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In recognizing the humanity of our fellow beings, we pay ourselves the highest tribute. Thurgood Marshall

Better be ill spoken of by one before all than by all before one. Scottish proverb

A free society is a place where it’s safe to be unpopular. Adlai Stevenson

Those whom the gods would destroy they first call “promising.” Jan Carew

Glory is fleeting, but obscurity is forever. Napoleon Bonaparte

Shun praise. Praise leads to self-delusion. Thy body is not Self, thy SELF is in itself without a body, and either praise or blame affects it not. H.P. Blavatsky

It took me a long time not to judge myself through someone else’s eyes. Sally Field

An actor’s popularity is fleeting. His success has the life expectancy of a small boy who is about to look into a gas tank with a lighted match. Fred Allen

The new Moon in Aquarius occurs on the 29th January. To my mind, reading the Sabian Symbols in particular, this time is enormous, and it marks a ‘paradigm shift’ for many, or, at least a movement away from people, places, things, emotions, reactions or patterns that had perhaps become ingrained (or way too familiar to be able to see clearly).

The Sabian Symbol for the new Moon is Aquarius 10:  A MAN WHO HAD FOR A TIME BECOME THE EMBODIMENT OF AN IDEAL IS MADE TO REALIZE THAT AS A PERSON HE IS NOT THIS IDEAL. (Please note that when a Symbol has the apparent gender of ‘man’, it does not mean that it’s necessarily pertaining to a man. When the Sabian Symbols came through in 1925, times were different and ‘a man’ is usually how people were seen (I trust that makes sense). Where were the women? Still fighting for suffrage perhaps, or a bank account or a loan, etc, for a start). Here’s an example I saw earlier of  Chiron’s placement on Aries 20: A YOUNG GIRL FEEDING BIRDS IN WINTER (obviously not a young girl!)

Now, this Symbol show falls from grace that we might witness around our political, religious or social leaders, however, this can also be about our perceptions, expectations or alliances with those (perhaps close) that have let us down – sometimes rather spectacularly. Further, this Sabian Symbol can show where we, (or others), have placed too many expectations, etc, on ourselves. We may find that our interpretation of ‘how we should be’ is changing. I’m reminded of that song that is gaining enormous media attention – Messy by Lola Young.

I want to be me, is that not allowed?‘ 

This ‘Embodiment Of An Ideal’ Symbol can bring to us realisations of who and what we were expected to be rather than who we really are. Or, we might have epiphanies on how we’ve been masking (perhaps for many years, decades even) and not listening to our authentic selves in an effort to please partners, friends, family, society, whatever. The root of the word ‘paradigm’  means, amongst other things, pattern. Years ago, I saw in the word pattern the words partner and then parent (also entrap). Although not actual anagrams, these words sure do repeat the idea of ‘pattern’.

This new Moon is bound to birth some big energies. (Please note that the new Moon is essentially the start of the energies, as are all lunations. I’ve seen people say that they’re glad the new, full or eclipsed Moon or Sun is over just a day or so afterward!)

Here’s a preview of what I’ve written below: 

Mercury is on Aquarius 3: A DESERTER FROM THE NAVY STANDS SUDDENLY AWARE OF A DAWNING TRUTH: FREEDOM IS NEVER THE RESULT OF COMPROMISE. We may have ‘signed up’ for something but times are changing. Mercury and Pluto are closely conjunct, raising the emotional temperature somewhat. And, pushing many for change.

Venus is on Pisces 26: A NEW MOON REVEALS THAT IT’S TIME FOR PEOPLE TO GO AHEAD WITH THEIR DIFFERENT PROJECTS. Time to get going with the things that you want to do – particularly those things you’ve been wanting to do. Venus,  Neptune and the Moon’s north node are closely conjunct with Venus passing over Neptune and the node shortly after the new Moon. This feels to me like pulling at the threads of things in order to see if there’s enough left to tie elements together. Thread bare can bring up issues of some ‘leaving their post’. And, of course, following your dreams is a big part of this. What is it that you want to do?

