A Fellowship Supper Reunites Old Comrades and Halloween: Scorpio’s new Moon 2024

Friendships develop over food and wine. Prince Nicholas Romanoff
With true friends . . . even water drunk together is sweet enough. Chinese proverb
Strange to see how a good dinner and feasting reconciles everybody. Samuel Pepys
Every parting is a form of death, as every reunion is a type of heaven. Tryon Edwards
Man cannot live by bread alone. Romanian proverb
We look like a road company of the Last Supper. Dorothy Parker
Madam, I have been looking for a person who disliked gravy all my life; let us swear eternal friendship. Rev. Sydney Smith
Better fare hard with good men than feast it with bad. Thomas Paine
The 2024 Scorpio new Moon takes place on Friday November 1. This day is celebrated in cultures with mainly Spanish roots along with the ancient Aztec as the Day of the Dead. Actually coming from a different cultural background, the Día de los Muertos occurs at the same time as Halloween where the veil between the living and the dead is said to be at its thinnest. The Day of the Dead is said to be when our ancestors and loved ones emerge from the afterlife in order to reunite with beloved family members and friends. Indeed, the Sabian Symbol for the new Moon is Scorpio 10: A FELLOWSHIP SUPPER REUNITES OLD COMRADES. We can connect with ‘old comrades’ along with people that we feel like we’re fated to meet – it can feel as though we have past-life connections with some individuals.
I’m sure I’m not alone in thinking that this time of the year can bring up not only things and issues from the past, but also, it’s a highly intuitive time with lots of psychic energies flying around. It’s interesting to note that, on Halloween, the Sun is on Scorpio 8: THE SILVERY MOON SHINING ACROSS A BEAUTIFUL GEM OF A LAKE. This is quite an archetypal image for Halloween: Many cards and graphics depicting Halloween portray a lake with the Moon shining across it, usually with a bat flying through the air as well (and a pumpkin somewhere). I find that many people that have this degree, particularly their Sun on this degree or nearby it, are particularly psychic and intuitive. After all, this Symbol has a very strong ‘reflective’, mirroring quality to it.
The Sabian Symbol for Scorpio 9 – which is often the day following Halloween (depending on leap years and where you are in the world of course) is A DENTIST IS HARD AT WORK. Ha, all those lollies and sweets. Anyways, that’s a bit of an aside about Halloween.
Happy Halloween to those that celebrate it!
The Day of the Dead is particularly interesting in that the Sabian Symbol for the Sun is Scorpio 10: A FELLOWSHIP SUPPER THAT REUNITES OLD COMRADES, and, that is precisely what the Day of the Dead is said to commemorate – those dear departed ones coming back to visit those still on the earthly plane. Further though, this is a fabulous time to remember those that have left us and perhaps celebrate them in some fashion. Whatever the thread is, the ‘fellowship supper that reunites old comrades’ can be a beautiful time of reconciliations and reconnecting with the special people in our lives, both in this world and the next. Of course, there can be some that we never thought that we would reconnect with, and, others that we do not ever want to have in our lives again, let alone ‘eat at our table’.
Of course, this new Moon occurs right before the U.S. election, and, Mars and Pluto are in exact opposition to each other. As I’ve mentioned in my previous full Moon newsletter, both Mars and Pluto are on particularly ‘political’ Sabian Symbols.
The following is from that last newsletter:
This is the last full Moon before the US election on November 5, and, Mars is building to the opposition to Pluto that occurs exact just hours before the polling starts. I’ll be writing more, I imagine, about that before the 5th of November. It’s interesting to note (for those that don’t know or realise) that the 5th November marks Guy Fawkes Night, and, Guy Fawkes was part of the ‘Gunpowder Plot’. Well, certainly Mars opposing Pluto exactly for the election sounds rather like a Gunpowder Plot of sorts. Of course, we would rather not see anything erupting per se, no explosions, no damage, no one hurt (I think people have had enough), however, there’s for sure going to be some explosive emotions and events.
