The Bluebird Of Happiness and Skating On Thin Ice

The thinner the ice, the more anxious is everyone to see whether it will bear. Josh Billings
Children are curious and are risk takers. They have lots of courage. They venture out into a world that is immense and dangerous. A child initially trusts life and the processes of life. John Bradshaw
A man learns to skate by staggering about making a fool of himself; indeed, he progresses in all things by making a fool of himself. George Bernard Shaw
In skating over thin ice, our safety is in our speed. Ralph Waldo Emerson
I don’t remember the first time I skated on ice, I was too young. I do remember falling in love with that wind-in-my-face feeling while speed skating. Bonnie Blair
We live amid surfaces, and the true art is to skate well on them. Ralph Waldo Emerson
A lot of people are afraid of heights. Not me, I’m afraid of widths. Steven Wright
In the depth of winter I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer. Albert Camus
December’s full Moon in Gemini occurs on Sunday December 15. It’s the last full Moon before the holiday season sets in, and, it has a bit of a warning of how to proceed – with caution. The Sabian Symbol for the full Moon is Gemini 24: CAREFREE CHILDREN SKATING ON ICE. This can signal the need to ‘tread carefully’ in certain situations, to take notice of how you move and how you handle others in sometimes fragile or uncertain situations. As we’ve seen, there’s a lot of division amongst people regarding politics, religion, ethics, protocols around family, etc. With this Symbol being emphasised for this lunar month, we may find that we need to watch our step, to carefully design or time anything we set out to do as we may be ‘treading on thin ice’ with others, or, in situations. We may find that our, or others, reactions can be rather brittle and sharp-edged, we may decide that we can’t go out into the ‘middle’ of situations at all. It could be that we do best by watching from the sidelines or making sure that we don’t contribute to the ‘frosty’ feelings that are swirling in the environment. This full Moon is known as the Cold Moon at this time of the year in the northern hemisphere, however, those of us in the south may be experiencing very hot weather, the ‘atmosphere’ could still feel somewhat cold, if you get my drift.
Of course, Gemini 24 can be a fine degree of knowing how to negotiate uncertainty, or, help you to make your way in situations that can trigger those that don’t agree with the stance of ‘others’. Of course, we can learn to be figure skaters and pull off some fabulous escape route through modulating our responses to fit the situation. If you find yourself being the scapegoat of the family, you can become an escapegoat :) That might be too much for some people as you can end up finding yourself in the wilderness but it might take such a move in order to free yourself.
Adding to the uncertainty but possibly the way of escape is Neptune t-squaring this full Moon. In the hours and days after this full Moon, first the Moon and then the Sun square Neptune. We may feel the need to make sacrifices at this time, or, we may find our intuitive, creative and spiritual life is growing and strengthening. Neptune, after all, is on Pisces 27: A FERTILE GARDEN UNDER THE FULL MOON. Such richness, the ability to ‘see in the dark’, the providence of life, love and nature.
Rather curiously in this somewhat ‘icy landscape’, we have several Sabian Symbols that point to gardening, along with birds. We may feel that not much is growing at this time in some quarters of our lives, and, we may sense that we have to clean up, cut back or prune situations, places, relationships, etc. We may receive ‘messages’ from those birds – insights that land psychically or literally through messages delivered on purpose, by serendipity or accidentally. We could find out things that we’ve long suspected to be true. Listening to one’s intuition or gut instincts may help to steer situations, emotions and people in the right direction.
Mercury, the ruler of this Gemini full Moon, goes stationary for a few days and then direct on December 15, the same day as this full Moon = Sagittarius 7: CUPID KNOCKING AT THE DOOR OF A HUMAN HEART. This can speak of many things in relation to opening one’s heart. We could feel called upon to loosen up, to lighten up, to show our love and appreciation to others that show care about us or want to connect with us. However, for some, no doubt, there could be a need to show that love and compassion to yourself, especially if you find yourself ‘treading on thin ice’ with partners, family or friends.
