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Paradise is always where love dwells. Richter

Any one must see at a glance that if men and women marry those whom they do not love, they must love those whom they do not marry. Harriet Martineau

There were three of us in our marriage, so it was a bit crowded. Diana, Princess of Wales

Don’t look now, but there’s one too many in this room and I think it’s you. Groucho Marx

Of all human powers operating in the affairs of mankind, none is greater than that of competition. Henry Clay

Do not put your spoon into the pot that does not boil for you. Romanian proverb

In married life, three is company and two none. Oscar Wilde

January’s full Moon in Cancer occurs on the 13th in the U.S. and the 14th in Australia on Cancer 24: . This also marks the time of the Moon’s nodes moving into Pisces/Virgo after being in Aries/Libra for the last eighteen months. Parts of our psyche and our objectives are therefore set to move from a more relationship based reality to one of tuning more and more into the energies of the collective. Of course, we are not abandoning our personal journey, our focus can shift somewhat further to our emotional and spiritual lives and what’s unfolding on that level. Indeed, as the Moon’s north node heads towards a conjunction with Neptune, our spiritual and emotional journeys are likely to be delving more deeply into those terrains (if we’re not confused as heck along the way).

In amongst it, we now have Mars retrograde in Cancer. Mars has been giving off rather gnarly energies for several days now, especially as recently it opposed Pluto on rather incendiary degrees. Here’s a note that I wrote on my Substack about the Mars/Pluto opposition that ushered in 2025. Mars and Pluto will again be opposing each other in late April this year. And, just as Mars is stationing and going direct at the end of February, Venus will be stationing and going retrograde at the beginning of March. This feels like a kind of push-me/pull-you type of energy where we might not be sure if we’re coming or going. It is certainly likely to be a challenging time (and, no doubt as a result rewarding) on many levels.

I’m not making any political predictions here (and, remembering that I’m Australian, not American – I’ve drawn some enormous flack for voicing my opinions on U.S. politics), it’s rather intriguing to note that when Venus in Aries turns stationary retrograde on March 1, Venus will be highlighting Aries 11: THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OR THE RULER OF ONE’S COUNTRY. And, when it turns stationary direct after forty days (forty days and forty nights in the wilderness perhaps), Venus goes direct on Pisces 25: THE PURGING OF THE PRIESTHOOD. So, in amongst it, Venus appears to be handing out ‘lessons’, or, opportunities to observe how we, and others, are going in regards to relating to others and to ourselves in terms of our own personal authority. I have mentioned the ‘purging’ degree of Pisces 25, the ‘purging’ many, many times over the last few years as Neptune was highlighting it often for months at a time. Those that fulfill their ‘duties’ (indeed their ‘role’) in our lives will continue to resonate with us, but those that betray us, let us down, use us or whatever, are likely to be roundly rejected from our lives (or perhaps should be).

Of course, this full Moon is not just all about what’s happening on a political  level in the U.S., there’s a whole world out there resonating with these energies. Still, it is interesting to note that Donald Trump’s Saturn is on the Sabian Symbol of this full Moon: Cancer 24: A WOMAN AND TWO MEN (OR A MAN AND TWO WOMEN) CAST AWAY ON A SMALL ISLAND. 

Just an hour or two after this full Moon, Mars and the Moon will be conjuncting (together on the same degree) on Cancer 27: A FURIOUS STORM IN A CANYON FILLED WITH VALUABLE HOMES. It seems clear that this full Moon is going to bring up a lot of anger and finger pointing regarding blame around the California fires, and, issues to do with the aftermath of Hurricane Helene could surface again as there’s a lot of loose ends still around that event. And who knows what’s going to be happening in the middle east, Europe, et al.  Sticking my neck out to mention Donald Trump again, this is the Quest Degree of his Venus.

Of course, the Cancer full Moon is the full Moon just before the inauguration of Donald Trump. It’s bound to be an interesting few weeks that we’re facing with who knows what likely to unfold. The word inauguration had me thinking of the word ‘augur’. Here’s some definitions for the word augur. 

Set for Washington D.C., this full Moon has Mars on the ascendant and Pluto on the descendent (and Chiron on the midheaven).

