The Inner and Outer Meanings Of The Double Promise: October’s Full Moon In Aries

A wise man hears one word and understands two. Yiddish proverb
Danger and delight grow on one stalk. Scottish proverb
The reverse side also has a reverse side. Japanese proverb
What a difference there is between what we say and what we think. Jean Racine
We must not promise what we ought not, lest we be called on to perform what we cannot. Abraham Lincoln
What’s important is promising something to the people, not actually keeping those promises. The people have always lived on hope alone. Hermann Broch
All promise outruns performance. Ralph Waldo Emerson
Words are words, explanations are explanations, promises are promises but only performance is reality. Harold S. Geneen
Right now I’m having amnesia and deja vu at the same time. I think I’ve forgotten this before. Steven Wright
October’s Aries full Moon is a SuperMoon (click the link to read astrologer Richard Nolle’s article on SuperMoons What It Is and What It Means). Occurring on October 17, it has quite the message and quite the configuration. The Moon is conjunct Chiron, the Sun is conjunct the asteroid Juno and both are forming a grand cross with Mars and Pluto. There are likely to be explosive energies around this full Moon in one way or another. Of course, it’s always rather hard to predict what actually may happen, but it’s as sure as eggs going to be a boiling-point time on many fronts, particularly politically and on the world stage (having stated the obvious).
This is the last full Moon before the US election on November 5, and, Mars is building to the opposition to Pluto that occurs exact just hours before the polling starts. I’ll be writing more, I imagine, about that before the 5th of November. It’s interesting to note (for those that don’t know or realise) that the 5th November marks Guy Fawkes Night, and, Guy Fawkes was part of the ‘Gunpowder Plot’. Well, certainly Mars opposing Pluto exactly for the election sounds rather like a Gunpowder Plot of sorts. Of course, we would rather not see anything erupting per se, no explosions, no damage, no one hurt (I think people have had enough), however, there’s for sure going to be some explosive emotions and events.
Without wanting to overstate things, this full Moon feels like one of duplicity – how can we trust what we’re being told, even sometimes what we’re seeing with our own eyes? The Sabian Symbol for this full Moon is Aries 25: A DOUBLE PROMISE REVEALS ITS INNER AND OUTER MEANINGS. And, the Symbol for the Moon’s north node is Aries 7: A PERSON SUCCESSFULLY EXPRESSING THEMSELF IN TWO REALMS AT ONCE. There’s also Mars, just a few hours after the full Moon, moving onto Cancer 24: A WOMAN AND TWO MEN (OR A MAN AND TWO WOMEN) CAST AWAY ON A SMALL ISLAND (which can speak of too many people confusing situations).
There’s even more ‘duplicity’ in the chart, but, I want at this point, to be clear that these Symbols can, and often are, all good in their own terms: They are not necessarily inherently negative or confronting – however, it’s the sum of the parts that build to this feeling that ‘something is not quite right, how things are being presented’. Further, having these Symbols in your chart or active in our lives can be a Godsend: We learn to see through outer appearances and into things that might not be apparent to others – seeing ‘the inner and outer realities’. Being able to operate on the spiritual level whilst being engaged with the more mundane physical world, etc. Marc Edmund Jones said about Aries 25 ‘Here is unlimited capacity for seeing the world and self both inwardly and outwardly‘.
Back to duplicity – this can go for any expression of the word: The nightly news, the established media, the ruling elites, people that you know – heck, it can even be apparent in your family. Regardless of the source (and there’s bound to be more than one, there’s several as I’m writing this for sure), whether it’s from the outside of your circle or from the inside (or those wanting to be inside your circle), there’s a definite need to be mindful of what you’re being told and what is actually really happening, or, is going to happen. Having said that, of course – some but surely not all – of these deceptions will be revealed and some people will be shocked, and some will just sigh and move on (others may be completely unimpressed, however).