Mars is on Cancer 30 (for several days in the lead-up to the election) A DAUGHTER OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION and Pluto is exactly opposite on Capricorn 30: A SECRET MEETING OF MEN RESPONSIBLE FOR WORLD AFFAIRS (Pluto has been on this degree for several months and recently went stationary direct on it). Very political degrees.
Adding to the energies is the fact that Mars moves into Leo on the actual day of the election, November 5th, the Sabian Symbol being Leo 1: UNDER EMOTIONAL STRESS, BLOOD RUSHES TO A MAN’S HEAD – it’s a degree of apoplexy – one can be excited, pleased, exuberant, or, one’s head can feel like it’s going to explode. Here’s hoping that calmer mind-sets prevail. I will add that we also have Jupiter, retrograde, on Gemini 21: A TUMULTUOUS LABOR DEMONSTRATION. However, Mercury is on Sagittarius 5: AN OLD OWL HIGH UP IN A TREE. Sounds like observing is the way forward rather than reacting to anything that happens with this new Moon.
With regard to ‘battling’ others, we have Saturn on Pisces 13: A SWORD, USED IN MANY BATTLES, IS NOW IN A MUSEUM. Is it time to ‘lay down the sword’? To stop the antagonism, to put the past arguments, squabbles and battles to rest. Of course, some things (and issues and people) really do belong ‘in a museum’.
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The Sabian Symbol for the new Moon is Scorpio 10: A FELLOWSHIP SUPPER REUNITES OLD COMRADES. The following is my full interpretation of this degree Symbol from my book The Sabian Oracle: 360 Degrees of Wisdom:
Commentary: ‘A Fellowship Supper Reunites Old Comrades’. Circumstances have bought people together and they are sharing ‘Supper’ whilst reliving old memories. Getting together with people with shared visions or history can be very rewarding and renewing. Stories from the past come up, old friendships are remembered and memories are jogged. This can point to a get together or a meeting, perhaps over dinner, and finding a special bond between people that feels like it stretches way back into history.
Oracle: In the situation facing you there is a chance to eat, drink and be merry with ‘Old Comrades’. Reunions and gatherings of people who haven’t seen each other for a long time can be very rewarding and can remind you of cherished days long gone. Stories from each one’s past can be brought up as well as sharing present time realities. This Symbol can also indicate the feeling of having met or having known someone before, even if they haven’t literally met each other previously. That this ‘Supper Reunites Old Comrades’ shows there can be the sense that you’ve somehow shared past life experiences. Feelings or realizations of togetherness can come from “breaking bread”, drinking and socializing with others. These feelings can be very strong and can bring up all sorts of reactions and emotions. True friendship and fraternity are likely to result from this meeting and bring a sweet sense of nostalgia. If there’s a situation where you feel alienated from someone you’d like to reconnect with, try sharing a meal and see how this “breaks the ice”. There may be some old issues that need to be worked through. Have you been avoiding socializing with like-minded people lately?
Keywords: Renewing bonds with those you’ve shared struggles with. Past life connections. Feeling like you’ve known someone for lifetimes. Reaching out to others. Having a million and one things to talk about. Reunions and memories. Talking about the past. Sharing meals. Drinking wine. The Last Supper. Partaking in the gifts of special relationships. Fated meetings.
The Caution: Only feeling comfortable with the past. Resisting joining with others. Feeling like a loner, with no one to share the good things in life. Being uneasy about having to face old comrades or adversaries. Secrets being revealed. Gossip that belittles others. Breaking the ice.
