A Secret Meeting: Are We In The Know? July’s Capricorn Blue Moon 2024

Immense power is acquired by assuring yourself in your secret reveries that you were born to control affairs. Andrew Carnegie
Problems can become opportunities when the right people come together. Robert Redford
Determine that the thing can and shall be done, and then we shall find the way. Abraham Lincoln
Every thing secret degenerates, even the administration of justice; nothing is safe that does not show how it can bear discussion and publicity. John Dalberg Acton
A meeting is an event where minutes are taken and hours wasted. Anon
Corporation: An ingenious device for obtaining individual profit without individual responsibility. Ambrose Bierce–The Devil’s Dictionary
Equal opportunity is good, but special privilege is better. Anna Chennault
You people are telling me what you think I want to know. I want to know what is actually happening. Creighton Abrams
The full Moon in Capricorn occurs on July 21st and it’s again a real doozy. It’s a Blue Moon as it’s the second full Moon in Capricorn, the first being Capricorn 2: THREE STAINED GLASS WINDOWS IN A GOTHIC CHURCH, ONE IS DAMAGED BY BOMBARDMENT. I think that many will agree that some of our trust, hope and faith in the future has been shattered in many ways – it was not an easy full Moon, that’s for sure. Of course, you might not have had a personal ‘shattering’ – it might be more about watching what’s going on on the world stage.
So, now we have the full Moon at the last degree of Capricorn and just hours after this full Moon, the Moon conjuncts Pluto and the transiting Sun opposes it. Explosive times, or, at least, transformative and can be life changing in many ways. The Sun, when opposite Pluto soon after the full Moon, will be on Leo 1: UNDER EMOTIONAL STRESS, BLOOD RUSHES TO A PERSON’S HEAD. It seems that ‘cool heads’ are definitely needed.
The Sabian Symbol for this full Moon is Capricorn 30: A SECRET MEETING OF MEN RESPONSIBLE FOR EXECUTIVE DECISIONS IN WORLD AFFAIRS. Now, when I wrote my book The Sabian Oracle (link to order it below), I chose to use a rather slightly different take as some may not have resonated, when asking the Oracle, with such a Symbol. This was how Dane Rudhyar, in his book An Astrological Mandala (1973) wrote this Symbol. So, when you’re reading my interpretation, it is a little lighter, but certainly still has the same idea. To clarify, when I wrote my book, I cherry picked how the different authors saw this degree. Elsie Wheeler’s original wording for this is A SECRET MEETING.
Regardless of how we word, or see, this Symbol for Capricorn 30, it can involve the feeling that decisions are being made behind closed doors and very often without our involvement or knowledge. Or, perhaps it’s us doing it – feeling the need to keep things quiet. Of course, this is a very political degree which is made even more political by it’s imminent exact conjunction with Pluto. Recent events surely describe this, and, there’s a lot of people trying to see behind the veil to what is really happening.
The Sun degree opposite the full Moon is also a very ‘political’ degree. It’s useful to remember that we can have ‘political’ issues within families and friend groups – it can bring to the surface (for instance) people trying to run the show or calling the shots with people around you. The Sun is on Cancer 30: A DAUGHTER OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, which is particularly interesting in the light of Neptune being on the last degree of Pisces as it was when the Civil War started. More on this in this Lunar Story.
In fact, all four degrees in the cardinal cross are rather political:
Aries 30: A DUCKPOND AND IT’S BROOD (the country, the populace, the voters, families, groups of people in the work place, etc).
Libra 30: THREE MOUNDS OF KNOWLEDGE ON A PHILOSOPHER’S HEAD (can indicate universities, news organisations, those with the degrees, those who can think without the need for degrees as well).
I mention these four degrees as, when one is highlighted, the energies of the others are brought into the energies as well. As with all of the degrees.
In my last newsletter, I mentioned the U.S. Supreme Court’s Chevron ruling. I did wonder if someone might take me the wrong way on this issue as certainly the media made it sound like it was just about Donald Trump (which it plainly isn’t but was seen to be by many media reports). My concern with hearing about that was the court rejecting a 40-year-old legal doctrine known as Chevron, effectively reducing the power of executive branch agencies like the Environmental Protection Agency and shifting it to the courts. That was my point of including it. Again, please understand that I’m an Australian but consider what the U.S. does can effect situations worldwide, obviously including Australia.
The Sun being trine to Neptune can bring back our sense of being able to follow our dreams, to create art, music, literary works or whatever our soul yearns to make manifest. This trine to Neptune can be a great relief in amongst the other factors we’re being shown in this full Moon. Nice!