The reverse side also has a reverse side. Japanese proverb
For just one example: The Australian government is intent on introducing a Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation Bill. The fact that the government and established media sources (news outlets and journalists) are exempt from these ‘restrictions’ is typical of the subterfuge and bullying that can arise from such a legislation. We’re already seeing people being arrested for social media posts. Although we’re yet to see how this will unfold, it feels Orwellian already.
Of course, as always, there are good aspects to this full Moon – there’s, for a start, Venus trining Neptune from Scorpio to Pisces. Thing is, we may wonder just how much we’ve been led astray, particularly as Venus is on Scorpio 30: THE HALLOWEEN TRICKSTER. Naturally, Scorpio 30 can have its own good features (such as being able to take a joke – or, make one), it is, however, showing signs (excuse the pun) of loads of duplicity, tricks, exaggerations, outright lying and deception to the point where some of us that see through it could find it almost amusing. Others may end up with egg on their face as their deceptions, or duplicity, are exposed.
The more that we expand, the more that we have (and *have*) to understand that there’s both the light and the dark side and that’s all within the story, the experience – the realisation. It can be as simple (or as complex) as that. We also, at times, have to shrug off the manipulations or lies that we experience in life (even those we perpetuate ourselves) to see that ‘this too shall pass’. There’s a lot of learning here. If we pierce through which promises are made and which are actually fulfilled, we can see where we might need to either call it out, or, at least acknowledge what’s happening.
I have started to post on Substack. Please join me there. I have chosen that platform as people can ‘like’ and comment on my posts. I’ll be posting all kinds of insights and ways of reading the Symbols. Here’s the link. I will eventually be leaving Mailchimp as it costs me $180 a month to send out my newsletters. Substack is free.
BTW, if you want to review some of my previous newsletters, you can do so here.
The Sabian Symbol for the full Moon is Aries 25: A DOUBLE PROMISE REVEALS ITS INNER AND OUTER MEANINGS. The following is my full interpretation of this Sabian Symbol from my book The Sabian Oracle: 360 Degrees of Wisdom:-
Commentary: ‘A Double Promise Reveals its Inner and Outer Meanings’ implies that what may at first have appeared to be simple will probably end up being more complicated than was first imagined. Things may look great on the outside, but internally there could be complications that should be considered. There may need to be an honest appraisal of what was actually said, thought or ‘Promised’, and what is actually possible in the real world.
Oracle: It may seem as though there are so many possibilities coming that could change your life on many levels, but ‘Promises’ are often more complicated than we initially think. Is this a situation with integrity or is it laced with duplicity? Look carefully at any ‘Promises’, or outcomes, that were assured or perhaps assumed in this situation. Did you expect more than was actually delivered? One’s rational understanding and emotional desires and responses can often conflict with each other. Consider the effects of the ‘Promise’ on all levels of your being. What comprehension, thoughts and emotions do you have surrounding what was said or implied? This Symbol often indicates a choice that arises between the heart and doing what you want to do and social obligation and knowing what’s right. There is much to be realized and learnt from the situation that has led you to the Oracle. There may be a need to draw another Symbol to get further information, to clarify and refine your direction.
Keywords: Rewards, but what do they bring with them? The possible implications of or reasons for any promises. Something that may look good on the outside, but prove to be difficult. Looking for consensus. Possibilities and promises. The ins and outs of situations. Not turning up. The need to look at situations from all sides. Internal vs. external realities. Catch-22 situations. Contracts.
The Caution: Fickleness, insincerity and two-facedness in human relationships. Expectations without clarification. Reversals of decisions or promises. Duplicity. Manipulating people in order to achieve outcomes. Promising more than can be delivered. Endeavours or projects that are not worth the effort. Lies and misleading statements. Having a hidden agenda. Momentary pledges that are soon forgotten. Contracts that bind.
The Karmic Condition of this Aries full Moon is Aries 24: AN OPEN WINDOW AND A NET CURTAIN BLOWING INTO THE SHAPE OF A CORNUCOPIA. Note that Chiron recently spent weeks on this degree.