The Karmic Condition of the new Moon is Scorpio 9: A DENTIST IS HARD AT WORK
This Symbol shows the necessity, or the ability, to be able to fix or remedy situations that need help and to repair things, whether it’s teeth, bodies, minds or mechanical objects – anything that needs to be repaired. The “Dentist” has to find out what’s wrong in situations, to perform a diagnosis, in order to restore their function so they work smoothly and efficiently once again. We must nourish our bodies, minds and spirits, on all levels, but even with healthy habits and healthy minds regular maintenance and repairs are still in order; the “Dentist” needs to repair this sometimes unnecessary damage. e.g. finance, health, stress etc.
Keywords: Repairing damage. Drilling at something. Plugging up situations. Being the responsible one who always has to fix things. Not being able to relax. Causing pain to erase pain. Tooth decay and bad breath. Medical equipment. Therapists. Treatments. Social comment to invoke a cure. Flossing and oral care. Attention to detail.
The Caution: Getting further into a hole by using more and more social solutions. Causing more pollution and damage when one should be honoring and fixing things. The fear of pain. Making wrong judgments and causing harm. Big dentist bills because of neglect. Always having to come up with solutions to problems. Always being “on duty”. Nagging away at things.
The Quest Degree of the new Moon is Scorpio 11: A DROWNING MAN IS BEING RESCUED.
This Symbol shows the ability, or the necessity, of helping others, being on hand when they need it and rescuing and bringing a sense of life back to people. It can show a rescuing nature of some kind, a counselor, therapist, life saver, etc. However, of course, it can be that you need “Rescuing” in some way, whether it’s through counseling, getting a much needed loan, or having stress and strain lifted so that you can breath freely again. This symbol often shows someone overpowered or overcome by their inability to cope emotionally. Often we feel like we are being suffocated, by our marriage, job, friendships, life path or even the lack of these things. Know that help is at hand and soon you’ll be able to ‘breathe’ easily again.
Keywords: Resuscitation. Regaining one’s breath. Finding life renewed. Asthma, bronchitis, breathing difficulties. Finding help in moments of crisis. Needing a hand. Being rescued. Salvation on any level. Ventilators. Breathing equipment. Oxygen. Dependence. Last minute reprieves. Born again experiences. Help.
The Caution: Panicking in order to draw help rather than learning how to cope. Constantly finding reasons for losing control of situations. Getting into deep water on a regular basis.
The Sabian Symbol of Pluto, the ruler of this Scorpio new Moon, is Capricorn 30: A SECRET MEETING OF MEN RESPONSIBLE FOR WORLD AFFAIRS.
This Symbol shows the ability to, or the need for, being able to meet with others in order to lay out plans; to have “Secret” meetings of people, people that are often VIP’s in some way or, at least, in charge of decisions or governments or empires. The “Directors” meet, they conference or just conference call, they exchange views, ideas, gossip. There may be decisions to be made or plans to be laid out. Do you make all your decisions on your own, or do you need help? You can often call on the relevant knowledgeable friends or authorities, as you’re bound to know them or how to meet them, and you’ll iron out the details. Sometimes, however, you may feel shut out by those “in charge”.
Keywords: Sharing innermost secrets. Confidential information. Masterly control. Big guys calling the shots. Being too busy to see people of “lesser” importance in your life. Rationing time. Governments and secrets. Spies. Privy Councils. Planning and plotting. Having a say in things. Doors. Whispers. Records of meetings. Important meetings. Boards of directors and secretaries. Conspiracies.
The Caution: Excluding some. Exploiting people or situations. Elitism. Being controlled by those above. Decisions made behind closed doors. Dark rooms and huddled people talking. Concealing the truth from others. Cliques and committees. Suspicions of motives.
This Symbol implies the need, or the ability, to be an advocate for the rights of others, particularly youngsters or children, and being prepared to argue with others in order to bring about a desired result. You may find yourself standing-up for those in your care, or for those who need your care, whether it is your children, your ideals or creative pursuits. Even if they sometimes deserve rejection, punishment or judgment, the solution will possibly be found not in being defensive as in simply asking for consideration, mercy and leniency. This degree can also show people who bring about a healing for others, whether it’s through their own actions or through finding the healers that are needed to affect a cure.