Mars is retrograde on Cancer 22: A YOUNG WOMAN AWAITING A SAILBOAT. If we ‘wait just long enough’ will the ideal come to us? Or do we need to jump off the dock and start swimming towards the things that we want? Is that boat coming in other words.

Jupiter is stationary and soon to go direct on Gemini 12: A BLACK SLAVE-GIRL DEMANDS HER RIGHTS OF HER MISTRESS. What ‘rights’ need defending? Sometimes we feel ‘small’ and that our voice doesn’t matter. Not now, though, the shift is happening. Social and political moves can particularly leave those that are disadvantaged moored without those ‘rights’.

Saturn is on Pisces 18: IN A HUGE TENT A FAMOUS REVIVALIST CONDUCTS HIS MEETING WITH A SPECTACULAR PERFORMANCE. Do we still believe the rubbish that they’re spouting? Do they expect us to listen more if they shout louder?

Uranus is stationary direct on Taurus 24: AN INDIAN WARRIOR RIDING FIERCELY WITH HUMAN SCALPS HANGING AT HIS BELT. Tit for tat and an eye for an eye just leaves the whole world blind,

Pluto is on Aquarius 2: AN UNEXPECTED THUNDERSTORM. I realise that I will no doubt offend some people, but, I’m going to say it anyway: I’ve long seen this Sabian Symbol as, amongst many other possibilities, of course, representing the moustached Austrian’s S.S.

What is also happening is the planetary alignment that we’ve no doubt been hearing about. Here’s a link to an article about this lineup.

We’re not there yet, but, I feel to mention that, within a week as Mars stations direct on the 24th February, Venus goes stationary retrograde on the 2nd March on Aries 11: THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OR THE RULER OF ONE’S NATION. Now, I’m not (necessarily) predicting anything for the U.S. rulership, but, it does give pause for thought. I’m Australian, and, we will be having our own federal elections, and, there’s a lot of probability that we’ll have a change of government (for good or not so good, who the heck knows? They’re all the same ‘bird’ as many have said about political parties everywhere). Further, one wonders who exactly is really in charge. When, after forty days of Venus retrograde (and forty nights as I have long said), Venus goes stationary direct on the 13th April, sitting for several days on Pisces 25: THE PURGING OF THE PRIESTHOOD. This Venus retrograde (which only happens every eighteen months or so) is going to be very interesting, to say the least.

With Aries 11, the ‘president’ Symbol, we are being asked to discover how we might empower ourselves more – where we might be giving our power away. How can we better ‘rule’ ourselves? What better guidelines and boundaries do we need?

So – retrogrades! – in the last few months, we’ve had several retrograde outer planets predominating, and, starting in December, we had Mercury, now Mars, then  next we’ll have Venus, retrograde. What a time of adjustments!

The Sabian Symbol for the new Moon is Aquarius 10:  A MAN WHO HAD FOR A TIME BECOME THE EMBODIMENT OF AN IDEAL IS MADE TO REALIZE THAT AS A PERSON HE IS NOT THIS IDEAL. The following is my full interpretation of this degree Symbol from my book The Sabian Oracle: 360 Degrees of Wisdom:

Commentary: ‘A Man Who Had For a Time Become the Embodiment of an Ideal is Made to Realize That as a Person He is Not This Ideal’ shows the dawning of the understanding that one cannot always live up to one’s own expectations, let alone the expectations of others. The ‘Person’ involved in this issue may have been put on a pedestal, looked up to in some way and thought very highly of. On the other hand, he may have been putting on a false show to get some kind of response from others. Now there’s been a ‘Realization’ – something has happened and there’s an adjustment of beliefs, feelings, responses and expectations.

