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Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear. Ambrose Redmoon

Dangers bring fears, and fears more dangers bring. Richard Baxter

Who sees all beings in his own Self, and his own Self in all beings, loses all fear. Upanishad

I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain. Frank Herbert

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. Franklin D. Roosevelt

I once had a sparrow alight upon my shoulder for a moment while I was hoeing in a village garden, and I felt that I was more distinguished by that circumstance than I should have been by any epaulet I could have worn. Henry Thoreau

Do not speak of a rhinoceros if there is no tree nearby. African proverb

The new Moon in Capricorn occurs on December 30 in the U.S. and December 31 in Australia. This new Moon has the Sabian Symbol of Capricorn 10: AN ALBATROSS FEEDING FROM THE HAND OF A SAILOR. This brings to my mind The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, a long poem, written by Samuel Taylor Coleridge in 1797-1798. Here’s a link to an exploration of this work which provides a detailed explanation. Basically, the mariner in this tale kills an albatross that brings misfortune to the ship. The event brings a ‘curse’ to the ship as it goes into the doldrums – no wind, no breeze, no impetus to the ship to move. The sailors on the ship saw this as bringing bad luck, and they tied the dead bird around the sailor’s neck in order to punish him. The mariner shot the albatross because he believed that it was an unlucky omen and the source of their diminished wind. He believed that, once the albatross was dead, the wind would return, and they would be able to cross the ocean at a much greater speed. The other sailors saw this as a terrible omen and the blame for the ‘doldrums’ during which they could run out of food and water.

AI popped this snippet up: The idiom “an albatross around your neck” is a metaphor for a psychological burden, such as guilt or shame, that feels like a curse. It can also describe a heavy burden that prevents someone from doing what they want or causes them great problems. 

Here’s a clip of Monty Python if you feel the need to have a laugh. Careful, there’s swearing. “Albatross! Albatross! Albatross! · Two choc-ices please. · I haven’t got choc-ices. I only got the albatross. Albatross! · What flavor is it? · It’s a bird, innit.” (You gotta laugh). John Cleese, in this skit, also mentions pelicans, and, Mercury for this new Moon is on the pelican degree – Sagittarius 19: PELICANS DISTURBED BY THE GARBAGE OF PEOPLE MOVE THEIR YOUNG TO A NEW HABITAT. 

Blame and guilt are a big part of this tale: The sailor now has a dead albatross tied around this neck. Hence, this image can be (doesn’t have to be for everybody, of course!) a signifier of blame and guilt for taking out an innocent life (animal, bird, human, etc) with no thought of the ramifications.

It’s curious to note that Chiron (The Stories We Tell Ourselves and The Wounded Healer) is on Aries 20: A YOUNG GIRL FEEDING BIRDS IN WINTER. Also, this is the south node of Samuel Taylor Coleridge – hence, his chart currently has Chiron on his south node (and, obviously, he wrote about issues of feeding a bird), love how this stuff works. Chiron is currently on Aries 20 – how are we feeding our higher natures? BTW, there’s lots of ‘wings’ in this new Moon, including the angel of the Karmic Condition of this new Moon.

Now, not everyone is going to personally resonate with this tale. Some, hopefully many, of us, care for and nourish a relationship between ourselves and others and the natural world and feel blessed that we can draw natural energies close to us. I  had an experience a few weeks ago where a king parrot flew into my studio and alighted on a chair very close to me. I was surprised that he would come straight into the room and start communicating with me the way he did – he was sitting on the top of my chair just feet away from me and was chirping at me. He then went to leave the studio and smashed into a mirror on the wall and then into the big glass doors as he tried to fly off. I felt ghastly about it and hoped that he was OK. After that, I didn’t see the parrot (he’d been a regular visitor to my yard) for weeks. I asked spirit that he return, and, within 24 hours, there was three of them that came to visit and flew and alighted on a tree very very close to me. This was right around the time of the last full Moon – Gemini 24: THREE FLEDGINGS IN A NEST HIGH UP IN A TREE. This felt like one of those magical moments when one realises that spirit listens. I don’t feed the birds – there is plenty of their natural food in this garden and surrounds – just to be clear.

Further, this morning as I was thinking about this new Moon and about to write this  newsletter, I had two crimson parrots fly right up to me and follow me around the yard, flying between trees and quite clearly communicating with me. I love how this stuff works.

This Symbol appears to be reminding us to treat everything, everyone, with kindness and gentleness and without fear.