This Symbol shows that your mind is, or should be, open to possibilities that are being ‘blown’ in from the realm of spirit. There is an abundance coming, shown by the cornucopia, that will be self-sustaining. This degree suggests that with the slightest change in direction your fortunes could change as well. Look for out-of-the-ordinary opportunities and possibilities. Realizing that in one’s everyday life, one has it all.
Keywords: Imagination. Keeping your options open. The promise of fruition. The breath of life filled with inspiration. Realizing that in everyday life, one has it all. Windows of opportunity. Gain, abundance, riches. Spiritual energies pouring in. Concentrated energy. Seeing desires taking shape. Curtains and windows.
The Caution: Relying on spiritual ideas to provide material sustenance. Dreaming of things dropping into one’s lap. Hoping that good luck will just ‘blow in’. Shutting windows, keeping light and life out. Drawing curtains and withdrawing. Promises, promises.
The Quest Degree of this Aries full Moon is Aries 26: A MAN POSSESSED OF MORE GIFTS THAN HE CAN HOLD.
This Symbol often shows someone who has more talent, more possessions, and more gifts than most people. Perhaps too much is demanded or expected of you or you expect life to give you more and more and more. Recognize that you are surrounded by abundance, but perhaps you are unable to experience it all at once. If you don’t feel you have the ability to cope with all that life throws at you then look in your ‘storehouse’ and you could be surprised at talents you have that have never even been used.
Keywords: Potentials and the obsessions they can bring. Obsessions about “having things” or achieving goals. Counting one’s blessings. Jack-of-all-trades. Having to drop the bundle if one more thing is added. Being talented and blessed. Enormous responsibilities. Wanting to contain all possibilities. Storage. So many things to do—so little time.
The Caution: Not being able to focus on one issue at a time, or on ideas of real worth and therefore not really achieving anything. Inability to gain or contain everything that is desired. Ambition that knows no bounds. Greediness and insatiability. Being told that you can’t have what you want. Things piling up. Juggling and dropping the ball. Feeling as though you will lose everything. Being overwhelmed with possibilities.
The Sabian Symbol of the Sun and the asteroid Juno on this Aries full Moon is Libra 25: THE SIGHT OF AN AUTUMN LEAF BRINGS TO A PILGRIM THE SUDDEN REVELATION OF THE MYSTERY OF LIFE AND DEATH
This Symbol implies the ability, or the necessity, of being able to see far more in simple things than most people see. Instead of merely seeing “An Autumn Leaf”, “The Pilgrim” sees the cycle of life, the seed turning into the tree, the leaves turning in the autumn, etc, etc. There is far more to see in simple objects than is first apparent. You may have learnt much and yet grown tired of seeking information about life through conventional channels. A sudden insight can lead to a whole new revelation of life and its processes. Seeing things that others miss, look for answers in simple, everyday things around you. They may be fleeting, but they are around you – look for the signs, they can have profound effects.
Keywords: Seasonal adjustments. Fleeting inspiration. Seeing things in their own time. Spiritual revelations. Conversations with God. Feeling blessed. The beauty and timelessness of nature. Contacts with nature spirits. Angelic visions. Photography and having a photographic mind. Being here now. Pilgrims and their journeys. The Hadj pilgrimage. Solving problems. Quick and deep minds. Snapshots in time.
The Caution: Focusing on things that have no lasting value or are no longer relevant. Looking for answers in everything, therefore missing out on the big picture that’s right in front of you. Making a big deal out of insignificant or everyday occurrences.
The Sabian Symbol of Mercury is Scorpio 6: A GOLD RUSH TEARS MEN AWAY FROM THEIR NATIVE SOIL.