Oracle: You may be looking at yourself, or someone else, and discovering that things are not as ‘Ideal’ as you perhaps thought. The important thing to ‘Realize’, or remember, is that true depth of character and self-worth does not always equate with having the popular support of others. Also, we often project what we want to see onto both ourselves and others and this may not have much to do with the actual core of the real person. Having said that, there can be immense disappointment and disillusionment when someone doesn’t live up to their promises or responsibilities. It’s important not to get disheartened by the ‘Realization’ that someone isn’t as perfect as was once thought; instead, consider ways to restore faith. Staying true to one’s own ‘Ideals’ is the aim here. On a personal level, there can be periods of feeling worthless, unloved and falling into depression with feelings of failure and despair. However, there are often wonderful opportunities for “self disclosure” here. Read the signs and learn more about yourself as well as others. This Symbol can also show opportunities that are merely fleeting, like being idolized or famous for “five minutes” and then falling from grace.

Keywords: Staying true to oneself. Ideas that look great for a time, but lose their gloss. Lost opportunities. Waking up just in time. Depression. Self-esteem issues. Projections of personality. Not clearly seeing people. Realizing that people have changed. False expectations. Falling off the pedestal. Finding one’s core identity.

The Caution: Clinging to false feelings of fame. Not accepting that things have moved on or changed. Disillusionment and disappointment. Losing one’s faith. Religious questions and doubts. Aiming too high. Reversals of fortune. Idols and idolizing. Self pity. Giving up. Being slammed by others.

The Karmic Condition of the new Moon is Aquarius 9: A FLAG IS SEEN TURNING INTO AN EAGLE.

This Symbol shows the ability, or the need, to be able to speak about your ideals and passions and to spread the message far and wide. You can have powerful messages of serious ideals, sometimes political, sometimes not. One can see a “Flag” and salute it, or not. It usually depends on what the flag is signifying. Your ideas, ideals, gifts, talents, inventions, realizations are all your “Flag”. To release these into the environment is the “Turning Into an Eagle”. It is the taking off and flying that allows the energy to be released. You may find that you are no longer just projecting an image, but true power. You could feel like you’ve been reborn – having had some amazing realization or insight.

Keywords: Turning away from having to prove oneself. Rising above the commonplace. Ascension. Rebirth. Homespun truth. Ideals that uplift and free. Shouting joy from the treetops. Boosts in self-esteem. Strength. Transformation. Plans taking shape. Power and might. Conveying images of strength and fidelity. Declaring visions and dreams. Totems. Strong displays of independence and freedom. Announcements. High flight.

The Caution: Forcefully displaying private beliefs. Swallowing advertising or propaganda. Believing the party line. Blowing your own horn. Bragging. Sudden mood swings. Arrogance. Throwing one’s weight around. Threatening others with loud displays of might. Bullying. Talking over the top of others. Not listening because of righteousness.


This Symbol shows the ability, or the need, to notice those moments of “Inspiration” that come through you and act to move, inspire, propel or goad you into changing your life. Taking time out, having a “Silent Hour”, even if it’s just 5 minutes, can regularly bring you new ideas, solutions and breakthrough realizations. At times in your life, you could find that despite racking your brain there has been no rational guidance. Slowing down and opening up to the message of your inner inspiration can bring huge shifts in your life. The rational mind can be noisy and interfere with the flow of intuition. A new inspiration is coming, one that may change your life. Be still and listen!

Keywords: Welling creative power. Inspiration = breathing in the spirit. Coming to terms with one’s reality. Visionary people and events. Being reborn. Spiritual awakenings. Meditation and reflective thought. Intuitive awareness rising up into conscious awareness. Spending time alone, thinking. Contemplation. Reversals. Flashes of insight.

The Caution: Exclusion of others. Obsession with one’s objectives. Being a hermit. Hearing voices. Feeling trapped. Shooting off in all directions. Dropping things without resolution. Cutting off from life. Constantly changing directions. Regretting the past. Not moving on.


This Symbol shows the ability, or the need, to be able to listen to one’s conscience, to know when to do one’s duty, step up to the mark, or, when it’s time to leave, say enough is enough and ‘I’m not doing this anymore.’ You will find, at times in your life, that rigorous restraints and rules are no longer bearable. A decision to opt out may be a moral one or to maintain a free spirit. One shouldn’t have to “Compromise” themselves in order to be safe, secure, employed, or have a purpose in life. However, there are consequences for “Deserting” – not playing the game. Are you prepared for them? It can also show being taken away from home and family for reasons not of one’s choosing.