The Sabian Symbol of the full Moon is Capricorn 30: DIRECTORS OF A LARGE FIRM MEET IN SECRET CONFERENCE. The following is my interpretation of this degree from my book The Sabian Oracle: 360 Degrees of Wisdom.
Commentary: ‘Directors of a Large Firm’ are seen ‘Meeting in Secret Conference’. The ‘Directors’ come together as there are decisions to be made and plans to be discussed and pursued. Wherever those in authority gather, they rule and govern outcomes for themselves and others. A ‘Large Firm’ can manifest in any area of life—on an emotional, spiritual or physical level.
Oracle: There can be a feeling of being out of direct control of the decisions being made by the ‘Directors of a Large Firm’. No matter how much you are on the “inside”, you may not be hearing all that is being said. Hence, there’s a need to be cautious about what you presume, or imagine, to be really going on. Are you involved in a process without really knowing the bigger picture? You may be excluded because you don’t really have enough knowledge of the system, or have the authority, to make an informed decision or to call the shots. However, you, or others, may just be “shut out”. Things kept from others can be very painful, especially when the truth comes to light. The belief that someone is spying on others, or talking about them, can lead to a sense of paranoia with suspicion of the motives pervading the atmosphere. Information may be deliberately withheld as a way of maintaining power by secrecy. Call on the appropriate knowledgeable friends or authorities, with them you may be able to iron out the details. Some may not want others to know what’s going on, or is that just how it looks from the outside? This Symbol can also be about the processing of inner issues and thoughts. Things may feel out of your control and influenced by unknown forces. Be aware of what’s happening, although you may feel as though you are being shut out, you can still make an effort to be heard or at least make your presence felt. Strategies may need to be made and carried out in the best way for all involved.
Keywords: Sharing innermost secrets. Confidential information. Masterly control. Big guys calling the shots. Being too busy to see people of “lesser” importance in your life. Rationing time. Governments and secrets. Spies. Privy Councils. Planning and plotting. Having a say in things. Doors. Whispers. Records of meetings. Important meetings. Boards of directors and secretaries. Conspiracies.
The Caution: Excluding some. Exploiting people or situations. Elitism. Being controlled by those above. Decisions made behind closed doors. Dark rooms and huddled people talking. Concealing the truth from others. Cliques and committees. Suspicions of motives.
The Karmic Condition of this full Moon is Capricorn 29: A WOMAN READING TEA LEAVES. Many would like to know what’s going on, what’s being said and what’s being decided between closed doors.
This Symbol shows the ability to, or the need for, being able to see things that others miss, and being able to use the intuition in order to receive the gifts that divination can bring. While others just see something simple like a tea cup, you can have the ability to weave a story for yourself and others about how life will, or can, be. One has to put aside skepticism and be able to embrace trust and intuitive knowing in order to be able to listen to the messages that are around you. Be open to seeing meaning through the catalyst of the simplest of everyday events. You will receive messages, if you are open to ‘seeing’ the signs. You may have to deal with skeptical people in your life. Symbolism that acts to open pathways to the spiritual center. Reading things. Non verbal clues. Tea and sympathy. Divining the future. Rituals. Oracles. Fine China. Guidance.
The Caution: Reliance on esoteric advice. Not trusting gut feelings. Looking for confirmation of fears. Taking things literally, not symbolically. Excessive tea or coffee drinking.
The Quest Degree for this full Moon is Aquarius 1: AN OLD ADOBE MISSION IN CALIFORNIA. Retrograde Pluto is now on this degree and will soon be back in Capricorn on Capricorn 30. Hence, this is also the Sabian Symbol of Pluto.
This Symbol shows the ability, or the need, to have a place that’s safe and comfortable to live, work, pray and practice our spiritual lives. The “Old Adobe Missions in California” were built with a great deal of effort, sacrifice, commitment, and a sense of community with one eye on the path and the other on the very real, everyday needs of the people it serves. Sometimes we assume our beliefs are right and that others need to be shown the truth. Efforts should be turned to creating infrastructures to pursue these beliefs. Relating is not about control, but acceptance and reverence of each person’s divinity. There should be no pretensions, but a forging of links to new worlds. Withdrawing. Spiritual retreat. Natural surroundings. Creating civilizations out of natural elements. Finding places to work with spirit. Sanctuaries and learning. Houses. Centers. Homelessness. Feeding those in need. Soup kitchens.
The Caution: Dogmatism. Pushing one’s beliefs and ideas. Having ‘all the answers’. Moving in. Taking over. Monuments to the past. Cults. Indoctrination. Chiefs. Indians.