There’s an ascension in consciousness going on, I feel. The Moon’s south node is on Libra 2: THE LIGHT OF THE SIXTH RACE TRANSMUTED TO THE SEVENTH – the exact degree of the Super Galactic Center.  We are being asked to let go of things, memories, events, people, etc, that try to hold us back. The Moon’s north node is on Aries 2: A COMEDIAN ENTERTAINING THE GROUP. Through humour and seeing the humanity in others, we can let go of negative thoughts and beliefs. That seems to be the message of the nodes at the moment.

I wrote a piece on Jupiter being on the ‘telepathy’ degree on Substack, click here to read about The Telepathy Tapes. You can also read below to see my shortened interpretation of Gemini 14: TWO PEOPLE, AT WIDELY DIFFERENT POINTS, ARE IN CONVERSATION WITH EACH OTHER BY MEANS OF TELEPATHY.

So, here we are, at the end of 2024 and the beginning of 2025. What a time! If you feel that you still have any ‘albatrosses’ around your neck, see what you can do to remove them. What use is that past issue that hangs around you?

There’s, of course, much more to be said about this new Moon but I’ll leave it here with the message of releasing the past so you can move into a new year, new realisations of those things that hold you back, and, perhaps, a whole new version of yourself.

And Happy New Year! May we be blessed. 

The Sabian Symbol for the new Moon is Capricorn 10: AN ALBATROSS FEEDING FROM THE HAND OF A SAILOR. The following is my full interpretation of this degree Symbol from my book The Sabian Oracle: 360 Degrees of Wisdom: 

‘An Albatross Feeding From the Hand of a Sailor’ is an image that implies the necessity of being able to overcome the perceived separation between humans and other living beings. Feelings of separation are usually the case when we don’t really understand or trust each other in some way. The ‘Albatross’ has to overcome the fear it experiences from being in such close contact with a human and the ‘Sailor’ has to fight his superstitions that surround the ‘Albatross’. In “The Ancient Mariner”, a sailor is condemned to eternally sail the world, after killing an albatross that had helped rescue his ship.

This degree shows the overcoming of fears, superstitions or limiting thoughts. One of the ways of overcoming fears is through gentleness and a readiness to let down your guard and interact with people or animals without feeling afraid or vulnerable. Putting up a wall between you and other living things can cause alienation or the loss of the rewards that can come from truly relating. Even seemingly natural ‘enemies’ can realize the possibility of interaction and letting go of fear may be necessary. You may feel that you can deal with someone with whom you have usually kept your distance – possibly even help each other.

Keywords: Feeding one’s higher nature with good nourishment. Banishing worries, so that one can fly ever higher. Overcoming superstitions or beliefs. Travelers who put themselves at risk in foreign lands or cultures. Talking to anybody anywhere. Sharing one’s bounty. Sailors, boats. Birds. Empathy and sympathy for others. Restoring trust and hope.

The Caution: Manipulating events or people with false nourishment. Having alternative motives for wanting to draw others close. Being afraid of strangers or strange situations. The loss of independence. Fear of intimacy.

The Karmic Condition of the new Moon is Capricorn 9: AN ANGEL COMES CARRYING A HARP. 

This degree shows the ability, or the need, of being able to care for others – being there when they need it. It also shows that “Angels” will come when you call on them, or when you’re most in need yourself. You may be able to ‘tune in’ and radiate harmony around you. This pictures caring for others, generosity and a fulfilled selfhood. Inspiring people to do their best can bring rewards to all concerned. The trick with this degree can be sorting out whether to trust the ‘tune’ that others sometimes play. Following someone for the wrong reasons can just lead you astray.

Keywords: Demons driven away by music. Lifting faith and hope. Messages of peace from the other side. Having a message to spin. Being in tune, spiritually. Having an elevated view of humanity. Creating harmony. Blowing the whistle. Advertising. Salvation that arrives when most needed. Harmonics. Music and musical instruments. Visitations of spirit. Messages of love and hope arriving. Pulling on the heartstrings. Heavenly attunement. Beautiful tunes. Promises of redemption. Revelations. Plucking strings.

The Caution: Having a holier-than-thou attitude. Losing oneself in fantasy. Promising more than can be delivered. “Melodies” that deceive or lead astray. ‘Harping’ on things (dwelling on issues). Messages that deceive or lead astray. Playing a tune and expecting all to follow.


This degree shows the ability or the desire to be able to enjoy the riches, comforts and luxury of life. Riches, refinement and abundance are everywhere and there can be a sense of entitlement and peace and quiet on this “Private Estate”. However, take care, “Pheasants” can be game birds too so there just may be an element of underlying danger. There may be questions to ask such as: who does the work keeping the place spic and span and who appreciates the luxury? Whether you’re a visitor or an occupant, going out and looking at the beauty of your life and your surroundings: the buildings, lawns, plants and wildlife, can heighten your day.