I doubt that I’m alone in feeling that we’re on the edge of a precipice in some manner – what on earth is going to happen next? (actually, don’t answer that ;) ). As with many others, I have been stunned by  what’s happened in Los Angeles, and, of course, what happened with Hurricane Helene in North Carolina and surrounds. I’ve been feeling rather ‘numb’ these last few days looking at the devastation. I realise that some have little empathy for many of the people living in L.A. and their association with Hollywood and I understand why. Still, no one should lose their home, their house, pets, personal belongings, gardens, etc, etc, especially the way this unfolded this week (or during Helene or any other major and devastating event).

In amongst other planetary energies going on, transiting Uranus is exactly sextile this full Moon and trine the Sun. This can be a good time to make some changes (perhaps those resolutions that we haven’t got around to putting into place?) that can result in more personal freedom and autonomy.

As always, there’s always more to say about this full Moon. Please note that the influences from new and full Moons stretch into the future – they don’t stop the minute the new or full Moon passes by.

The Sabian Symbol for the full Moon is Cancer 24: A WOMAN AND TWO MEN (OR A MAN AND TWO WOMEN) CAST AWAY ON A SMALL ISLAND. The following is my full interpretation of this degree Symbol from my book The Sabian Oracle: 360 Degrees of Wisdom: 

Commentary: ‘A Woman and Two Men (or a Man and Two Women) Cast Away On a Small Island’ is an image of people being or living in close proximity. They are ‘Castaways’ and are somehow “stuck” with one another for the time being. They could be thrown together by circumstances or by choice. Regardless, being on a ‘Small Island’ leaves no way of concealing behavior or keeping secrets and things get found out, sooner or later. It can reflect situations that are out of balance with the normal harmony of relationships. Things need to be dealt with carefully and sensitively.

Oracle: The people seen here may be “locked-in” to some situation, environment or relationship. Their desires may be vacillating from one extreme to the other. There could be a desire to get away from those who have conflicting views or are trying to confuse things. There may be uncomfortable and even impossible choices to be made. At this time, however, removing one’s self from the situation may not be possible. The value of this experience is to attempt to create new understandings and standards in order to turn the imbalance to everyone’s advantage in whatever way possible. It may be impossible, but it is necessary to try. This Symbol can also reflect personality issues and confusions that are happening on an inner level. Symptoms of ill health, unhappiness, mood swings and temper tantrums can be an indication of an inner battle. This may be because of a change in relationships, beliefs or ideals. It may be a hidden memory or inner childhood issue that is rising to the surface and now manifesting in split relationships or similar problems. Take some care to work with the issue, as battling it out can lead to problems. Working out each person’s position in the situation will help you to decipher what’s really going on and who belongs with who.

Keywords: Feelings of being fenced in. Too little room to move. Lack of privacy. Relationship triangles. Claustrophobia. Isolation. Love affairs. Too many people or having no one. Having to schedule people’s needs. Competition and rivalry. Polygamy.

The Caution: Not seeing the whole picture. Fighting over one’s “territory”. The specter of “someone else”. Jealousy. Sexual infidelity. Misleading relationships. Being shut out of relationship. Fickleness. Not being able to choose. Having too many people to consider.

The Karmic Condition of this full Moon is Cancer 23: THE MEETING OF A STUDY GROUP OR LITERARY SOCIETY. It will be interesting to see what happens with Tiktok and other social media platforms. I enjoy Tiktok, and see it very much as ‘citizen reporting’ on many facets of society.

This Symbol shows the gathering together of those of like mind in order to exchange or share ideas and information. In society, the search for meaning should always be made in order to enrich not only yourself but those around you. Finding the best way to describe something creates the opportunity for greater access by the collective. This can show websites, magazines, newspapers, books; any place that people gather together in order to give an objective view on what’s happening in the culture in order to gain a better understanding of what makes society tick.

Keywords: Shared higher knowledge. Print media, libraries. The written word. Committees. The movie Dead Poet’s Society. Work shopping and brainstorming. Critics and criticism. Diaries, records and minutes of meetings. Newspapers and news media. Consulting with learned people. Talkback radio. Sharing beliefs and ideas. The mirrors of society. Discussions. Letters to the editor. The meeting of the minds. Reviews.