Mercury doesn’t clear its shadow period of the retrograde until around January 3rd when it again passes over the degree that it went retrograde on – Sagittarius 23: A GROUP OF IMMIGRANTS FULFILLING THE REQUIREMENTS FOR ENTERING A NEW COUNTRY. We are seeing this Symbol play out in several areas of the world, and, we personally may feel like we have to fulfill some obligation, fill in some paperwork, complete some test perhaps, get divorced or whatever in order to enter ‘new territory’.
Some rather confronting or pressuring energies may be around with Mars retrograde in Leo heading back to an opposition with Pluto right around the New Year. There may indeed be a need to listen for those ‘cracks’, those tell-tale signs that show us the need for caution and to react appropriately to whatever comes up. We may see powerplays in our own lives or in the outside world. We may be shocked at some things that erupt around the new year.
Further, and there’s always more to say, Venus and Mars are in opposition in the lead up to and at the time of this full Moon, with Venus showing us that people, places, things, situations, whatever, may not be quite what we thought they were. Some falls from grace seem certain, some may experience the veil lifting of the masks that they, or others, have been wearing. As I’m writing this on Thursday the 12th December, Venus is on Aquarius 6: A MASKED FIGURE PERFORMS RITUALISTIC ACTS IN A MYSTERY PLAY directly opposing Mars on Leo 6: AN OLD FASHIONED ‘CONSERVATIVE’ WOMAN IS CONFRONTED BY AN UP-TO-DATE GIRL. Although this sounds rather sketchy in it’s possible manifestations, these Symbols can turn for the good as we see through the facades that are, or have been, playing out in our lives as Venus reveals the truth of the story. We can also learn much from those that are older or younger than us through the message of Mars.
I was preparing to wrap up this summation of this full Moon when I remembered the current placement of Lilith. As I was writing this newsletter, I kept having the words come to mind ‘Lilith is a foil for Venus’. I had to give this some thought of what it could actually mean. Perhaps do an internet search on these energies as there’s some interesting insights to be had.
Lilith, a mere few days ago, was on Libra 18: TWO MEN PLACED UNDER ARREST ARE BROUGHT BEFORE THE TRIBUNAL OF SOCIETY TO GIVE AN ACCOUNTING FOR THEIR ACTIONS. Now, as with all the Symbols, it doesn’t have to literally be ‘two men’ that are arrested – the shooting of United Healthcare CEO Brian Thompson comes to mind. Both were ‘arrested’ though, if you get my drift. Lilith is now and will be on the full Moon on Libra 19: A GANG OF ROBBERS IN HIDING – this Symbol speaks of how so many strange, often unexplained or hard to believe things are going on. The ‘gang of robbers’ don’t have to actually enter our houses and rob us, it tends to be more that we can lose our peace of mind if we worry about things (especially worrying about things that haven’t happened or may not ever happen).
To my way of thinking, it will further us to also concentrate (perhaps more on) the Sabian Symbol of the Sun at this full Moon. It’s Sagittarius 24: A BLUEBIRD, A SIGN OF GOOD LUCK AND HAPPINESS, IS STANDING AT THE DOOR OF THE HOUSE. Inviting that energy in will amplify the power of the Sun in our lives for this full Moon, and, no doubt, into the future.
I’ll be writing up more and more around what’s going on astrologically on my Substack account. You don’t have to sign up or do anything to read my posts there. A few days ago, I wrote a piece about the Mercury then Mars then Venus retrogrades. What a time Venus and Mars are having, and about to have for the next few months. I will also be writing about the UAP’s (UFO’s to most of us) being reported coming out of the ocean. Very strange stuff. I have been thinking about Aries 1 for months and months as the Moon’s north node exactly on the new year, and, later in the year, Saturn and Neptune will both traverse Aries 1: A MERMAID EMERGES FROM THE OCEAN. Mutant births indeed. :)
What does the Sabian Oracle say to you?