The Sabian Symbol of the Sun at this full Moon is Cancer 30: A DAUGHTER OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION
This Symbol shows the ability or the need to stand up for an ideal or a situation that demands your involvement. This could be about political or social revolution, or fighting for changing the status quo. Relying on old traditions that were, in their day, radical and transforming, may no longer work. The difficulty is that these traditions are more predictable, outdated values that may no longer seem relevant to today’s needs and aspirations. Despite your inner feelings of modern freedom, you may come up against those that are more conservative and unmoving. Being bound by social conditioning. Leading the charge to break down the barriers of tradition. Sacrificing oneself for the larger picture. Wanting change. Fighting the norm.
The Caution: Supporting battles that have already been won. False feelings of superiority. Narrow-minded conservatism. Glorifying the past. Having to be ‘in the club’ to be accepted.
Mercury is at Leo 27: DAYBREAK – THE LUMINESCENCE OF DAWN IN THE EASTERN SKY. We are in the shadow period of Mercury retrograde.
This Symbol implies the gradual feeling that darkness is dispersing and that a new day is right on the horizon. Often in your life, you may feel there is a chance for new beginnings. Things along the way have been sacrificed and there may be a certain emptiness, but you will see the light of day and move forward again. This Symbol speaks of transition times of letting go of operating in the dark and moving into a new day with new plans and fresh solutions. New ideas, new opportunities, new perspectives and new realizations are emerging. Getting up at dawn and watching the Sun rise can be a wonderful meditation for this degree. Gradual realizations of opportunities. New cycles beginning. Leaving the past behind. Dawn meditations. Yoga. Scenes of awe and amazement. Light from the east. Trusting in life.
The Caution: Being fearful and distrusting of new experiences or situations OR thinking that everything will be OK ‘tomorrow’, but not today. Finding it hard to wake up.
Mercury is squaring Uranus exactly. This square can lead to breakthroughs in understand or arguments. Certainly it cautions against making quick decisions that are not thought out.
This Symbol indicates having talents and skills and crafts that reflect one’s culture or abilities. Don’t underestimate yourself and do only what you think others believe you are capable of. These very limitations are telling you of hidden talents and skills that you probably just take for granted. There is something very worthwhile on offer here, don’t wait for passersby to stop and pay attention. Others may think you’re more talented and special than you realize. Get out and show your talents and abilities. Older, wiser elements of society making offerings to the younger, less integrated. Worthy skills. Handicrafts. Artifacts of the tribe or clan. Quiet determination to succeed.
The Caution: Looking down on those that seem less fortunate. Underestimating the true worth of one’s job, hobby or craft. Bickering over money. Sweat shops and slave labor.
Venus is on Leo 12: AN EVENING LAWN PARTY OF ADULTS. Are you ‘at the party’ or cleaning up after it?

Rising above superficiality into receptivity. Enjoying social settings. Formal versus impromptu. Catering. Leisure time. Conversations. Invitation lists. Socializing.
Mars is on Gemini 1: A GLASS-BOTTOMED BOAT REVEALS UNDER-SEA WONDERS AND PANORAMAS. With Mars on this degree, we are really being asked to look at things from the right perspective, to see through external appearances.
This Symbol speaks of being able to see into things that other people don’t see. You have both the ability and the desire and the lens to be able to pierce beneath outer levels of things in order to get a grasp of what’s going on beneath the surface. It can also show that you look at the issues at hand from an objective, uninvolved perspective. A distant, possibly uninvolved position is probably much safer for you and the situation you are observing. It may be that situations are often out of your natural environment, so this is much safer – for you and those you are watching. Seeing things that are not usually observable. Clairvoyance. Connecting with the collective unconscious. Spiritual gifts that enlarge one’s perspective. Vehicles of discovery.
The Caution: Putting up a barrier of social safety to avoid involvement in one’s deeper emotions and their complications. Separation and estrangement because of distance.
This Symbol speaks of the need to be able to show one’s talents, skills or unique abilities to others, whether it’s in a ‘Performance’, or through just being oneself. In the situation facing you, it is not always enough to know that you are highly skilled, or have others say how wonderful you are, the proof is in expressing those skills in the real world and creating something as a result. The ‘Performance’ should spring from a love of what one is doing, whether it is music, performing, speaking or some other form of expression. True rewards come from being well rehearsed and prepared to share your talent with others as well as acknowledging and sharing the talents of others. Smugness versus talent. A validation of social standing. Hands-on creativity. Singing. Music. Playing out front or in the band. Having an adoring public. Repertoires.
The Caution: Relying on past success. Not putting in day to day practice. The need for applause and acclaim to validate one’s existence. Inflated egos demanding attention.
Saturn is retrograde on Pisces 20: A TABLE SET FOR AN EVENING MEAL.