The Caution: Falsifying of ideas. Propaganda spread by the media. Intellectual smugness. Excluding anything non-establishment. Chatting instead of doing. Intellectual bickering. Analyzing every piece of information until it loses its inherent message. Being told only what’s safe to reveal. Disinformation.

The Quest Degree of this full Moon is Cancer 25: LEADER OF PEOPLE WRAPPED IN AN INVISIBLE CLOAK OF POWER. This degree is very strong in Donald Trump’s chart. It is sandwiched between his tight Saturn/Venus conjunction.

This Symbol points to ‘Invisible’ levels of ‘Power’ that are cloaking someone. It could show someone who’s powerful, a leader, someone to be reckoned with. There is often an unavoidable need to accept powerful responsibilities and to respond rationally to anything that needs to be done. It is almost as though this has been thrust upon you, but it is as much because you have placed yourself in this position of power and responsibility and you both understand and accept the consequences of the role. If this is not about you, it can be about someone else in your environment. Take care not to lord it over others.

Keywords: Leadership and its honors and responsibilities. Powerful descent of energies taking over one’s being. Feeling invincible—one can do nothing wrong. Hugging and being hugged. Sore shoulders. Shawls and cloaks that empower or cover-up. Gurus. Quiet, unassuming strength. Charisma, strength and presence. Beautiful coats. Furs. Huge personalities.

The Caution: Shows of superiority. Presuming oneself to be more than one is. Megalomania. Abuse of power. Not owning one’s magnificence. Having the weight of the world on your shoulders. People on power trips. Lording it over others. Being pushy.

The Sabian Symbol of the Sun at this full Moon is Capricorn 24: A WOMAN ENTERING A CONVENT. This degree was where Saturn and Pluto conjuncted in early 2020. Lockdowns, retreating from others, social distancing, etc. We are hearing muttering of another ‘pandemic’ coming soon – seems they’ve got it all figured out. 

This Symbol shows the ability, or the need, for spending time in contemplation and dedication to one’s spiritual life or to a higher cause. At times, you will have to drop the demands of society and the lower, base nature, to concentrate on more spiritual, higher, or meaningful things in life. There may be a need to get away from the pressures of society and time contemplating your inner thoughts and values. This may be a lonely passage and you may be disenchanted with the pressures and ways of society. There needs to be times of inner work, just as for outer work. Dedicating oneself to the big picture can bring rewards, but hiding yourself away too much can lead to losses on many levels.

Keywords: Spiritual retreat. Sexual retreat. Losing the libido. Withdrawing without thought of the future. Vows. Renouncing things. Going within to find answers. Contact with higher sources. Faith renewed. Giving up things for a greater cause. Losing identity. Taking on new identities. Sacrifice. Opting out. The rejection of marriage. Marriage with God. Longing for love of a higher kind. Maintaining faith. Intense sexual experiences.

The Caution: Self-sacrifice to win sympathy. Neglect of self and hiding away. Nosedives into obscurity. Crisis of faith. Feeling let down by the world. Bad episodes again and again. Feeling devoid of emotion. Escaping war. Losing all and seeking sanctuary. Self denial. Forgetting how to enjoy life.


Ettore Forti 1880-1920 Tutt’Art@

This Symbol speaks of the ability, or the need, to know how to appraise the worth of things, to be able to buy and sell and market products for sale in the market. Taking pride in the products of your culture, and the buying and selling of useful and beautiful things is a responsible position, and the claims made about the products for sale have to be tried and true. There may be a feeling of needing to reassess your attitudes and ideals, particularly if there’s the desire to get the better of others. You may feel the need to work with the physical and mental practices of oriental traditions that are available.

Keywords: Refinement of cultural understanding and values. Appreciating excellence of quality. Always looking for a bargain. Buying things at bargain prices and selling them at higher prices. Bartering and trading. Charging a fair price. The sales pitch. Second hand goods. Marketing. Promotions. Sales. Discounts. Closing the sale. Being able to think on your feet.

The Caution: Bargaining only to personal advantage. Giving undue significance to unworthy goods. The archetypal “car salesman”. Talking to others merely to gain advantage. Not appreciating the value of one’s goods.

Mercury is on Capricorn 8: BIRDS IN THE HOUSE SINGING HAPPILY.