The Sabian Symbol for the full Moon is Gemini 24: CAREFREE CHILDREN SKATING ON ICE. The following is my full interpretation of this degree Symbol from my book The Sabian Oracle: 360 Degrees of Wisdom:
Commentary: ‘Carefree Children Skating on Ice’ symbolizes the freedom and pleasure of ‘Children’ enjoying themselves outdoors, even though it’s winter and cold outside. It also reflects the general lack of concern they have for issues of personal danger. ‘Children’ learn at an early age to ‘Skate’ over difficulties. Being ‘Carefree’ and unconcerned, they will often take risks when they play, unaware of the true realities and possible dangers in life. They keep ‘Skating’ and playing, but need to be carefully aware of what’s going on around them; otherwise the game could fall apart. There is the possibility of losing the pleasure they are experiencing as cracks form in the ‘Ice’—their joy and pleasure becomes more risky.
Oracle: If your situation is “on thin ice” it may be challenging, but it may be that most of the challenge comes from the fears and concerns that adulthood brings. Sharpen up your senses and your reflexes so that you can cope with any sudden surprises. Even if you have a positive attitude you may sense that everything could collapse at any moment. Listen for subtle changes in the environment that tell you whether you are still “safe” in your surroundings. If you don’t acknowledge these fears and adjust yourself accordingly, then you may be put at a disadvantage. Perhaps an avenue of escape should be set up in case cracks in the ‘Ice’ start to appear. Dangerous situations can lead to a heightened sense of awareness and fun, but how long can one feel safe taking such risks? Sooner or later the cracks will widen. What will happen then? Similar to the ‘Children’, you may not even be aware of the risk in your situation. Be wary not to blindly rush into anything, as you may get to the point where you can’t safely return to where you began. Watch out for the weak spots and listen carefully for clues to how to maneuver through difficulties.
Keywords: Getting around difficult situations by making the most of them (or evading them). Skating over problems. Finding creative and childlike solutions. Testing the boundaries. Considering consequences. Tiptoeing around problems with family. Responding quickly to every type of situation. Knowing how to maneuver tight situations. Observing one’s center of gravity. Being keenly aware. Testing the waters. Being alert.
The Caution: Rushing before checking that it is safe to do so. Living for momentary pleasures, without thought of ramifications. Getting away with things through acting naively and childishly. Taking risks that put others lives on the line. Going too far too fast. Lack of warm clothing. Frozen atmospheres.
The Karmic Condition of the full Moon is Gemini 23: THREE FLEDGLINGS IN A NEST HIGH UP IN A TREE. Not wanting to get into politics here, however, this is the Sabian Symbol of Donald Trump’s Sun (Trump Tower and his offspring). His chart is fairly lit up by this full Moon. Enough said as there’s no way of knowing what is likely to happen.
This Symbol implies a situation of people sharing a space, living together and cohabitating as they grow and mature. Situations are likely to be full of promise for the future. The spirit of people and events may not be quite ready yet to fly on its own and is still in need of the “mother” or the “father” – or the company of siblings and friends – to sustain, protect and nourish. The time for independence will come, and probably soon, however it may be too soon to break out on your own. Know that you will soon be able to rise up and leave the security and venture out on your own. Although there can sometimes be a feeling of being left alone and neglected, there is still a sense of safety.
Keywords: Discovering a whole new sense of being. Teaching. Safety. Living in small spaces. Wanting room to move. Privacy. Staying in the ‘Nest’ versus leaving it. Resisting change. Providing room and board for others. Sharing flats and houses. The battle for survival. Being different, therefore breaking the mold. Brothers and sisters. Expecting to be looked after and fed. Growing spirituality. Sibling rivalry.
The Caution: Wanting to leave home before one’s ready. Wondering if one’s needs will be met. Arguments about the pecking order. Psychological immaturity. Feeling dependent on external influences for survival. Feeling trapped by circumstance. Insecurity. Feeling exposed to danger. Codependence. Not knowing or realizing one’s place. Falling out. Bickering over space. Scapegoats.
The Quest Degree of the full Moon is Gemini 25: A GARDENER TRIMMING LARGE PALM TREES.