Keywords: Glorious houses and estates. Lawns and gardens. Statues and birdbaths. Peacocks, pheasants, swans, etc. Enjoying the riches the environment offers. Large plots of land. Nature reserves. Game birds. Aristocracy and the ruling elite. Beauty, elegance and grace. Fabulous displays of color. Parks.

The Caution: Foolish disregard of pending danger. Feeling that one has to be “on parade” or else they will be overlooked. Issues of standing out from the crowd. Jealousy and envy through things on display. Luxury and beauty or snobbery that excludes. Showing off. “Do not enter” and “Keep Off The Grass” signs.

Saturn, the ruler of this Capricorn new Moon, is on Pisces 15: AN OFFICER DRILLING HIS MEN IN A SIMULATED ATTACK. It’s interesting to observe the drones and plasmoids (or whatever they are) being reported all over the world.

This Symbol shows the ability, or the need, to be well rehearsed, prepared and ready for anything that life throws at you. When you’re well rehearsed, you are able to spring to attention when situations warrant it. At many times in your life, you may feel that you need to rehearse or prepare for difficult situations. There is wisdom in practicing to reduce the chance of error or failure. However, are you going over and over possible negative outcomes thereby losing the joy that can be found in relaxing and letting down your guard? Sometimes the things we think are going to happen don’t happen at all. Choosing where, when and how to be ready and willing to go for objectives is half the battle.

Keywords: Taking orders to better respond to situations. The higher self training the lower self. Exercises. Marching and going through the motions. The need for defense. Seeing ahead. Planning strategies. Fire drills. Smoke alarms. Being prepared. Issuing orders and expecting them to be followed through. Discipline. Martial arts of all kinds. Going over and over possible outcomes. Safeguards put in place. Gas masks and bomb shelters.

The Caution: Rigid routine for no real or valuable purpose. Feeling that one has always to be on the defensive. Being under attack, whether real or imagined. Overreacting to things. Feelings of unworthiness in the face of battle or confrontation. Victim consciousness. Fearful responses. Getting others to respond through spreading fear. Scare tactics.


This Symbol shows the ability, or the necessity, of being on the alert for intrusion and danger in your life and in the lives of those in your care, whether they are your own children or the children or youngsters of others. At times in your life, you may feel that conditions are changing and you and your family (sometimes friends) don’t feel safe. You may need to move to a new situation which will provide more nourishment, safety and security and less danger. This can refer to an inner withdrawal; not wanting to watch the news, listen to bad information or thoughts and can happen on any level: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

Keywords: Concerns with survival. The endeavor to achieve mental, physical or emotional well-being or peace. Noise and other irritants that make life difficult. Looking out for the safety and security of one’s children, home or creative ventures. Feeling unsafe. Conditions being insecure and unpredictable. Having nowhere to rest.

The Caution: Mess and rubbish left around. Not being prepared to compromise or cohabit. People not being able to live together. Fouling of one’s nest. Things are being done “for your own good” regardless of what you want. Noise driving people out. Leases running out.

Venus is on Aquarius 27:  AN ANCIENT POTTERY BOWL FILLED WITH FRESH VIOLETS.  (It’s interesting to note that each year on Valentines’ Day, the Sun is on this degree = gifts of flowers, for example).

This Symbol shows the ability, or the need, to spread beauty and grace and purity of motive and feelings of contentment. The simpler, more natural responses to problems and society often bring us a sense of refreshment and realignment with what is beautiful. Complications are more easily solved if a fresh and simple approach is taken, rather than the more complicated, intellectual or highly charged emotional responses. This Symbol implies that by keeping your life pure and unclouded by bad news, negative emotions or thoughts, and maintaining a sense of hope and faith, you can not only be healthier, but bring joy to others.

Keywords: Returning to ancient sources. Flower and herbal remedies. Beauty. Setting standards for society. Slowing down the tempo to get to the purity of something. Watering the garden. The mortar and pestle. Homoeopathy and pharmacopoeia. Stains and dyes. Flowers. African violets. Dainty, small and lacy things. Antiques and curios. Beautiful reminders of yesterday. Valentine’s Day flowers, roses. Things that remind you of your grandmother. The old supporting and nourishing the new.

The Caution: Lack of subtlety. Insensitivity. Being dried up and withered from lack of water or emotion. Stagnant water. Being shy and unresponsive. “Shrinking violets”. Neglecting the small things. Being so accommodating that one’s needs are neglected or trodden on.