Keywords: Patterns of family dominance. Pleading one’s cause. Seeking love, mercy or forgiveness. Asking higher powers to step in, help or heal. Intercession. Counseling. Protecting the younger ones. Family law courts, magistrates, lawyers. Divorce. Young people taken seriously. Guilt and innocence. Weaving words to a desired outcome. Intervention. Schools. Juvenile delinquents. Being nailed for an offence. Speaking on behalf of others. Tribunals. Begging for mercy. Custody battles. Sexual discrimination. Advocates.
The Caution: Being dominated. Sacrificing one’s self for peace and quiet. Making a spectacle. Ramming one’s opinions. Going on the defensive. Bullying and browbeating. Harping on and on about things that should be forgiven or forgotten. Disruptive elements that get away with anything. Being expelled. Being made an example of.
The Sabian Symbol of Venus is Sagittarius 18: TINY CHILDREN PLAYING IN SUNBONNETS.
This degree speaks of the ability, along with the necessity, of providing protection for youngsters and children, giving them safety and security and sheltering from the harsher aspects of life. It may, at times, be a tiring responsibility as you have to be watchful for slipups when the protection may fall away – leaving those that should feel shielded open to the elements and the damaging aspects of the environment and society. At times, you may feel that you, or others, are being overprotected, but it is most likely for your own good. Don’t be distracted by efforts being made on your behalf; sometimes we, ourselves, need to be shielded by others from harmful elements. Remember to play and to have fun, but don’t let people hoodwink you or pull the wool over your eyes or those of others.
Keywords: Care taken with small beginnings. Protection or blinkering? Propaganda that hides more severe life realities. Censorship. Innocence. Being treated like a child. Mollycoddling. Sunblocks and sunscreens. Screens that filter.
The Caution: Overprotection by institutionalized procedures that can lead to not being able to see the whole picture. “Organized religion” and it’s blinding of society to the true joy within and without. Infantile behavior. Being left in the dark without a clue as to what’s going on. Naivety. Being overshadowed by ego. Abuse and neglect.
The Sabian Symbol of Mars, which is directly opposite Pluto, is Cancer 30: A DAUGHTER OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION.
This Symbol shows the ability or the need to stand up for an ideal or a situation that demands your involvement. This could be about political or social revolution, or fighting for changing the status quo. Relying on old traditions that were, in their day, radical and transforming, may no longer work. The difficulty is that these traditions are more predictable, conservative values that may no longer seem relevant to today’s needs and aspirations. Despite your inner feelings of modern freedom, you may come up against those that are more conservative and unmoving.
Keywords: Being bound by social conditioning OR leading the charge to break down the barriers of tradition. Putting in the time to change social conditions for the betterment of all. The feminist movement. Sacrificing personal conviction to ambition. Sacrificing philosophy to a relationship that builds the ego. Inherited values. Being the rebel in the family.
The Caution: Supporting battles that have already been fought. False feelings of superiority. Having to be “in the club” to be accepted. Narrow-minded conservatism. Glorifying the past. Relying on old traditions that were, in their day, radical and transforming. Rejecting one’s inheritance.
The Sabian Symbol of Jupiter is Gemini 21: A TUMULTUOUS LABOR DEMONSTRATION.
This Symbol shows a need to periodically stand up when things aren’t going well or when there’s a feeling of being taken advantage of. There are probably many others who are involved in or sympathetic to your situation. However, there may be a feeling of being alone and powerless, so it is important to find out what level of support you have. There are injustices around that need righting and a spontaneous group reaction may be what has to be done to wake up those in charge. Be wary that your emotions don’t take the better of you and that you don’t get into the habit of going off the rails in order to get what you want.
Keywords: Pushing for change to the status quo. Feeling hard done by or taken advantage of. Seeking a better share of the profits. Protest about having too much to do. Standing up for yourself. Issues being trivialized. Overreaction. Melodramatic approaches to serious issues. Voting for change. Periodic blowing up. The rights of democracy. People in the street. Peace rallies.