This Symbol shows a clearing away of the garbage, impediments or evidence of the past in order to give a fresh, clean image. Getting in with the gloves and the tools in order to clear up and clean out can bring order and neatness to your environment. However, sometimes we like to have past experiences, or wounds, on display, be they good or bad. This can bring admiration or, more likely, sympathy. But in reality, it’s best to cut out what’s not needed or ineffective in your life as it leaves a space for better and fresher things to come along. Make a special effort to make things look their best, even if this leaves them somewhat without protection from lower, more basic elements.
Keywords: Trimming off nonessentials to get to the bare reality. Caring for one’s possessions. Doing the work simply because it needs to be done. Getting rid of rubbish. Gardening and landscaping. Editing words, thoughts, emotions – superfluous things. Weeding out the unnecessary. Looking after cosmetic appearances. Tidying up. Tools. Trips to the dump.
The Caution: Doing the work because of routine, rather than need. Spending time doing things because of appearances. Neglecting the real issues at hand, which may include good nourishment, watering, and caring for physical realities. Doing menial jobs when one could be doing much bigger better ones. Not knowing when to stop. Leaving a mess.
The Sabian Symbol for the Sun at the full Moon is Sagittarius 24: A BLUEBIRD, A SIGN OF GOOD LUCK AND HAPPINESS, IS STANDING AT THE DOOR OF THE HOUSE.
This Symbol shows the promise of domestic bliss or the ability to make a house into a home. The “Bluebird” brings a sense of “Good Luck and Happiness” and is a sign of good fortune, a comfortable home, and a sense that one belongs, is safe and cared for. This Symbol is the archetypal cottage with the picket fence; the vision that many have of owning their own home. It also speaks of natural, positive, good will towards the inhabitants and, probably, towards the neighbors. There is a clear omen of good fortune at your door. Invite love and happiness in by being warm and inviting. Respond to your higher moral hopes, spread love to all who enter your house or live nearby.
Keywords: Calmness and rewards. Promise (or promises) of ‘Happiness’. Love and happiness available by acknowledging its presence. Real estate, house boundaries. Reminders of joy. Cottages and picket fences. Waiting for invitations to enter. Omens of good luck. Blessings. Front doors and back doors.
The Caution: Denying happiness or good news. Feeling that the grass is always greener somewhere else. Putting on false shows of happiness for all to see. Thinking that buying things will make one’s life happier. Wanting what’s not available.
The Karmic Condition of the Sun at the full Moon is Sagittarius 23: A GROUP OF IMMIGRANTS FULFILLING THE REQUIREMENTS FOR ENTERING A NEW COUNTRY.
This Symbol shows the ability, or the opportunity, to find a new way of life, a new country or nationality, or new place to live and raise a family. This degree shows the possibility and hope for better things and a new way of life. Whether you are an “Immigrant” or someone looking to move onto new territory, you need to be prepared to venture out into new adventures for the promise that’s offered. Once you’ve “Fulfilled the Requirements”, you can move into this brand new life and reap the rewards. There may need to be adjustments about the way one communicates one’s thoughts and ideas – be receptive to this new way of life and you’ll learn much.
Keywords: Reorientation of selfhood. Needing to change things in order to accept a new reality. The necessity of learning new languages or customs to fit in. Visas, passports, papers. Illegal immigrants. Boat people. Customs officials and regulations. Baggage and luggage. Shipping. Qualifications and certifications. Identification. Asylum. Immigration officers. Papers and qualifications that include or exclude. Refugees. Laws. Borders. Ellis Island. Throwing away the known in pursuit of the unknown.
The Caution: Entering new situations with inflexible traditions. Issues of social or racial prejudice, or the suspicion of it. Red tape getting in the way of enjoying life. Those not living up to requirements. Not getting successfully through the paperwork. Being untrue to oneself in order to be accepted. Being rejected or sent back.
Mercury, the ruler of this Gemini full Moon, is stationary and about to turn direct on Sagittarius 7: CUPID KNOCKING AT THE DOOR OF A HUMAN HEART.
This degree shows the ability, or the necessity, of spreading love and showing how people can love one another. “Cupid” is “Knocking”, asking to be let in. Barriers and defenses around people’s hearts may be keeping him from getting in, but how long will they be able to resist? Opening your heart and opening the door will lead to new opportunities and realizations about relationships. What are the true depths of your relationships? Unlock your heart and allow your heart chakra to open when you are in caring company and know when to open “The Door’ to allow love in.