Mars is retrograde on Leo 3: A MATURE WOMAN, KEEPING UP WITH THE TIMES, HAVING HER HAIR BOBBED. Besides fashion, this is quite a political Symbol. When the Sabian Symbols were brought through in 1925, women cut their hair short to show their independence and this was a daring challenge to the status quo, and represented an emancipation from the cultural and ideological trappings of traditional femininity.

This Symbol speaks of being in tune with fashions, keeping up with the times and having a modern outlook on life. Although it’s clear that you cannot become different just by changing your appearance, feeling good about your image or how you look does radiate both inwardly and outwardly. This degree often shows up for people who make a difference in the world through their forward thinking and their ability to be individuals even in the world of trends or fashion. Although this degree speaks about fashion, external changes may impress others or make you feel better for a time, but truly, it’s your inner self that is the essence of who and what you are, not the mask you wear.

Keywords: Making an effort to keep up with trends. Asserting one’s independence from social constraints. Wanting to shrug off the years. Adopting a younger attitude. Following the herd. Going along with the fashions. Plastic surgery. Changing appearances. Hairdressers and hairstyles. Gray hair. Hats and scarves. Meeting the challenges of age. Radiating sexuality. Bad hair days. Mid-life crisis. Being a trendsetter.

The Caution: Relying on external fashion to disguise inner emptiness. Cosmetic changes that are transitory. Making superficial but not meaningful alterations. Fashion slaves. The illusion of keeping up with the times. Giving up on one’s appearance. Battling society’s glorification of youth. Mutton dressed up as lamb.


This Symbol speaks of psychic and clairvoyant communication with others and the ability to be able to pick up on what others are thinking. You can communicate with someone and it is not always necessary to be physically face-to-face, or on the phone or emailing them or the like. You can have bonds with others that are unaffected by distance or the frequency of actually be in touch with each other. Let your heart tell you that you are always in their company and there is no need to feel alone. Keeping others in your mind and heart will communicate something to them, and probably they back to you.

Keywords: Conquering space and time limitations. Psychic and mental communication. Sharing and thinking the same ideas. Knowing what is felt or thought by others. Feeling connected regardless of physical contact. Being on the same frequency. Mediumship. Telepathic communication. Conversation. Direct lines of communication. Mind reading.

The Caution: Blocking out sensitive awareness for the sake of social needs or expectations. Mind and thought control. Manipulating by subtle means. Losing contact. Not getting the message. Not seeing eye-to-eye. Barging into other people’s space.


This Symbol shows the issue of people taking what is theirs by right or by might. It also shows the ability to be able to be recognized for their abilities as a successful leader who is prepared to put themselves at risk to be successful. The risks have taken are marked by rewards that are admired and respected, with a place in society marked by power and status. There’s a need for caution here, though, as the “us or them” mentality can lead to problems on every level. Be strong and commanding, but don’t take advantage of others or allow them to take advantage of you as it could lead to chain reactions of tit for tat mentality.

Keywords: Race wars. Claiming one’s soil. Trophies of conquest. Aggression. Basic instincts. Territoriality. Chain reactions. Tit-for-tat. Competitive natures. Risks for the clan or group. Trophies, medals and diplomas. Striving for recognition and respect, deserved or not. Blood and sacrifice. Tribes mourning their losses. Ritualistic behaviors. Marking victories. War crimes. Ticket scalpers.

The Caution: Conquering others without emotion. Showing off to intimidate others. Domination and ruthlessness. Taking things because one can. Violation of other’s space. Testosterone. Feeling taken advantage of. Notches on the belt, or gun. Cycles of retribution. Vengeance. Taking scalps.

Neptune is stationary direct on Pisces 28: A FERTILE GARDEN UNDER THE FULL MOON. 

This Symbol shows the ability, or the need, to be able to enjoy nature and to enjoy the fruits of your life, your country, your culture. There’s often a sense that one has all that’s needed, and emotions running high. The “Fertile Garden” signifies that you have things that you need at your disposal. This Symbol has a strong clairvoyant sense to it, with the ability to pick up on subtle energies and life forms in the environment. You’ll get a lot of opportunities to be able to enjoy the moment, but keep a sense of equilibrium, as soon the energy will be on the wane and you’ll have to get back to more practical, everyday tasks.

Keywords: Fullness and fertility. Peak of energy and experiences. Brilliantly active unconscious life. Cycles. Waiting for the right time to approach or handle a situation. The effect of the moon. Astrology and predictive practices. The time for harvesting the rewards of hard work. Nature sprites. Vegetables, herbs and nature’s bounty.

The Caution: Jealous protection of possessions. Not being able to make one’s mind up because of the number of possibilities. Missed opportunities. Difficulty shutting down the mind. Emotions that get out of hand.