The Caution: Using the group to accomplish a personal agenda. Asking for more than one’s share, or not being able to ask for one’s share. Protests that can lead to riots. Resisting change. Feeling that one’s vote or voice doesn’t count. Emotions that get completely out of hand. Refusing to cooperate or to be productive. Brutality and violence.
The Sabian Symbol of retrograde Saturn is Pisces 13: A SWORD, USED IN MANY BATTLES, IS NOW IN A MUSEUM.
This Symbol shows the ability, or the need, to be able to know when to stop battling in life, when to lay down one’s “Sword” and take up a higher position that reflects a more intelligent or spiritual way of being in the world. Sometimes, when reminded of the battles of the past, we are influenced towards actions that ensure peace. We are uplifted by the symbolic memory of past deeds of valor, although the stings of defeat may also be part of the story. You may find yourself faced with the choice of fighting or reasoning which is confused by your lack of training or experience in the ways of “Battle”. Don’t go down with the ship. It helps to lay down one’s ‘sword’ – not in order to surrender, but to stop the ‘warring’
Keywords: Willpower. Martial arts. Putting aside thoughts of vengeance and revenge. Hanging up or laying down one’s ‘Sword’. Trophies of conquest that remind us of the past. History. Aging and maturing. Retirement. Remnants of battles. Souvenirs of the past. “Words as swords”. The Spear of Destiny. The Sword Excalibur. Disarming weapons. The search for truth and justice. Suits of armor. Peace at last. Sexual impotence.
The Caution: A lack of sensitivity. A pretense of one’s abilities. Giving up and “falling on one’s sword” from defeat. Grudges. Wanting to go into ‘Battle’ at the slightest excuse. Selfish agendas. Weapons of mass destruction or weapons of mass distraction? Pre-emptive strikes. Defensive behavior. Domestic violence.
The Sabian Symbol of retrograde Uranus is Taurus 26: A SPANIARD SERENADING HIS SENORITA.
This Symbol speaks of being able to use one’s voice, words, songs, poetry and culture to sway the minds and hearts of others. One can sway others to achieve a desire result. There is no guarantee of total success, but you must act if you want any chance of succeeding and you need to put your heart and soul into the performance. The worst that could be damaged is a little ego, so think positively and play your role with enthusiasm and passion. Music can lift the spirits and words of poetry and love can be healing. Shared feelings, love or passion may result.
Keywords: Looking through pretense. Shared feelings, love or passion. Spontaneity. Welling expressions of romance. Being in tune with another. Soul mates. Chivalry. Reverting back to old methods of relating. Spinning tales to get a response. Knowing what to say and when. Music, singing, crooning, talking. Instruments. The use of the voice. Foreign voices. Guitars. Getting one’s message across.
The Caution: A ruse performed to achieve a goal by deception. Lies, deceit and propaganda. Not believing messages given by loved ones. Feeling like something is missing from a relationship. Superficial judgments of how things should look or be. Emotional manipulation. Selfish agendas. Things said merely to sway someone’s feelings. Empty promises or declarations. Pouring out the heart to deaf ears.
The Sabian Symbol for retrograde Neptune is Pisces 28: A FERTILE GARDEN UNDER THE FULL MOON.
This Symbol shows the ability, or the need, to be able to enjoy nature and to enjoy the fruits of your life, your country, your culture. There’s often a sense that one has all that’s needed, and emotions running high. The “Fertile Garden” signifies that you have things that you need at your disposal. This Symbol has a strong clairvoyant sense to it, with the ability to pick up on subtle energies and life forms in the environment. You’ll get a lot of opportunities to be able to enjoy the moment, but keep a sense of equilibrium, as soon the energy will be on the wane and you’ll have to get back to more practical, everyday tasks.