Keywords: Rebellion. Leaving, although allegiance had been pledged. Opting out because of pressure, harassment or bullying. Taking risks to get out of a dangerous/destructive/alienating situation. Being left behind by someone who’s “jumped ship”. Going AWOL. Standing by personal truths. Refusing compromise.

The Caution: Not playing by the rules of socially structured games. Self-ruin. Refusal to face social consequences. Not turning up. Withdrawing support in a physical, emotional or spiritual way. Blowing security. Rats deserting the sinking ship.


This Symbol shows the ability, or the need, to be able to see, or to accept, when it’s time for people to move on or to part from each other. They need to “Go Ahead With Their Different Projects” – their focus has changed and, quite possibly, parted ways. There’s a picture here of new beginnings. People will have their own response to situations – everyone will not react in the same way. At times in your life, you’ll have this “New Moon”, and decide to go your separate ways. It can be a good idea to direct some energy into your desires or projects at the time of the new moon. Light a candle and state your intentions with honesty and love.

Keywords: Diversifying. Applying talents in a different direction. People splitting up and splitting off. New opportunities and potentials. The beginning of a new age. Letting go of the old and outworn. Separations. Embracing one’s future without the need for others. Coming to a fork in the road. Divorces. New jobs, directions and destinies. The dawning of a new era.

The Caution: Not giving, or receiving emotional support. Feeling split off and alone, even when one is with others. The fear and loathing of possible separation. Overthrowing the old too quickly. Changing direction unexpectedly. The fear of old age. Relationships that fail again and again.

Mars is retrograde on Cancer 22: A YOUNG WOMAN AWAITING A SAILBOAT. 

This Symbol shows someone who feels that there is a strong sense that the ideal will come if one just waits long enough. The waiting can lead to a pleasurable expectation, but it’s important not to become dependent on unreliable expectations. If you are constantly looking out, then you are not giving enough time to looking back or inward at the things you already possess or have ready access to. How long are you prepared to wait on the dock for your ship to come in? Has it already come in but you’ve not even noticed?

Keywords: Waiting for one’s ship to come in. Escapist fantasies that rob everyday life. Travel and the longing for escape. Living in the future vs. being in the here and now. Nervous anticipation. Leaving things to chance. Believing that things will come eventually. Opportunism. Rocking someone’s boat. Expectant waiting. Constant looking to the horizon. Boats. Tides. Creating a safe harbor.

The Caution: The bubble bursting. Waiting for Mr. or Ms “perfect”. Ignoring what’s readily available. Longing for that which may never come. Missing opportunities. Always looking over one’s shoulder, seeking better things. Boredom with one’s life. Escapism. Possibilities that are never “good enough”. Pining for the unattainable. Not taking life on. Delusions of grandeur. Things always being better tomorrow.

Jupiter is stationary and soon to go direct on Gemini 12: A BLACK SLAVE-GIRL DEMANDS HER RIGHTS OF HER MISTRESS.

This Symbol shows the need to be given respect and taken seriously. At times you’ll find that you can’t put up with the way you’re treated, the pressure builds up and suddenly, and probably from out of nowhere, a torrent of emotion comes out. If you’re being spoken badly to or treated with little respect, make a stand – don’t put up with it. It’s tiring to be treated like a ‘Slave’ or dutiful underling. Everyone should have equal rights. Spread your wings of freedom and seek to improve things by being frank and honest. You may win, but you can never truly lose if you act with integrity and honesty.

Keywords: Rising above conditioning and limitations. Standing up for one’s self. Demanding better treatment. Seeking recognition and self-respect. Being in charge of one’s life. Breaking away from oppression. Wanting a raise in pay or conditions. The need for freedom. Desiring property and rewards. Rising up from an “underdog” position or situation. The quest for identity.