This degree implies the ability, or the need, to spread joy, happiness and laughter to those around you. It also shows that music can lighten people’s spirits. Further, thinking positive thoughts and being loving and accepting of others are the hallmarks of this degree. Listening to the songs of birds can be rather magical and can bring spiritual messages to you. You may feel a sense of uncomplicated contentment quite often. Even though there are a number of social rules to follow, that shouldn’t bother you. This is a sign of sharing good feelings and happiness with all who enter your sphere of operations.

Keywords: Being at one with everything. Tunes sung or whistled. The promise of contentment. Communal sharing and fun. Faith in the good things of life. Music. Instruments. Playing the piano. Singing. The radio. Chattering in the background. Entertaining others. Seeing the beauty in life. Reminding others of how life can be rewarding. The sound of voices. Birds. Positive thinking.

The Caution: Idle chatter. Smug superiority and the feeling that one has it all. Not seeing the happiness inherent in one’s everyday life. Whining and complaining. Making noise for the sake of it. Looking only at the difficulties one faces. Feeling caged in. Unable to fly when and where one wants to. Loneliness. Feeling abandoned by the good things.

The Quest Degree of Mercury is Capricorn 9: AN ANGEL COMES CARRYING A HARP. Immediately after the time of the exact full Moon, Mercury moves onto this degree.
This degree shows the ability, or the need, of being able to care for others – being there when they need it. It also shows that “Angels” will come when you call on them, or when you’re most in need yourself. You may be able to ‘tune in’ and radiate harmony around you. This pictures caring for others, generosity and a fulfilled selfhood. Inspiring people to do their best can bring rewards to all concerned. The trick with this degree can be sorting out whether to trust the ‘tune’ that others sometimes play. Following someone for the wrong reasons can just lead you astray.

Keywords: Demons driven away by music. Lifting faith and hope. Messages of peace from the other side. Having a message to spin. Being in tune, spiritually. Having an elevated view of humanity. Creating harmony. Blowing the whistle. Advertising. Salvation that arrives when most needed. Harmonics. Music and musical instruments. Visitations of spirit. Messages of love and hope arriving. Pulling on the heartstrings. Heavenly attunement. Beautiful tunes. Promises of redemption. Revelations. Plucking strings.

The Caution: Having a holier-than-thou attitude. Losing oneself in fantasy. Promising more than can be delivered. “Melodies” that deceive or lead astray. ‘Harping’ on things (dwelling on issues). Messages that deceive or lead astray. Playing a tune and expecting all to follow.


This Symbol shows the ability, or the need, to be able to pass the tests that life, other people, spirituality or karma throws at you. You are likely to find at times in your life that you are being judged by those above you. It is difficult to see what their qualifications to judge you are, but this is often the nature of progression through the ranks. People being critical of one another can lead to better behavior, better performances or the like, or it can lead to feeling judged, violated and intruded upon. It can seem as though our lives are like lessons; we are periodically “Examined” to see how we are doing on our course. Be careful not to shut yourself away to avoid being seen or having to endure criticism.

Keywords: The ordeal that comes to any initiate for entrance into higher realms of being. Hermits. Tests, examinations, having to prove oneself. Being judged or being judgmental. Being cross-examined. Rarefied atmospheres that demand personal sacrifice. Initiations. Proving courage and purity. Trials. The attainment of knowledge. Apprenticeships. Being a candidate. Finding out how and where one fits in. One-eyed dedication. Trial by media. Cults. Rituals.

The Caution: Refusing advice. Arrogance. People saying “I told you so”. Invading other’s private space. Hiding away because of fear or social ridicule. Severe trials and tests that strip the joy of life. People assuming they know the truth about others. Fear of failure. Not living up to other’s expectations. Narrow mindedness. Harsh treatment. Going without.

Mars is retrograde on Cancer 28: AN INDIAN GIRL INTRODUCES HER COLLEGE BOYFRIEND TO HER ASSEMBLED TRIBE. This can bring up issues to do with ‘otherness’ or immigration, etc. 

This Symbol implies that you may find yourself bridging the gap between situations or people that are inherently foreign to each other or previously unknown and unexplored. By bridging the worlds between people, you invite a richness into your life and the lives of others that may not have been possible if you’d stuck to your culture, your ethnicity, your own side of the tracks. It is your deeply felt understanding of both situations and the respect with which you are held in both situations that makes their mutual acceptance possible.