Pluto is on Aquarius 2: AN UNEXPECTED THUNDERSTORM. 

This Symbol shows the ability, or the need, to be able to withstand “Storms” and things that whip up unexpectedly. It can show a personality that gets sudden flashes of inspiration, intuition or clairvoyance – those aha! moments. It can also show thoughts and emotions that erupt from out of nowhere. They can be brilliant or unstable (or both). You will likely find many times that you are suddenly tested or taken by surprise. Inner strength and stability are put to the test but you learn a lot from your experiences. The effect can be quite liberating, although there can be an initial shock. Thunderstorms clear the air after an extreme buildup of energy. There often is a sense of awe and wonder at the power of natural events.

Keywords: Sudden visitations of natural wonder. Something that drops on you, seemingly from out of nowhere. Things erupting and happening fast. Storms in a teacup. Shocks and confrontations with raw energy. Thunder, lightning and electricity. The Tower card of the tarot. Being a lightning rod. Water and rain that quenches and revives. Things being unleashed.

The Caution: Losing control without warning. Emotional instability. A “back draft” of emotions. Bottling up and blowing up. Confused by sudden outbursts. Loud bangs and crashes that shock and stun. Seizing up with fear. Sudden unleashing of emotions. Hurricanes of messy energy.

Chiron (The Stories We Tell Ourselves) is stationary direct on Aries 20: A YOUNG WOMAN FEEDING BIRDS IN WINTER.

This Symbol shows the ability to help those in need of help, to provide safety, security, nourishment or emotional support, especially to those who may not know how to solve their problems. There are those that stubbornly resist moving on or changing their habits, even if it is to their detriment, and providing them with a safe harbor can bring many rewards. Nonjudgmental attitudes can move you to help them and lead them to trust.

Keywords: Nurturing innocence. Feeding energy to situations that feel cold, hopeless and lost. Small efforts bringing their rewards. Co-dependent relationships. Nurturing. Helping those less fortunate or smaller. Taking time out for others. Doing things without thought of reward. Enjoying nature. Trying to find friends or company. Bread and water. Soup kitchens. Counselling. Hot vs. cold weather.

The Caution: Wanting to win approval. Creating dependence with others that has to be maintained. Feeling bleak, lost and alone. The need to continually rescue others. Doing anything in order to be liked. Finding it difficult to stop giving. Not being able to say “no”. Feeling used and unrewarded.

The Moon’s north node is on Aries 2: A COMEDIAN ENTERTAINING A GROUP OF FRIENDS. 

This Symbol shows that an objective awareness of oneself and others can bring light relief to you and those around you. See the humor in situations, as there can be an escape route from difficulties through seeing the funny side. Group cohesion and joy can come through sharing fun and being able to laugh and joke is an important part of life. This degree can bring a wonderful lightness of being and show someone that others love to have around because they lift their spirits. The trick is being able to show your true emotions or more vulnerable side.

Keywords: Seeing the funny side. Having insights. Always being on the ‘go’ mentally. Putting on a show for others. Having presence and charisma. Being the life of the party. Banter. Cracking up with laughter. Ragging each other. Humorous interplay. Saying what the group wants to hear. Jokes. The buffoon. Inside jokes. The jester.

The Caution: Being silly or trivial to avoid reality and gain acceptance. Feeling separate because of different views. Not seeing the light side. Being a bore with many irrelevant things said. Being flippant and insincere. Not being amused. Demanding the spotlight. Feeling responsible for how others feel. Not knowing when to stop. Not having good boundaries.

The Moon’s south node is on Libra 2: THE LIGHT OF THE SIXTH RACE TRANSMUTED TO THE SEVENTH. This is the exact degree of the Super Galactic Center.

This Symbol shows a time of new beginnings with an implementation of a brand new order. Often, people with this degree are interested in attaining spiritual transformation and attainment. As you change and grow there’s a need to respect the value of what is waning, and take the best qualities with you into your future. This often shows people who are within reach of their ultimate potential. Some aspects of society are left behind for a higher, more evolved state. Ascension to a higher order is pictured, but there is a need to remain rooted in the reality of practicality, lest one loses one’s way.

Keywords: Younger or more vital elements taking over from the elders. The fruits of the new age. Theosophy—Blavatsky’s theories. Finding kindred spirits. Sharing visions. Ascension and evolution. Inheritances that move one forward. Growing older and wiser. UFO’s and aliens. Music that lifts one’s spirits. Gurus and avatars. Demarcations of evolution. Transmutations. Indigo children. Evolving.

The Caution: Losing touch with practical survival. Can be racial (or other) discrimination. Feeling that one is from a “higher” order (or more evolved) than other people. Leaving others behind.