This Symbol shows the desire to strike out for new territories, new possibilities, new shores, in an attempt to strike “Gold”; to find more money, a better life with more rewards, etc. The “Gold Rush” often tears people away from their usual environment, their homes, their country, their “Native soil”, looking for a better place. The temptation is often to chase the promise of riches elsewhere. You may find yourself faced with the choice between stable, established situations and the more unstable, exciting, temporary and risky situations. The actual promise of abundance in far away places is sometimes worth the effort of moving on, other times not. You might ‘strike gold’ or you may just find yourself a long way from home.
Keywords: Strong desires to move on. The longing and the search for the easy fulfillment of hopes and dreams. Leaving one’s native soil. Having a cause or mission to pursue. Leaving home, people, family. Dropping everything to chase a project. Pilgrimages. The search for riches. Immigration and migration. Listening to clues. The search for the Holy Grail. Pursuing a better life.
The Caution: Chasing the impossible dream. Losing everything. Being unrealistic or opportunistic. Not being content with what one’s got. The grass being greener elsewhere. Lusting after rewards that may be unreal or transitory. Risking what one has for what one could have. Wild goose chases.
It is a double pleasure to trick the trickster. Jean de la Fontaine
This Symbol implies that society needs to have an outlet for disruptive energies, and to have periodic displays of fun, even indulging in somewhat disruptive pranks. You may feel that the trickster in you needs to be let out every now and then, or you may be the focus of tricks by others. Whichever, it should be acknowledged that there needs to be an occasional outlet for immature or fun loving energies, as long as there’s no harm done. This Symbol can refer to somebody who doesn’t take anything too seriously. The time of Halloween is the time when the veil between the living and the dead becomes very thin, like an illusion.
Keywords: The madman inside all of us. Astro-drama. The lifting of the veil between the living and the dead. Unintegrated energies playing tricks on the unwary. Tricksters. Creative surprises. Halloween. Trick or treat. Practical jokes played on the unwary. Roaming the streets. Dressing up. Ghouls and ghosts.
The Caution: Being unable to connect with real and immediate emotions. Contempt for the establishment. ‘Mucking around’ and not getting to the core of things. Evading one’s responsibilities through being silly or madcap. Not respecting other people’s boundaries.
The Sabian Symbol of Mars, the ruler of this Aries full Moon, is Cancer 23: THE MEETING OF A STUDY GROUP OR LITERARY SOCIETY – interesting with the clamp down on ‘information’ or one’s individual thoughts, opinions or ideas.
This Symbol shows the gathering together of those of like mind in order to exchange or share ideas and information. In society, the search for meaning should always be made in order to enrich not only yourself but those around you. Finding the best way to describe something creates the opportunity for greater access by the collective. This can show websites, magazines, newspapers, books; any place that people gather together in order to give an objective view on what’s happening in the culture in order to gain a better understanding of what makes society tick.
Keywords: Shared higher knowledge. Print media, libraries. The written word. Committees. The movie Dead Poet’s Society. Workshopping and brainstorming. Critics and criticism. Diaries, records and minutes of meetings. Newspapers and news media. Consulting with learned people. Talkback radio. Sharing beliefs and ideas. The mirrors of society. Discussions. Letters to the editor. The meeting of the minds. Reviews.
The Caution: Falsifying of ideas. Propaganda spread by the media. Intellectual smugness. Excluding anything non-establishment. Chatting instead of doing. Intellectual bickering. Analyzing every piece of information until it loses its inherent message. Being told only what’s safe to reveal. Disinformation.
The Quest Degree of Mars – Mars moves onto this degree some four hours after the exact full Moon – Cancer 24: A WOMAN AND TWO MEN (OR A MAN AND TWO WOMEN) CAST AWAY ON A SMALL ISLAND.
Please note that this Symbol does not have to mean marital or relationship infidelity – here’s a link to a short something that I wrote about this Symbol.
This Symbol implies that people seem to be locked into some situation, environment or relationship that defies the ordinary definitions of relationships. There could be too many people, as in relationship triangles, or there could just be too many people to take into consideration as sometimes happens when a child intrudes too much into a relationship between adults. You may find that it is difficult to choose what you want as others may have something different to say. Your wants seem to vacillate from one extreme to the other. Perhaps there is a need to get away from those trying to confuse you with conflicting views, although this may sometimes be impossible.
