. Translations of words and thoughts from one area of life to another. Having separate family situations. Living a dual life. Being adaptable. Moonlighting. Alternate realities. Shifting focus when necessary. Versatility. Looking elsewhere.
The Caution: Fooling yourself that you can be all things to different people, but eventually failing in one or both. Exhaustion through trying to achieve too much. Deception, if allegiances are not clear. Infidelity and fickleness. Scattering of interests with little being achieved. Bigamy. Two-faced. Lies and masquerades. Feeling like one doesn’t truly fit in anywhere. Not being able to stop.
The Sabian Symbol for the Moon’s south node is Libra 7: A WOMAN FEEDING CHICKENS AND PROTECTING THEM FROM THE HAWKS
This Symbol shows someone who nourishes and protects and feels a sense of being in charge and being responsible for those who can’t look after themselves. In your life, there is probably the need to look after those in your care, whether persons, things or ideas. There could be dangers that no-one else seems to be taking seriously, however your efforts to protect and nourish will be rewarded in the future. Feeding, nourishing and protecting those around you will pay off sometimes in unexpected ways. There’s a need to be careful not to favor some far more than others or to take too much on, or feel responsible for everything and everyone as this can exhaust and limit what you’re trying to accomplish.
Keywords: Nurturance, protection and guardianship. Being on the lookout for changes in the atmosphere. Spotting problems that nobody else notices. Shielding innocents from “bad-guys”. Motherhood and the stress of it. Predators. Being firm with outsiders. Asylum. Places of residence.
The Caution: Overprotection. Unable to cope with everyday problems. Taking over with the pretense of the need for protection. Not allowing others to grow up. Always being on the lookout for problems. Neurotic worrying about what may happen. Seeing the world as a big, scary place. Being picked on. Taking advantage of the innocent. Protection money. Attacking others.