Keywords: Challenging or going against the status quo. Bringing in a new, more intellectual, element OR bringing in a more natural, earth-based attitude. Being the odd one out. Revealing strange, foreign situations or truths to others. Accepting people without judgment. Being welcoming and loving. Clans. Tribes.

The Caution: Deliberately upsetting the group. Unconventional or alternative behavior. Choosing friends or mates that could never fit in with one’s family, friends or social expectations. Using prejudice to keep people apart. Judging people by social standards. People misunderstanding each other. Hidden motives. Rebellion for the sake of being different. Ignoring tradition.

The Quest Degree of retrograde Mars is Cancer 27: A FURIOUS STORM IN A RESIDENTIAL CANYON FILLED WITH VALUABLE HOMES.  Note that Mars moves back onto this degree just four or so hours after the exact full Moon. At that time, the Moon and Mars are exactly conjunct (together on the same degree).

This Symbol implies that you may find yourself much deeper in situations than you had planned, but you find yourself restrained by the walls about you and the turbulence happening in and around you. Strong emotions or events may be unleashed and there may be no escape from the turbulence that is around, but things will settle down and peace will reign once more. The best thing to do is wait it out and protect your self the best you can. Arguments and emotional confrontations emerge as a result of the ‘pressure cooker’ environments in modern-day living.

Keywords: Arguments and emotional confrontations. The “pressure cooker” environments of modern-day living. Psychic energy unleashed. Furious emotions. Changing the status quo. Bad weather and its consequences. Rebuilding from the foundations. Living in canyons. Being surrounded by mountainous peaks. The awesome power of nature.

The Caution: Wrongly believing that you are in control of the uncontrollable. Enjoyment of emotional storms and turmoil. Lots of noise that erupts out of nowhere. Whipping things up. Life-threatening behavior. Confrontations. Storm fronts. Social upheavals. Disturbing or violent reactions. Domestic violence.

Jupiter is retrograde on Gemini 13: A WORLD FAMOUS PIANIST GIVING A CONCERT PERFORMANCE. Time to show what we’re made of?

This Symbol speaks of the need to be able to show one’s talents, skills or unique abilities to others, whether it’s in a ‘Performance’, or through just being oneself. In the situation facing you, it is not always enough to know that you are highly skilled, or have others say how wonderful you are, the proof is in expressing those skills in the real world and creating something as a result. The ‘Performance’ should spring from a love of what one is doing, whether it is music, performing, speaking or some other form of expression. True rewards come from being well rehearsed and prepared to share your talent with others as well as acknowledging and sharing the talents of others.

Keywords: Talent. Validations of social standing. Working hard at being special (or noticed). Reverence, respect and patronage of the arts. Feeling attracted to those with creative ability. Music, whether inspiring or tiring. Hands-on creativity. Feeling empowered by ability. Success. Practice makes perfect. Singing. Playing out front or in the band. Having an adoring public. Repertoires. Concerts.

The Caution: Relying on past success. Not putting in the day-to-day practice. The need for applause and acclaim to validate ones existence. Inflated egos demanding attention. Smugness about being talented, cultured, wealthy or privileged. Prima donnas. Cultural rewards for the privileged few. Conceit. Nerves that can ruin performance.

The Karmic Degree of retrograde Jupiter is Gemini 12: A BLACK SLAVE-GIRL DEMANDS HER RIGHTS OF HER MISTRESS. Please note that within around thirteen hours after the exact full Moon, Jupiter moves retrograde onto this degree.

This Symbol shows the need to be given respect and taken seriously. At times you’ll find that you can’t put up with the way you’re treated, the pressure builds up and suddenly, and probably from out of nowhere, a torrent of emotion comes out. If you’re being spoken badly to or treated with little respect, make a stand – don’t put up with it. It’s tiring to be treated like a ‘Slave’ or dutiful underling. Everyone should have equal rights. Spread your wings of freedom and seek to improve things by being frank and honest. You may win, but you can never truly lose if you act with integrity and honesty.