The Caution: Feeling hard done by. Being demanding. Blaming others. Bucking authority. Demanding to be recognized or noticed. Feeling used and abused. Oppression and slavery. Jealousy and envy. Exploitation.


This Symbol shows the ability, or the need, to be able to either hear or deliver important messages, decrees or rules for living, to make sense of the various details of spiritual instruction, to be able to see who’s an authority worth listening to and who’s a charlatan. Seeing through false intentions or messages can be one of your talents. You may find that a need to organize and stage a display of the things you want to promote, teach or disseminate. This can bring a feeling of community togetherness in a common goal. This can, however, picture situations of hysteria or overstating one’s case. There needs to be a feeling of moderation and the ability to listen as well as speak. With the power to influence or sway groups of people, there needs to be care and moderation. Is the audience listening? Is the cause just?

Keywords: Energy and inspiration. Evangelism. Whipped up emotions. Having a lot to say. Being instructional and dogmatic about how things should be. Being in charge. Ecstasy. Loud voices. Conversations that are said out loud. Acoustics affecting sounds. Preaching. Mind control. Performing. Political, religious and spiritual activism. Showmanship. Transformative experiences. Captivated audiences. The media circus.

The Caution: Using spiritualism for greedy financial gain. Overblown feelings of one’s abilities. Big egos. Hysteria. People whipped-up and manipulated by those in charge. Having the agenda of controlling others. Feeling that one has all the answers. Getting het-up about ideals and beliefs. Manipulation and exploitation. Bigotry.


This Symbol shows the issue of people taking what is theirs by right or by might. It also shows the ability to be able to be recognized for their abilities as a successful leader who is prepared to put themselves at risk to be successful. The risks have taken are marked by rewards that are admired and respected, with a place in society marked by power and status. There’s a need for caution here, though, as the “us or them” mentality can lead to problems on every level. Be strong and commanding, but don’t take advantage of others or allow them to take advantage of you as it could lead to chain reactions of tit for tat mentality.

Keywords: Race wars. Claiming one’s soil. Trophies of conquest. Aggression. Basic instincts. Territoriality. Chain reactions. Tit-for-tat. Competitive natures. Risks for the clan or group. Trophies, medals and diplomas. Striving for recognition and respect, deserved or not. Blood and sacrifice. Tribes mourning their losses. Ritualistic behaviors. Marking victories. War crimes. Ticket scalpers.

The Caution: Conquering others without emotion. Showing off to intimidate others. Domination and ruthlessness. Taking things because one can. Violation of other’s space. Testosterone. Feeling taken advantage of. Notches on the belt, or gun. Cycles of retribution. Vengeance. Taking scalps.

Neptune is stationary direct on Pisces 28: A FERTILE GARDEN UNDER THE FULL MOON. 

This Symbol shows the ability, or the need, to be able to enjoy nature and to enjoy the fruits of your life, your country, your culture. There’s often a sense that one has all that’s needed, and emotions running high. The “Fertile Garden” signifies that you have things that you need at your disposal. This Symbol has a strong clairvoyant sense to it, with the ability to pick up on subtle energies and life forms in the environment. You’ll get a lot of opportunities to be able to enjoy the moment, but keep a sense of equilibrium, as soon the energy will be on the wane and you’ll have to get back to more practical, everyday tasks.

Keywords: Fullness and fertility. Peak of energy and experiences. Brilliantly active unconscious life. Cycles. Waiting for the right time to approach or handle a situation. The effect of the moon. Astrology and predictive practices. The time for harvesting the rewards of hard work. Nature sprites. Vegetables, herbs and nature’s bounty.

The Caution: Jealous protection of possessions. Not being able to make one’s mind up because of the number of possibilities. Missed opportunities. Difficulty shutting down the mind. Emotions that get out of hand.