Keywords: Feelings of being fenced in. Too little room to move. Lack of privacy. Relationship triangles. Claustrophobia. Isolation. Love affairs. Too many people or having no one. Having to schedule people’s needs. Competition and rivalry. Polygamy.
The Caution: Not seeing the whole picture. Fighting over one’s “territory”. The specter of “someone else”. Jealousy. Sexual infidelity. Misleading relationships. Being shut out of relationship. Fickleness. Not being able to choose. Having too many people to consider.
The Sabian Symbol of retrograde Jupiter is Gemini 22: DANCING COUPLES CROWD THE BARN IN A HARVEST FESTIVAL.
This Symbol shows the need to regularly celebrate life and its bounty and harvest. When the work’s been done, achievements have been made and there is a sense of security and ‘Harvest’ in the air, it is time to celebrate with one another. Gathering people together, there is a need to get back to a simple, conservative level of enjoyment. There’s a sense of being in tune with seasonal rhythms and taking some time out to enjoy and de-stress. The feeling of a healthy heart and a healthy mind, while taking a break from the struggles of providing, can bring joy to everyone. See if you can take time out to celebrate and to enjoy your environment.
Keywords: Celebrating the warmth and providence of the earth. The joy of nature’s harvest. Joining with others to celebrate. The reality of rhythmical or seasonal adjustments. Agriculture. Good old time values. Issues of pride in one’s place. Going out, having fun, listening and dancing to music. Square dancing, ballroom dancing etc. Barns and dance halls. Food security.
The Caution: Being the wallflower and not participating. Waiting for a special invitation rather than responding to the possibilities available. Resentment. Isolation. Going alone. False displays of community. Shallowness. Attention paid to only those who are important.
Within a week of this full Moon, Jupiter retrogrades back onto Gemini 21: A TUMULTUOUS LABOR DEMONSTRATION
This Symbol shows a need to periodically stand up when things aren’t going well or when there’s a feeling of being taken advantage of. There are probably many others who are involved in or sympathetic to your situation. However, there may be a feeling of being alone and powerless, so it is important to find out what level of support you have. There are injustices around that need righting and a spontaneous group reaction may be what has to be done to wake up those in charge. Be wary that your emotions don’t take the better of you and that you don’t get into the habit of going off the rails in order to get what you want.
Keywords: Pushing for change to the status quo. Feeling hard done by or taken advantage of. Seeking a better share of the profits. Protest about having too much to do. Standing up for yourself. Issues being trivialized. Overreaction. Melodramatic approaches to serious issues. Voting for change. Periodic blowing up. The rights of democracy. People in the street. Peace rallies.
The Caution: Using the group to accomplish a personal agenda. Asking for more than one’s share, or not being able to ask for one’s share. Protests that can lead to riots. Resisting change. Feeling that one’s vote or voice doesn’t count. Emotions that get completely out of hand. Refusing to cooperate or to be productive. Brutality and violence.
Saturn is retrograde on Pisces 14: A LADY WRAPPED IN FOX FUR.
This Symbol shows the ability, or the need, to be able to present an image that shows intelligence, cleverness, glamour and beauty, along with knowing how to move in social circles. The “Lady Wrapped in Fox Fur” is someone who’s sure of themselves, able to bend to situations and have situations bend to their own desires. It often shows an intellect that can get out of, or into, anything they want. You can present an image that enhances your position in society. Intelligence and wit will probably see you through, with others noticing your beauty, grace or intellect. If, however, the guise was stripped away, would you still express the same qualities? You may have to display your capabilities because of negative prejudice, chauvinism, or being underestimated.