Keywords: Rising above conditioning and limitations. Standing up for one’s self. Demanding better treatment. Seeking recognition and self-respect. Being in charge of one’s life. Breaking away from oppression. Wanting a raise in pay or conditions. The need for freedom. Desiring property and rewards. Rising up from an “underdog” position or situation. The quest for identity.

The Caution: Feeling hard done by. Being demanding. Blaming others. Bucking authority. Demanding to be recognized or noticed. Feeling used and abused. Oppression and slavery. Jealousy and envy. Exploitation.


This Symbol shows the ability, or the need, to be able to either hear or deliver important messages, decrees or rules for living, to make sense of the various details of spiritual instruction, to be able to see who’s an authority worth listening to and who’s a charlatan. Seeing through false intentions or messages can be one of your talents. You may find that a need to organize and stage a display of the things you want to promote, teach or disseminate. This can bring a feeling of community togetherness in a common goal. This can, however, picture situations of hysteria or overstating one’s case. There needs to be a feeling of moderation and the ability to listen as well as speak. With the power to influence or sway groups of people, there needs to be care and moderation. Is the audience listening? Is the cause just?

Keywords: Energy and inspiration. Evangelism. Whipped up emotions. Having a lot to say. Being instructional and dogmatic about how things should be. Being in charge. Ecstasy. Loud voices. Conversations that are said out loud. Acoustics affecting sounds. Preaching. Mind control. Performing. Political, religious and spiritual activism. Showmanship. Transformative experiences. Captivated audiences. The media circus.

The Caution: Using spiritualism for greedy financial gain. Overblown feelings of one’s abilities. Big egos. Hysteria. People whipped-up and manipulated by those in charge. Having the agenda of controlling others. Feeling that one has all the answers. Getting het-up about ideals and beliefs. Manipulation and exploitation. Bigotry.

Uranus is stationary and soon to go direct on Taurus 24: AN INDIAN WARRIOR RIDING FIERCELY WITH HUMAN SCALPS HANGING AT HIS BELT.

This Symbol shows the issue of people taking what is theirs by right or by might. It also shows the ability to be able to be recognized for their abilities as a successful leader who is prepared to put themselves at risk to be successful. The risks have taken are marked by rewards that are admired and respected, with a place in society marked by power and status. There’s a need for caution here, though, as the “us or them” mentality can lead to problems on every level. Be strong and commanding, but don’t take advantage of others or allow them to take advantage of you as it could lead to chain reactions of tit for tat mentality.

Keywords: Race wars. Claiming one’s soil. Trophies of conquest. Aggression. Basic instincts. Territoriality. Chain reactions. Tit-for-tat. Competitive natures. Risks for the clan or group. Trophies, medals and diplomas. Striving for recognition and respect, deserved or not. Blood and sacrifice. Tribes mourning their losses. Ritualistic behaviors. Marking victories. War crimes. Ticket scalpers.

The Caution: Conquering others without emotion. Showing off to intimidate others. Domination and ruthlessness. Taking things because one can. Violation of other’s space. Testosterone. Feeling taken advantage of. Notches on the belt, or gun. Cycles of retribution. Vengeance. Taking scalps.

Neptune is stationary direct on Pisces 28: A FERTILE GARDEN UNDER THE FULL MOON.

This Symbol shows the ability, or the need, to be able to enjoy nature and to enjoy the fruits of your life, your country, your culture. There’s often a sense that one has all that’s needed, and emotions running high. The “Fertile Garden” signifies that you have things that you need at your disposal. This Symbol has a strong clairvoyant sense to it, with the ability to pick up on subtle energies and life forms in the environment. You’ll get a lot of opportunities to be able to enjoy the moment, but keep a sense of equilibrium, as soon the energy will be on the wane and you’ll have to get back to more practical, everyday tasks.

Keywords: Fullness and fertility. Peak of energy and experiences. Brilliantly active unconscious life. Cycles. Waiting for the right time to approach or handle a situation. The effect of the moon. Astrology and predictive practices. The time for harvesting the rewards of hard work. Nature sprites. Vegetables, herbs and nature’s bounty.

The Caution: Jealous protection of possessions. Not being able to make one’s mind up because of the number of possibilities. Missed opportunities. Difficulty shutting down the mind. Emotions that get out of hand.