This Symbol shows the ability, or the need, to be able to withstand “Storms” and things that whip up unexpectedly. It can show a personality that gets sudden flashes of inspiration, intuition or clairvoyance – those aha! moments. It can also show thoughts and emotions that erupt from out of nowhere. They can be brilliant or unstable (or both). You will likely find many times that you are suddenly tested or taken by surprise. Inner strength and stability are put to the test but you learn a lot from your experiences. The effect can be quite liberating, although there can be an initial shock. Thunderstorms clear the air after an extreme buildup of energy. There often is a sense of awe and wonder at the power of natural events.

Keywords: Sudden visitations of natural wonder. Something that drops on you, seemingly from out of nowhere. Things erupting and happening fast. Storms in a teacup. Shocks and confrontations with raw energy. Thunder, lightning and electricity. The Tower card of the tarot. Being a lightning rod. Water and rain that quenches and revives. Things being unleashed.

The Caution: Losing control without warning. Emotional instability. A “back draft” of emotions. Bottling up and blowing up. Confused by sudden outbursts. Loud bangs and crashes that shock and stun. Seizing up with fear. Sudden unleashing of emotions. Hurricanes of messy energy.

Chiron is stationary direct on Aries 20: A YOUNG WOMAN FEEDING BIRDS IN WINTER.

This Symbol shows the ability to help those in need of help, to provide safety, security, nourishment or emotional support, especially to those who may not know how to solve their problems. There are those that stubbornly resist moving on or changing their habits, even if it is to their detriment, and providing them with a safe harbor can bring many rewards. Nonjudgmental attitudes can move you to help them and lead them to trust.

Keywords: Nurturing innocence. Feeding energy to situations that feel cold, hopeless and lost. Small efforts bringing their rewards. Co-dependent relationships. Nurturing. Helping those less fortunate or smaller. Taking time out for others. Doing things without thought of reward. Enjoying nature. Trying to find friends or company. Bread and water. Soup kitchens. Counselling. Hot vs. cold weather.

The Caution: Wanting to win approval. Creating dependence with others that has to be maintained. Feeling bleak, lost and alone. The need to continually rescue others. Doing anything in order to be liked. Finding it difficult to stop giving. Not being able to say “no”. Feeling used and unrewarded.


This Symbol shows the ability, or the need, to be able to analyze things, to consider and draw conclusions from available data, to be perceptive of colors, light refraction or reflection, auras and light. You probably have the ability to break situations down into the simplest components in order to see the full picture. This can and often does lead to a greater understanding of the relationship between the whole and the many parts. Just be careful not to overanalyze, thereby losing the joy that’s inherent in the simplicities of life. Taking a single vision and turning it into many individual streams can be rewarding, but it can also confuse and distract.

Keywords: Spectrum analysis. Color and crystal healing. Rainbows. Light refraction. Side effects. Considering many facets of a situation. Endless opportunities. Optics. Sight. Seeing. Copying and sharing ideas or things. Disseminating information. Auras and aura photography. Triangles. Polarization of light. Reflection. Laboratory tests. Diffracted personality.

The Caution: Locked in to a set of parameters. Over analyzing things. Being blinded by ambition. Daunted by the task ahead. Mirages. Microscopes and binoculars but not seeing things as they really are.


There may be a feeling of not knowing what to do, going back to the essential truths of the matter; the inner wisdom of the ages, can bring insights and knowledge that opens one up to whole new understandings. Modern solutions may not help at this time. Understanding will come through patient, steady work and illuminating inspiration.

Keywords: Learning from ancient mysteries. Looking for answers. Study and its rewards. Reading between the lines. Finding clues from the past and applying them to the present. Being privileged to look into something special. Alchemy. The Bible, the Torah and the Koran. Manuscripts. Scrolls. Ancient writings. Akashic records. Classified documents. Secret papers. Scribes.

The Caution: Failing to acknowledge old wisdom or refusing the new. Losing one’s common sense. Losing touch with reality. Reading importance into things that are not real or useful. Conspiracy theories. Religious zealotry. Feeling gifted over the rest. Finding nothing interesting in the everyday, modern world. Being single-minded.