Keywords: Respectful invitation of love. Seeing purity of motive. Fear of commitment. Fear of romance. A key or an arrow. Cupids and cherubs. Unlocking the heart. One-pointed, focused energy, which can become obsessive. Softening one’s boundaries. Cupid’s bow. The need to lighten up one’s approach to others.
The Caution: Waiting instead of taking the initiative. Rejecting love or emotion for fear of losing independence. Keeping up a strong, brave, severe face when one could be loosening up and enjoying another. Barriers and defenses around the heart. Seeing potential lovers in everyone. Being attracted to those you wouldn’t normally notice. Frigid responses.
This Symbol shows the ability, or the need, to be able to recognize, or realize, when conditions are changing or when there’s a need to work on themselves. It can imply having the ‘scales fall from your eyes’ about someone; you may have thought the world of them and then they are not the person you thought. You could wake up realizing that you’re not who or what you said or though you were. Relationships may be left behind. The revelation can be amazing, but it requires accurately assessing what is and what isn’t the “Ideal”. Popular support does not always equate with depth of character and self-worth. Fleeting opportunities may present themselves. Be wary of committing before you understand what you’re dealing with.
Keywords: Staying true to oneself. Ideas that look great for a time, but lose their gloss. Lost opportunities. Waking up just in time. Depression. Self-esteem issues. Projections of personality. Not clearly seeing people. Realizing that people have changed. False expectations. Falling off the pedestal. Finding one’s core identity.
The Caution: Clinging to false feelings of fame. Not accepting that things have moved on or changed. Disillusionment and disappointment. Losing one’s faith. Religious questions and doubts. Aiming too high. Reversals of fortune. Idols and idolizing. Self pity. Giving up. Being slammed by others.
This Symbol speaks of being prepared to integrate the conservative and the new, the young and the old and the tried-and-true with the more innovative. You may find yourself faced with choices around these issues. Although both camps hold promise and reward, it is most likely that the best qualities of both are the proper compromise. Even though your habits may be ingrained, there comes a time when you are faced with issues from another perspective. If something or someone is “Confronting” you, remember that often what confronts or bothers us about others really shows issues that have to be examined about ourselves.
Keywords: Conservatism challenged by changing, energetic forms. Learning to let one’s hair down. Letting go and having a good time. Issues of age and what one’s capable of. Ideas challenged. Learning experiences. Renovations. Business takeovers. Different capabilities and talents. People acting or working together regardless of their differences. Generation gaps. Concentrating. Face to face meetings.
The Caution: Denying the duality within. Being afraid to get out there. Jealousy between people on different levels of being or different ages. Paying no attention to change/being afraid of it. Difficult combinations of people. Projection of the shadow. Standoffs. Criticism. Derision, envy, fear, jealousy. Age overriding feelings.
Jupiter is retrograde on Gemini 16: A WOMAN ACTIVIST ON A PLATFORM, IN AN EMOTIONAL SPEECH, DRAMATIZING HER CAUSE. Jupiter and Saturn are in square aspect to each other.
This Symbol shows the periodic need to be able to voice one’s needs, frustrations or demands without fear of being reprimanded. Sometimes, you may feel misunderstood and disadvantaged simply because of who you are or the position you hold. Even when you stand up for what you feel, you may strike resistance, partly due to others’ ignorance. You must press your case or the status quo will remain. If the cause is just and your communications are clear, you will be heard by those who understand or resonate with what you are saying and your influence will spread.
Keywords: Stating one’s case. Revealing social passions. Being a mouthpiece for the emotions of the collective. The desire to be heard. Having a platform or stage. The need for rational emotional points to be made. Being the “underdog”. Many things running through the mind. The battle between the masculine and the feminine. Taking it to the streets. Announcements. Fighting for a cause. Having to shoulder too many things.