This Symbol shows the ability, or the need, to be able to provide sustenance for yourself and others, to “Set” the “Table” and have nourishment available for those who need it. It can show the knowledge of nutrition, cooking, catering all the way to knowing how to make money – how to ‘bring home the bacon’. At times in your life, you’ll prepare things for others to appreciate, to assimilate, to be nourished by and to enjoy. When everything is in place, you’ll want to have people around you to appreciate it. Patience is sometimes needed; having worked hard and long, you need to realize that your needs will be met. Returning home you can find comfort and sustenance. Attend to everyday tasks with reverence. Try to remember to say grace in thanks. Being nourished. Provision of life’s necessities. Issues of “who will serve and who will eat”. Dinner. Dinner parties. Baking and breaking bread. Nourishment. Table manners.
The Caution: Making preparations with no ability to complete or satisfy. Devouring things or people. Fast food. Eating standing up or on the run. Always having to do.
This Symbol shows the ability, or the need, to be able to envision or decide what you want to be and as you grow and develop, becoming that vision. The “Boy” of this Symbol lived in childhood under a hill figure of a president and when he grew up he became a president himself. At times in your life, you may find that you are growing into the image that you have imagined and it gives you a sense of pride – assuming you have chosen a positive image. What or who do you “Idealize”? What is it that you’d like to become? What image would you like to project? Meditating on a goal or the projection of an ideal can lead to actuality. Just be clear about what you really desire in the situation – you just might get it. Manifestation of ideals. Enduring truths. Culmination of efforts. Image consultants. Projections. Desiring a sense of immortality. Defining one’s fate. Conscious manifestation.
The Caution: Not being at all clear about who one is or can be. Becoming a screen for the projection of others ideals. Falling short of the mark. Shooting too far and achieving nothing.
The Moon’s north node is on Aries 10: A TEACHER GIVES NEW SYMBOLIC FORMS TO TRADITIONAL IMAGES. It’s interesting to note that the Moon’s node has just moved off Aries 11: THE PRESIDENT OF THE COUNTRY OR THE RULER OF ONE’S NATION. Indeed, it was on this degree when the assassination attempt on Donald Trump occurred.
This Symbol implies that you have ideas or a message to spread, but you may be holding back because you think it has been done before – however, things done by you are best done your own way. Bring out something fresh and new and it will revitalize those around you. Looking at things in a different light, you’ll revision old thought forms with new ones. Try to find new solutions to old ideas – you could revolutionize something. Reinterpretation. New dimensions of consciousness breaking through old thought forms. Quantum science. Being ahead of ones time. Finding new inspirations. Old and new teachings.
The Caution: Rejecting old ideas because they are old, instead of reforming them OR sticking with the tried and true and not changing with the times.
This Symbol speaks of getting through difficult times in life and coming out the other side. It also infers being able to bring calm reassurance that a time of calm is approaching. The difficulties in your life may have been arduous, but they’ve added to your experience to cope with any difficult times that are yet to come. The calm is a time to review what has past and how you’ve come through the most difficult straits. Realizing that you’re on safe ground brings a sense of relief, and it will give you time to catch your breath. You may be the kind to go white water rafting in order to stir up your life somewhat; if there’s nothing whipping up around you, you may go looking for it. The calm after the storm. Navigating difficult straits. Risky activities. Personal initiations. Trials. Inner calm. Rough waters vs. plain sailing. Retaining dignity under fire.
The Caution: Failing to rest. Taking foolhardy risks with the belief that all will be O.K. Freezing up and not moving. Shooting more rapids. Steering into dangerous waters.
The Sabian Symbol of Chiron is Aries 24: AN OPEN WINDOW AND A NET CURTAIN BLOWING INTO THE SHAPE OF A CORNUCOPIA. As I’ve long said, I see Chiron as being, amongst other things, The Stories We Tell Ourselves (about our deficiencies, our ‘wounds’). Chiron’s message appears to be to belief in the goodness of life, to open up the windows and the doors, literally or figuratively, and let the sunshine and air in.
This Symbol shows that your mind is, or should be, open to possibilities that are being ‘blown’ in from the realm of spirit. There is an abundance coming, shown by the cornucopia, that will be self-sustaining. This degree suggests that with the slightest change in direction your fortunes could change as well. Look for out-of-the-ordinary opportunities and possibilities. Realizing that in one’s everyday life, one has it all.
Imagination. Keeping your options open. The promise of fruition. The breath of life filling you with inspiration. Open windows and doors. Fertility. Gain. Abundance.
The Caution: Relying on spiritual ideas to provide material sustenance. Thinking that good luck will just ‘blow in’. Shutting windows and doors – keeping light and life out.