Keywords: Fullness and fertility. Peak of energy and experiences. Brilliantly active unconscious life. Cycles. Waiting for the right time to approach or handle a situation. The effect of the moon. Astrology and predictive practices. The time for harvesting the rewards of hard work. Nature sprites. Vegetables, herbs and nature’s bounty.
The Caution: Jealous protection of possessions. Not being able to make one’s mind up because of the number of possibilities. Missed opportunities. Difficulty shutting down the mind. Emotions that get out of hand.
The Sabian Symbol of retrograde Chiron is Aries 21: A BOXER IS ENTERING THE RING
This Symbol shows that there may be a temptation to take on issues, even to fight, but it needs to be with dignity and regulation. There are rules to follow and often others will be end up being the judge of the final outcome. Make sure you possess the skills and training to defend what you believe. Remember that sometimes you need to back off if you’re not winning a contest. Question: are you more on the attack or the defense?
Keywords: Physical or psychological self-assertion and determination. Attack or defense? Fighting for emotional, psychological or physical space. Being seen as a person of strength. Throwing punches. Fighting on any level. Being prepared to take a swing at someone or something. Stepping up to the plate. Throwing down the gauntlet. Going after the title. Big vs. small egos.
The Caution: Using force or power to dominate people or those who challenge. Acting in a combative manner. Not displaying sportsmanship. Wanting to knock people out. Looking for combat. Throwing punches at anything. Belting, smacking, invading. Being punch-drunk.
The Sabian Symbol for the Moon’s north node is Aries 7: A PERSON SUCCESSFULLY EXPRESSING THEMSELF IN TWO REALMS AT ONCE.
Areas of your life may seem divided, but you can be fully expressive in each aspect of your life if you give each aspect value and look for each parts individual importance. There’s the ability to shift your focus from one thing to another when it is needed or useful. Be careful not to scatter your energies, but, of course, indulge in the various areas of life or projects that interest you. E.g. straight jobs versus weird hobbies or vice versa.
Keywords: Integrating the spiritual with the material. Balancing things. Doing juggling acts. Moving through people’s lives and social stratas. Translations of words and thoughts from one area of life to another. Having separate family situations. Living a dual life. Being adaptable. Moonlighting. Alternate realities. Shifting focus when necessary. Versatility. Looking elsewhere.
The Caution: Fooling yourself that you can be all things to different people, but eventually failing in one or both. Exhaustion through trying to achieve too much. Deception, if allegiances are not clear. Infidelity and fickleness. Scattering of interests with little being achieved. Bigamy. Two-faced. Lies and masquerades. Feeling like one doesn’t truly fit in anywhere. Not being able to stop.
The Sabian Symbol for the Moon’s south node is Libra 7: A WOMAN FEEDING CHICKENS AND PROTECTING THEM FROM THE HAWKS.
This Symbol shows someone who nourishes and protects and feels a sense of being in charge and being responsible for those who can’t look after themselves. In your life, there is probably the need to look after those in your care, whether persons, things or ideas. There could be dangers that no-one else seems to be taking seriously, however your efforts to protect and nourish will be rewarded in the future. Feeding, nourishing and protecting those around you will pay off sometimes in unexpected ways. There’s a need to be careful not to favor some far more than others or to take too much on, or feel responsible for everything and everyone as this can exhaust and limit what you’re trying to accomplish.
Keywords: Nurturance, protection and guardianship. Being on the lookout for changes in the atmosphere. Spotting problems that nobody else notices. Shielding innocents from “bad-guys”. Motherhood and the stress of it. Predators. Being firm with outsiders. Asylum. Places of residence.
The Caution: Overprotection. Unable to cope with everyday problems. Taking over with the pretense of the need for protection. Not allowing others to grow up. Always being on the lookout for problems. Neurotic worrying about what may happen. Seeing the world as a big, scary place. Being picked on. Taking advantage of the innocent. Protection money. Attacking others.