The Caution: Pressing opinions on the unwilling and disinterested. Feeling that no one listens or cares. Rational or political structures overriding one’s life. Going over the top trying to get a message across. Feeling like the “woman”who is never listened to. Controlling the agenda. Hormonal swings. Male chauvinism blocking female progress. Justifying ones self. Silly ideas.
Saturn is on Pisces 14: A WOMAN WRAPPED IN FOX FUR. Saturn and Jupiter are in square aspect to each other.
This Symbol shows the ability, or the need, to be able to present an image that shows intelligence, cleverness, glamour and beauty, along with knowing how to move in social circles. The “Lady Wrapped in Fox Fur” is someone who’s sure of them selves, able to bend to situations and have situations bend to their own desires. It often shows an intellect that can get out of, or into, anything they want. You can present an image that enhances your position in society. Intelligence and wit will probably see you through, with others noticing your beauty, grace or intellect. If, however, the guise was stripped away, would you still express the same qualities? You may have to display your capabilities because of negative prejudice, chauvinism, or being underestimated.
Keywords: Outer expressions of real inner worth. Animal magnetism and attraction. Intelligence and its display. Cloaks of feminine wit and sexuality. Beguiling minds. Animal totems and furs. Perceived beauty. The sense of having class and money. Beauty, fashion and talent. Being forward and upfront. Sense of personal style. Grace and composure. Elegance. Knowing what to say and when. Dressing up. Money spent on beauty. Tempting others with sexual signals. Perfumes. Pheromones. Taxidermy.
The Caution: False fronts and expressions of wealth. Selling out for momentary, or monetary, gain. Wrapped in intellectual superficiality. The fatal allure of beauty. Scoring points solely through charisma. Being so caught up in fashion and glamor that one loses a true sense of self. Being overdressed.
Uranus is retrograde on Taurus 25: A LARGE WELL-KEPT PUBLIC PARK.
This Symbol shows that there’s lots of room to move situation and many things are in their rightful place. You are part of something important, but you are only a small part or something much larger. As everyone works together, you will be able to create a useful and lasting result that will eventually benefit the whole community. The question is: are you in a balanced state of work and play? Although there is probably a lot of work that needs to be done, fun needs to be given its priorities as much as work and duty.
Keywords: Paying attention to appearances. People living in peace. Space for everyone. People taking to the streets. Park benches, swings, slippery dips and sandpits. Charities and their work. Maintaining order. Gardens and gardening. Town planning. Work of the few for the pleasure of the many. Appearances kept immaculate. Golf and other sports. Picnics. Eating alfresco. Meeting others out in the open. Large plots of land. Acreage. Subdividing and development. Suburbia.
The Caution: Difficulty in finding privacy. People continually coming by. Having so much to look after without much help. Public possessions being sold off for the benefit of a few. Mugging and robberies. Littering and graffiti.
This Symbol shows the ability, or the need, to be able to enjoy nature and to enjoy the fruits of your life, your country, your culture. There’s often a sense that one has all that’s needed, and emotions running high. The “Fertile Garden” signifies that you have things that you need at your disposal. This Symbol has a strong clairvoyant sense to it, with the ability to pick up on subtle energies and life forms in the environment. You’ll get a lot of opportunities to be able to enjoy the moment, but keep a sense of equilibrium, as soon the energy will be on the wane and you’ll have to get back to more practical, everyday tasks.
Keywords: Fullness and fertility. Peak of energy and experiences. Brilliantly active unconscious life. Cycles. Waiting for the right time to approach or handle a situation. The effect of the moon. Astrology and predictive practices. The time for harvesting the rewards of hard work. Nature sprites. Vegetables, herbs and nature’s bounty.
The Caution: Jealous protection of possessions. Not being able to make one’s mind up because of the number of possibilities. Missed opportunities. Difficulty shutting down the mind. Emotions that get out of hand.
This Symbol shows the ability, or the need, to have a place that’s safe and comfortable to live, work, pray and practice our spiritual lives. The “Old Adobe Missions in California” were built with a great deal of effort, sacrifice, commitment, and a sense of community with one eye on the path and the other on the very real, everyday needs of the people it serves. Sometimes we assume our beliefs are right and that others need to be shown the truth. Efforts should be turned to creating infrastructures to pursue these beliefs. Relating is not about control, but acceptance and reverence of each person’s divinity. There should be no pretensions, but a forging of links to new worlds.