Pluto is on Aquarius 2: AN UNEXPECTED THUNDERSTORM. 

This Symbol shows the ability, or the need, to be able to withstand “Storms” and things that whip up unexpectedly. It can show a personality that gets sudden flashes of inspiration, intuition or clairvoyance – those aha! moments. It can also show thoughts and emotions that erupt from out of nowhere. They can be brilliant or unstable (or both). You will likely find many times that you are suddenly tested or taken by surprise. Inner strength and stability are put to the test but you learn a lot from your experiences. The effect can be quite liberating, although there can be an initial shock. Thunderstorms clear the air after an extreme buildup of energy. There often is a sense of awe and wonder at the power of natural events.

Keywords: Sudden visitations of natural wonder. Something that drops on you, seemingly from out of nowhere. Things erupting and happening fast. Storms in a teacup. Shocks and confrontations with raw energy. Thunder, lightning and electricity. The Tower card of the tarot. Being a lightning rod. Water and rain that quenches and revives. Things being unleashed.

The Caution: Losing control without warning. Emotional instability. A “back draft” of emotions. Bottling up and blowing up. Confused by sudden outbursts. Loud bangs and crashes that shock and stun. Seizing up with fear. Sudden unleashing of emotions. Hurricanes of messy energy.

Chiron is on Aries 20: A YOUNG WOMAN FEEDING BIRDS IN WINTER. Chiron went direct recently on this degree.

This Symbol shows the ability to help those in need of help, to provide safety, security, nourishment or emotional support, especially to those who may not know how to solve their problems. There are those that stubbornly resist moving on or changing their habits, even if it is to their detriment, and providing them with a safe harbor can bring many rewards. Nonjudgmental attitudes can move you to help them and lead them to trust.

Keywords: Nurturing innocence. Feeding energy to situations that feel cold, hopeless and lost. Small efforts bringing their rewards. Co-dependent relationships. Nurturing. Helping those less fortunate or smaller. Taking time out for others. Doing things without thought of reward. Enjoying nature. Trying to find friends or company. Bread and water. Soup kitchens. Counselling. Hot vs. cold weather.

The Caution: Wanting to win approval. Creating dependence with others that has to be maintained. Feeling bleak, lost and alone. The need to continually rescue others. Doing anything in order to be liked. Finding it difficult to stop giving. Not being able to say “no”. Feeling used and unrewarded.


This Symbol shows the ability, or the need, to be able to envision or decide what you want to be and as you grow and develop, becoming that vision. The “Boy” of this Symbol lived in childhood under a hill figure of a president and when he grew up he became a president himself. At times in your life, you may find that you are growing into the image that you have imagined and it gives you a sense of pride – assuming you have chosen a positive image. What or who do you “Idealize”? What is it that you’d like to become? What image would you like to project? Meditating on a goal or the projection of an ideal can lead to actuality. Just be clear about what you really desire in the situation – you just might get it.

Keywords: Concrete manifestation of one’s ideals. Enduring truths. Culmination of efforts. Projections of ideal images. Wanting to be “big” and successful. Tutankhamen’s mask. Wanting a sense of immortality. Defining one’s fate through conscious manifestation. Morphing reality to suit an objective. Ambition. The ability to see life in inanimate objects.

The Caution: Not being at all clear about whom one is or what one can be. Becoming a screen for the projection of other’s ideals. Stony faces that show the hardships of life. Hardening of one’s personality. Stony faces. Idealizing others therefore losing one’s own identity.


There is a need for single-mindedness in application here. ‘Distractions’ can lead one astray and waste valuable time. As can getting lost in the details. Pushing through with the work, avoiding temptations regardless of what’s going on around you will bring the rewards of completion.

Keywords: Staying true to yourself and remaining on the path or on the job. One-pointedness. Meditation. Blocking out the external world in order to achieve complete focus on a situation or state of mind. Religious experiences. Maintaining one direction. Seeing something through to completion. Taking the phone off the hook. One-eyed behavior.

The Caution: Paying attention to outside influences. Letting the slightest excuse take one away from what needs to be done. Rigidity of thought or action leading to missed creative or intuitive opportunities. Obsession. Indulgences. Workaholics. Addictions and destructive behavior. Superficial distractions.