Keywords: Outer expressions of real inner worth. Animal magnetism and attraction. Intelligence and its display. Cloaks of feminine wit and sexuality. Beguiling minds. Animal totems and furs. Perceived beauty. The sense of having class and money. Beauty, fashion and talent. Being forward and upfront. Sense of personal style. Grace and composure. Elegance. Knowing what to say and when. Dressing up. Money spent on beauty. Tempting others with sexual signals. Perfumes. Pheromones. Taxidermy.
The Caution: False fronts and expressions of wealth. Selling out for momentary, or monetary, gain. Wrapped in intellectual superficiality. The fatal allure of beauty. Scoring points solely through charisma. Being so caught up in fashion and glamor that one loses a true sense of self. Being overdressed.
Uranus is retrograde on Taurus 27: AN OLD INDIAN WOMAN SELLING BEADS AND TRINKETS.
This Symbol indicates having talents and skills and crafts that reflect one’s culture or abilities. Don’t underestimate yourself and do only what you think others believe you are capable of. These very limitations are telling you of hidden talents and skills that you probably just take for granted. There is something very worthwhile on offer here, don’t wait for passersby to stop and pay attention. Others may think you’re more talented and special than you realize. Get out and show your talents and abilities.
Keywords: Older, wiser elements of society making offerings to the younger, less integrated. Small, but worthy products. Adapting to changing conditions, particularly monetary or financial. Working hard for small returns and rewards. Battling against the odds. Selling the products of one’s culture. Artifacts. Jewelry. Handicrafts. Retailing. Supplying the populace with beautiful things. Markets and stalls. Patience. Bartering and bargaining.
The Caution: Looking down on those that seem less fortunate. Loss of culture and traditional duties. Menial jobs. Devaluing things or overvaluing junk. Feeling that you have nothing to offer. Waiting for others to validate your worth. Bickering over money. Feeling ‘cursed’ with one’s lot in life. Lack of the respect for the arts. Being stuck in the marketplace. Sweat shops.
Neptune is retrograde on Pisces 28: A FERTILE GARDEN UNDER THE FULL MOON.
This Symbol shows the ability, or the need, to be able to enjoy nature and to enjoy the fruits of your life, your country, your culture. There’s often a sense that one has all that’s needed, and emotions running high. The “Fertile Garden” signifies that you have things that you need at your disposal. This Symbol has a strong clairvoyant sense to it, with the ability to pick up on subtle energies and life forms in the environment. You’ll get a lot of opportunities to be able to enjoy the moment, but keep a sense of equilibrium, as soon the energy will be on the wane and you’ll have to get back to more practical, everyday tasks.
Keywords: Fullness and fertility. Peak of energy and experiences. Brilliantly active unconscious life. Cycles. Waiting for the right time to approach or handle a situation. The effect of the moon. Astrology and predictive practices. The time for harvesting the rewards of hard work. Nature sprites. Vegetables, herbs and nature’s bounty.
The Caution: Jealous protection of possessions. Not being able to make one’s mind up because of the number of possibilities. Missed opportunities. Difficulty shutting down the mind. Emotions that get out of hand.
Pluto is stationary direct on Capricorn 30: A SECRET MEETING OF MEN RESPONSIBLE FOR WORLD AFFAIRS.
This Symbol shows the ability to, or the need for, being able to meet with others in order to lay out plans; to have “Secret” meetings of people, people that are often VIP’s in some way or, at least, in charge of decisions or governments or empires. The “directors” meet, they conference or just conference call, they exchange views, ideas, gossip. There may be decisions to be made or plans to be laid out. Do you make all your decisions on your own, or do you need help? You can often call on the relevant knowledgeable friends or authorities, as you’re bound to know them or how to meet them, and you’ll iron out the details. Sometimes, however, you may feel shut out by those “in charge”.
Keywords: Sharing innermost secrets. Confidential information. Masterly control. Big guys calling the shots. Being too busy to see people of “lesser” importance in your life. Rationing time. Governments and secrets. Spies. Privy Councils. Planning and plotting. Having a say in things. Doors. Whispers. Records of meetings. Important meetings. Boards of directors and secretaries. Conspiracies.