Keywords: Spiritual retreats in natural surroundings. Finding new areas to work with spirit. Creating civilization out of natural elements. Hard work to create places of sanctuary and learning. Places once revered now tourist attractions. Forging links to new worlds. Missions and missionaries. Bringing faith to the “new world”. Brotherhoods. Places that house and protect.
The Caution: Dogmatism. Pushing beliefs and ideas on others. Believing one’s spiritual and religious beliefs contain all the answers. Taking over others’ lives. Moving in and taking control. Monuments to the past sagging and fading. People moving in on others. Cults. Indoctrination.
Chiron – the Wounded Healer and The Stories That We Tell Ourselves – is on Aries 20: A YOUNG WOMAN FEEDING BIRDS IN WINTER.
This Symbol shows the ability to help those in need of help, to provide safety, security, nourishment or emotional support, especially to those who may not know how to solve their problems. There are those that stubbornly resist moving on or changing their habits, even if it is to their detriment, and providing them with a safe harbor can bring many rewards. Nonjudgmental attitudes can move you to help them and lead them to trust.
Keywords: Nurturing innocence. Feeding energy to situations that feel cold, hopeless and lost. Small efforts bringing their rewards. Co-dependent relationships. Nurturing. Helping those less fortunate or smaller. Taking time out for others. Doing things without thought of reward. Enjoying nature. Trying to find friends or company. Bread and water. Soup kitchens. Counselling. Hot vs. cold weather.
The Caution: Wanting to win approval. Creating dependence with others that has to be maintained. Feeling bleak, lost and alone. The need to continually rescue others. Doing anything in order to be liked. Finding it difficult to stop giving. Not being able to say “no”. Feeling used and unrewarded.
This Symbol shows that there is a need for an objective awareness of how you and your life fits into the larger picture. You may find you have a more important role than you previously thought. Imprint your mark on life by becoming a shining example of your country, tradition, beliefs or culture. However, try not to become too identified with externals or seeking recognition from the people around you. This degree shows that it’s important to a strong sense of who you are and your role in the world. If you are too identified with external realities you may find that your internal world is neglected. Finding a balance between inner and outer is the goal.
Keywords: Observing one’s limitations. Living a life that is large. Atlases and maps. Standing by one’s self. Allegiances with creed, religion, race or country. Nationhood. Brotherhood. The land. People in uniforms of any kind. The face of fighters who fought ‘the good fight’. Borders and limitations to activity. Identification. Expatriates.
The Caution: Stereotyping one’s self or others. Blindly following the dogma of parents, government or officials. Not seeing the true essence of one’s self. Expecting to fit into some “shape” or model. Becoming identified with externals. Seeking recognition from others.
The Moon’s south node is on Libra 3: THE DAWN OF A NEW DAY REVEALS EVERYTHING CHANGED.
This Symbol pictures sudden, new beginnings happening periodically in one’s life. Things can change so quickly that it’s hard to believe at first, but eventually it dawns on you that things are different in the light of a “New Day”. Take heart, realize that the darkness is abating, gradually let go of what went before and embrace the new opportunities that beckon. This can show someone who moves around a lot or goes through several big transformations in their lives or have to weather big changes that often come up. However, there’s a need to guard against being fickle and wanting to move on too readily when one should perhaps stay with a situation and work on it.
Keywords: New perspectives and realizations. Waking up to a whole new consciousness or sense of reality. Emerging from depression. Huge changes that erase things that mattered before. Radical shifts. Major life experiences. Being reborn. Events out of nowhere. Changes of fortune. Revitalized perspectives. Coming out of a sleep.
The Caution: Holding on despite all evidence and reason to move on. Refusing to believe that things are getting better. Waking up and not knowing where one is. Fickleness. Change for the sake of change. Sticking with the old. Having to adjust continually to changing circumstances. Unstable behavior.