The Caution: Excluding some. Exploiting people or situations. Elitism. Being controlled by those above. Decisions made behind closed doors. Dark rooms and huddled people talking. Concealing the truth from others. Cliques and committees. Suspicions of motives.
Chiron (the Wounded Healer and The Stories That We Tell Ourselves) is on Aries 22: THE GATE OPENS TO THE GARDEN OF ALL FULFILLED DESIRES.
This Symbol can bring up fabulous opportunities, such as being in beautiful places with your desires met. There can be the promise of happiness, stability and feeling like you’ve arrived where you want to be. At times, though, you may be right at the point of what you want, but need to make the deliberate action of opening the gate, admitting even to yourself what you want. Perhaps you need to knock, showing your intention of wanting in. Maybe you actually have everything you need – look around.
Keywords: Craving happiness. Gardens and their treasures. Trellises and flowing plants. Pathways to bliss. Gates and doors. Unlocking and opening gates and doors. Analyzing your heart’s desires. The grass being greener on the other side. Rewards and treasures waiting. The allure of somewhere else. Initiations. Passages to a better life. Acquiring property. Sexual fulfillment. Opening up to life’s possibilities and rewards.
The Caution: Feeling or being shut out. Denying yourself the right to just rewards. Wild ‘goose-chases’. Being afraid of losing everything. Having everything, but wanting more. Things not being as real as you imagined. Feeling unhinged. Not having the materials to make dreams come true. Issues of possession that separate. Your cup being half-empty or half-full.
The Sabian Symbol for the Moon’s north node is Aries 7: A PERSON SUCCESSFULLY EXPRESSING THEMSELF IN TWO REALMS AT ONCE.
Areas of your life may seem divided, but you can be fully expressive in each aspect of your life if you give each aspect value and look for each parts individual importance. There’s the ability to shift your focus from one thing to another when it is needed or useful. Be careful not to scatter your energies, but, of course, indulge in the various areas of life or projects that interest you. E.g. straight jobs versus weird hobbies or vice versa.
Keywords: Integrating the spiritual with the material. Balancing things. Doing juggling acts. Moving through people’s lives and social stratas. Translations of words and thoughts from one area of life to another. Having separate family situations. Living a dual life. Being adaptable. Moonlighting. Alternate realities. Shifting focus when necessary. Versatility. Looking elsewhere.
The Caution: Fooling yourself that you can be all things to different people, but eventually failing in one or both. Exhaustion through trying to achieve too much. Deception, if allegiances are not clear. Infidelity and fickleness. Scattering of interests with little being achieved. Bigamy. Two-faced. Lies and masquerades. Feeling like one doesn’t truly fit in anywhere. Not being able to stop.
The Sabian Symbol for the Moon’s south node is Libra 7: A WOMAN FEEDING CHICKENS AND PROTECTING THEM FROM THE HAWKS.
This Symbol shows someone who nourishes and protects and feels a sense of being in charge and being responsible for those who can’t look after themselves. In your life, there is probably the need to look after those in your care, whether persons, things or ideas. There could be dangers that no-one else seems to be taking seriously, however your efforts to protect and nourish will be rewarded in the future. Feeding, nourishing and protecting those around you will pay off sometimes in unexpected ways. There’s a need to be careful not to favor some far more than others or to take too much on, or feel responsible for everything and everyone as this can exhaust and limit what you’re trying to accomplish.
Keywords: Nurturance, protection and guardianship. Being on the lookout for changes in the atmosphere. Spotting problems that nobody else notices. Shielding innocents from “bad-guys”. Motherhood and the stress of it. Predators. Being firm with outsiders. Asylum. Places of residence.
The Caution: Overprotection. Unable to cope with everyday problems. Taking over with the pretense of the need for protection. Not allowing others to grow up. Always being on the lookout for problems. Neurotic worrying about what may happen. Seeing the world as a big, scary place. Being picked on. Taking advantage of the innocent. Protection money. Attacking others.